Minion Masters

Minion Masters

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3FFA Apr 24, 2018 @ 11:24am
Conquest 1v1 Tournament [Saturday, May 19th] Over $300 Prize Pool - King Puff Cup
Hey guys!

As some of you already know we will be hosting the third tournament of season 3 on May 19th and will be streaming and commentating the games live! We also have a total prize pool of $350 sponsored by BetaDwarf Entertainment!
Please read the rules carefully and thoroughly.

September 1st, we will be inviting the top 12 players of the Circuit to the King Puff Invitational(KPI) where they will compete along with the top 4 of the KPI Qualifiers for a cash prize. The more players that enter, the more points this tournament will be worth. Every game won earns points. August 25th will be the KPI Qualifiers, where the top 4 will go onto the KPI.

Swiss Best of 3, and Single Elimination Best of 5 in the Final Stage.
Tournament will be in two stages: Group and Final.
Group Stage:
Best of 3 matches
Tie breaks are decided by previous matches played between those players then by Buchholz[] and finally by point differential.
Total rounds decided by number of participants. Minimum number of participants is 16 (max 128). Rounds played in the group stage are determined by the amount of participants. Essentially 2ⁿ = participant bracket rounded up (16, 32, 64, 128). Rounds are n+1 (5, 6, 7, 8 respectively).
Seeding will be based on previous tournament performance or rough ladder ranking.
Final Stage: The top 8 players at the end of the Group Stage will play through the Final Stage in a best of 5 Single Elimination format.

How Swiss Format Works
Swiss is a partial round robin. However, rather than having everyone play everyone else, people will play a set number of matches where it is only possible to have a single undefeated player by the end and there will generally be a clear top 8 full of players with only a single loss.
Seeding will start with the 1st seed being matched against (participants / 2) + 1 and going down the list similarly for the first round. After that, matches are decided based on the points earned during the tournament.
Winning a game is worth 0.5 points. Winning a match is worth an additional 1 point.
Since this is a best of 3, the winning player will earn 2 points per round and the losing player will earn either 0 or 0.5 points depending on if they managed to win a game.
All players will advance every round. No one is knocked out until the entire group stage is completed.


Players will ban 2 of their opponents’ Masters/decks each round and play a best of 3 until the Final Stage, where they will only ban 1 Master/deck and play a best of 5.
If a player wins with a Master/deck, they can not use that Master/deck again in the same round.
The order for bans is as follows...
High Seed bans 1.
Low seed bans 2.
High Seed bans 1.
And for the final stage…
High Seed bans 1.
Low seed bans 1.

Note: There will be a spreadsheet with all players full decks posted publicly prior to the start of the tournament.

Deck Submission Sign-up:
4 Master/Deck combinations must be submitted along with a link to your Steam Profile link via email to when you sign-up. Keep in mind that wild cards are banned, so you can only have one copy of each card in your deck. Also keep in mind that each master can only be used for one deck. These decks can not be altered after the submission deadline. First time sign ups should include a screenshot of their in-game profile page for proper seeding. You have until 13:00 UTC on May 18th[] to submit your master/deck list to the email noted above.
EVERYONE with a Steam Account that is at least level 1 and is in good standing with Valve is able to participate!

2nd Step:Sign yourself up here[] after you submit your masters and decks. Please ensure your Challonge and Steam accounts use the same name. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification from the tournament. Reminder that you can assign a nickname to yourself when signing up in challonge if your default name is different from steam.

Next, add the following accounts to your friends list. These are the commentators, streamers, moderators, and admins of the tournament.

Finally, enter the ‘tournament’ room in the Minion Masters in-game chat at least 30 minutes before the tournament starts. To find the ‘tournament’ chatroom, open Minion Masters and type in chat:
/join tournament
It is recommended to also type ‘/leave global’ so you can focus on the tournament chat.

Knowledge Check (For players who are playing in the King Puff Cup for the first

We suggest new players enter the tournament chat room at least 30 minutes before the tournament starts so that Mods can check whether you are familiar with the rules. The check includes sending the Mods a legal deck of the tournament, and answering 4 questions. Please inform the Moderator you require a check, to ensure you are done with it well before the tournament starts.

The Matches:
The tournament will begin on Saturday, May 5th at 13:00 UTC. The tournament will go on until every match is played. Group Stage Swiss Best of 3 matches and Final Stage Single Elimination Best of 5 matches.
Check here to find your local time:

Match results should be emailed by the winner to along with the replays. Please use the following simple format to send match results:
Billy 2 - 1 Johnny

Replays have to be submitted and sent to us after each match for validation of outcome.
To find replays: Go ingame -> click on your Profile Picture -> Match Replays-> Local folder

Finding an opponent
See who from the Tournament Brackets you are fighting.

Then if you are NOT being streamed by tournament staff, you have 5 minutes to start a Friendly Match with that opponent. If your opponent does not respond, contact a Moderator who then also tries to contact the other player. If unsuccessful, it is considered a forfeit and you will move on to the next round. If your opponent shows up before you start your next game, he is given one last chance if he instantly starts the match with you.

If you ARE] being streamed by tournament staff, you and/or your opponent will be contacted by the staff and told when they are ready for you to start.

Delay of Game/AFK Rule
Once a player’s match starts, they have 3 minutes between games to start their next game. Any extra delay may be subjected to penalties including: forfeit of a game or disqualification from the tournament. This will be up to the discretion of the highest ranking staff member present.

The following cash prize will be sent to the top 8 players of the tournament via Paypal:
  • 1st place: $120
  • 2nd place: $70
  • 3rd-4th place: $40
  • 5th-8th place: $20

Thanks to BetaDwarf Entertainment for sponsoring the King Puff Cup!

The matches will be broadcasted LIVE on Saturday, May 19th at 13:00 UTC on .

To find your local time, check this link:

FAQ and other rules:
  • Disconnects: The first disconnect will be replayed unless the result of the game is extremely apparent. After a second disconnect without proof of the opponent disconnecting as well, the disconnected player forfeits the current game.

  • Replays: Find your replays -> Go in game -> click on your Profile Picture -> Match Replays -> Local folder
    Send them via E-Mail as an attachment or upload them on filedropper and email us the link. Email replays to

  • Always check before the tournament starts to see if there were updates to the rules!

  • WildCards are NOT ALLOWED. You may NOT have a 2nd or 3rd copy of any card in your deck.

  • An automatic loss is awarded to anyone who uses an altered or otherwise illegal deck, regardless of the outcome of the game. This only applies to the game where the illegal deck was used.

  • is the initial Group Stage bracket. The Final Stage will have its own secondary bracket afterwards.

  • We take all kinds of cheating very seriously. If you get caught cheating, you automatically lose and we reserve the right to ban you indefinitely from all King Puff Cups. So please play fair and read the rules carefully. Entering a tournament under two separate accounts (Person A joining as Person A and Person B) is considered cheating and may result in a permanent ban from all tournaments. The following is also considered cheating: changing deck/card/Master in a retry (after a disconnect, for example), match fixing, etc. are all considered forms of cheating.

  • Try to use Private Messages as much as possible, for example when organizing a
    Friendly Match with your opponent.

Minion Masters Discord:

Tournament Admins:
Dipshi t

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
Last edited by 3FFA; May 16, 2018 @ 11:34am
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
x May 2, 2018 @ 10:26am 
the buchholz system isn't that good due to not getting the points if you get a bye because the tourney org's failure to get an even number of players

basically if you're a newer/low seed player even if you get enough points you will get screwed over by the buchholz system most likely if the player count number isn't even
Last edited by x; May 2, 2018 @ 10:28am
Mordtziel May 2, 2018 @ 10:36am 
The Buchholz system is a very old and tested method. If you deserve to be in the top 8, you will make it into the top 8. If you go 2-3 with a bye and your 2 wins are against 2 of the people that come in effectively last while your 3 losses are to other people that didn't make it in the top 8 either, then you don't deserve top 8. Bye or no bye.
x May 2, 2018 @ 10:41am 
Originally posted by ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥:
The Buchholz system is a very old and tested method. If you deserve to be in the top 8, you will make it into the top 8. If you go 2-3 with a bye and your 2 wins are against 2 of the people that come in effectively last while your 3 losses are to other people that didn't make it in the top 8 either, then you don't deserve top 8. Bye or no bye.

the point of it is that you have the same points

you score doesn't matter 100% because you can take 1 round and still get points

if you get a bye you have 0 chance of getting buchholz points for all you know it could of been 2 wins or 0-2

it doesn't matter what you consider what someone deserves because the point system is not who you think deserves what it's based on the system and the system should be fair for all not cucking low seed players to the tourney org's fault of not gathering even number of players

if it was up to who you think deserves to be what place then you wouldn't see a lot of subjectively mediocre players in top 8

it also doesn't matter if you count a specific scenario because it turns any chance to almost 0% including future scenarios
Last edited by x; May 2, 2018 @ 10:45am
Mordtziel May 2, 2018 @ 10:48am 
Incorrect. Had you won 3 matches like everyone else in the top 8, you would have made it through. But you did not. You won 2. And they were against the players that came in at the bottom. The Buccholz system is only there for breaking up a tie. And if you faced the player you're tied with and beat them earlier, then the Buccholz system doesn't even come up.

If anything the system is unfair in advantage of new players as the bye currently counts as one guaranteed win.
x May 2, 2018 @ 10:50am 
Originally posted by ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥:
Incorrect. Had you won 3 matches like everyone else in the top 8, you would have made it through. But you did not. You won 2. And they were against the players that came in at the bottom. The Buccholz system is only there for breaking up a tie. And if you faced the player you're tied with and beat them earlier, then the Buccholz system doesn't even come up.

If anything the system is unfair in advantage of new players as the bye currently counts as one guaranteed win.

"it also doesn't matter if you count a specific scenario because it turns any chance to almost 0% including future scenarios"

the bye could of been a 2-0 or a 0-2 and will be unknown

your end score doesn't matter 100% because 1 round not winning match still gives some points and that would of been enough but same score + negative buchholz points = cucked by tourney system and will probably apply to future scenarios
Mordtziel May 2, 2018 @ 10:55am 
You can not get a bye if you are not in last (without a bye). So if you lead with a 2-0, you would not get a bye for the remaining rounds.
x May 2, 2018 @ 10:58am 
Originally posted by ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥:
You can not get a bye if you are not in last (without a bye). So if you lead with a 2-0, you would not get a bye for the remaining rounds.

comebacks are possible and if they do happen then buchholz points will ensure a loss almost always

not talking about any specific scenario am mentioning it for future scenarios

byes also means 1 less game and having to wait an entire round in probably boredom
Last edited by x; May 2, 2018 @ 11:00am
Mordtziel May 2, 2018 @ 11:49am 
If you go 0-3, there is no chance for a comeback. That means that you lost against the halfway mark player, the quarter mark player, and the 1/8th mark player. Yes, you may be better than the others that also went 0-3, but you are clearly no match for the people in the top 8.

And byes, much like the problems with matchmaking, are resolved with higher population counts.
x May 2, 2018 @ 12:14pm 
Originally posted by ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥:
If you go 0-3, there is no chance for a comeback. That means that you lost against the halfway mark player, the quarter mark player, and the 1/8th mark player. Yes, you may be better than the others that also went 0-3, but you are clearly no match for the people in the top 8.

And byes, much like the problems with matchmaking, are resolved with higher population counts.

You get points for rounds and the bye was not given to the same player in last KPC. It does not matter if you think someone is no match for top 8. All it matters is someone is able to get same points as top 8 but get cucked by 0 buchholz points for byes including future scenarios.
Last edited by x; May 2, 2018 @ 12:14pm
Mordtziel May 2, 2018 @ 12:18pm 
You don't understand. Not the bottom seed. The person currently in last place by points gets the bye. The bottom seed is only left out of the first round, from that point forward it's whoever has no points and the lowest seed that has not already received a bye.

As long as you are not the bottom seed, everything is fine. And I tell you what, I should up the sign up process a tiny bit to tell new sign ups to include their current/highest 1v1 ladder rank. Then the fault lies with whomever is lowest rank and last to sign up.
x May 2, 2018 @ 12:36pm 
Originally posted by ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥:
You don't understand. Not the bottom seed. The person currently in last place by points gets the bye. The bottom seed is only left out of the first round, from that point forward it's whoever has no points and the lowest seed that has not already received a bye.

As long as you are not the bottom seed, everything is fine. And I tell you what, I should up the sign up process a tiny bit to tell new sign ups to include their current/highest 1v1 ladder rank. Then the fault lies with whomever is lowest rank and last to sign up.

The 2nd part sounds like a decent solution. And is the wildcards ban still necessary? The current meta for next tourney with wildcards and locked decks is prob defenso/divine/wall + cleaver + beam/black hole. Seems boring to see the same decks be the meta due to locked decks or else you're either inting or playing for fun.
Mordtziel May 4, 2018 @ 10:51am 
Due to lack of signups, the tournament has been delayed for 2 weeks (to May 19th). Those that signed up have until May 18th to submit any revisions to their decks.
This has no effect on the current schedule for tournaments, however, it does mean that there will be 1 fewer tournaments this circuit.
x May 4, 2018 @ 11:42am 
wouldn't it be possible to drag like 2 more people in to make the tourney happen instead of delaying it since it has not started yet
Mordtziel May 4, 2018 @ 12:07pm 
It would be unfair to other participants to allow anyone else to join at this time.
Last edited by Mordtziel; May 4, 2018 @ 12:07pm
x May 4, 2018 @ 12:16pm 
Originally posted by ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥:
It would be unfair to other participants to allow anyone else to join at this time.

if there were participants instead of a delayed or technically cancelled tournament

rip to the people who wanted to watch
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
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Date Posted: Apr 24, 2018 @ 11:24am
Posts: 18