Ultra Street Fighter IV
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Over 200 Hours... I Still Suck. So I quit!
All I can do is get crushed every match. It doesn't matter who my opponent plays or even who I play! The result is the same. I still can't win.

The craziest part is that I'd like to think I've gotten better at the game. I'd like to think that I've improved in every way. I must be wrong because, I still don't win. The same people beat me every time. Without exception.

When does the game become fun? The matches I enjoy are rare. Most of my losses are against vastly superior opponents. Most of my wins are against noobs. There are very few matches between the two extremes. I love the matches that are really close. I can enjoy a loss if it's close. If it was down to each of us having one pixel of health in the 3rd round... that's great. Doesn't matter if I win or lose. It was a good match. Unfortunately, this almost never happens. Far more often is the match where one person gets hit once or twice and the other gets destroyed mercilessly. (...and of those I'm nearly always the guy getting destroyed.)

I'm still trying. Just feels like a waste of time though.

Edit: I just became a target for Dark Side Geoff. Screw this! I won't be fodder for pros to make videos!

Edit 2: Yeah, I'm probably done with fighting games. Too many pros, it's impossible to break into this genre.

Edit 3: Hope down to 1%. I'm going to fight 5 more matches against similarly ranked opponents. If I don't win at least one, I'm uninstalling. This is insanity.

Edit 4: Wow... that went even worse than I could have imagined! All you pros ruined this game for everyone else. I hope you have fun when there's only an elite few that remain to face you.
Автор останньої редакції: Jackie Daytona; 13 лют. 2014 о 21:41
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Показані коментарі 115 із 136
This game becomes fun once you realise that it's hard as balls, and that you can lose to the most ridiculous stuff online. Maybe play some more endless vs people who outplayed you in the past, one surefire way of getting better is to learn from your defeats and try again.
Haha I have like 1k h playtime, and I still lose to day one ryus haha
I think the most important thing is to find people who are (more or less) on your level and keep practising with them and talk about characters you have trouble against. that way you will learn the get better and still have fun because of your friends.

oh and there is no point were you can say "ok NOW the game is fun because I'm good", you will always find someone who outplays you. becoming better IS the fun, you just need to know the right people/community for it to actually be fun.
Look at Mike Ross, he probably spend ten-thousands of hours and still loses to random online players
I have 1400 hours and I am intermediate now. 200 hours is absolutely nothing.
Slap my hand! :tgrin: I have same problem!)
It isn't a waste if you are 1) Having fun 2) Feeling like you are becoming better. SSF4 definitely isn't for the faint of heart. Good luck!
Цитата допису KRUXT:
It isn't a waste if you are 1) Having fun 2) Feeling like you are becoming better. SSF4 definitely isn't for the faint of heart. Good luck!

Number 1 is the key there. As long as you are having fun the rest doesn't matter.
You will get better at this game when you stop doing random ♥♥♥♥. Get your fundamentals down. Try to win a round without jumping and using special abilities at all... this will take months of practise, not only a few 100 hrs. I play this game for like 4 years now and I was about 3,5kpp with my abel.. But since i switched to stick my execution is back to a beginner level.. xD

you need to realize that this game is not about combos. you only need combos to do max punish, not for fanzy ♥♥♥♥ like in mk.. and this is my biggest curse, because i like to style on people and lose a lot of rounds because of this, but ♥♥♥♥ it, it wat makes the fun for me
Автор останньої редакції: Vandals; 3 лют. 2014 о 13:46
Playing online should mostly be used for learning your match ups, and testing things out. It can be fun to jump online for a few matches, if you don't take it really serious. You will spend 200 hours alone in training mode learning your character (option selects, safe jumps, and proper punishes can make or break your game). The best way to get better is playing face to face. Lag can screw up even the most basic safe jump set up or option select. Check to see if you have a local scene near by, or even people in your state playing online. A good place to look is SRK Forums (www.shoryuken.com) if you didn't already know. Keep going.
Watch your replays, if you understand why you lost you can grind it out in training mode. This is why losing actually helps you get better more quickly than winning, because you can work on getting rid of the parts of your game that don't work. If you have trouble with what your opponent is doing, all you have to do is record the dummy and practice beating it. It's also important to understand that you don't always lose due to something in your control because of lag (missed throw tech, dropped combo, etc.)

Everyone was a beginner at some point, the only way to get better is to keep playing.
Monk (Заблокований) 5 лют. 2014 о 12:56 
3000+ hours and I still suck :D
im medicroe and just started play again about 2 weeks ago if u wana play endless hit me up the name is the same on gfw and my biggest problem is i drop combo all the time
Автор останньої редакції: Keylow415; 6 лют. 2014 о 0:52
Pick up Divekick, play a few rounds in that online, and come back here. It's not a full on cure but it can help you witth spacing and mindgames.

Honestly I'm not that good either. I'm a bit of a theory monster - I know what to do but I just can't seem to actually do it myself.
Цитата допису VestedGamr:
Pick up Divekick, play a few rounds in that online, and come back here. It's not a full on cure but it can help you witth spacing and mindgames.
SSF4AE will likely be my last fighting game. I cannot justifiy purchasing another fighting game when I am so bad at playing them.

Цитата допису Day Tripper:
Watch your replays...
I thought that, by now, I'd be challenging to my opponents. (At the very *least*!) I'm not. I am completely helpless in over half my matches. Even when watching the replay, I'm thinking, "There's nothing I could have done." They block everything, then punish me while I'm recovering. Their defensive is flawless. There is *nothing* I can do when they just crouch & block. What's that you say? Hit them with overheads or throws? Please explain. It never works for me. As soon as they see what I'm doing, they attack to stop me. Once I stop, they go right back to defense.

I don't see what I'm supposed to do. (Never attack?) This wouldn't be so bad if it were rare... but it's nearly every match. They're basically invincible.

Цитата допису ger vandals:
You will get better at this game when you stop doing random ♥♥♥♥. Get your fundamentals down. Try to win a round without jumping and using special abilities at all...

you need to realize that this game is not about combos.
I'm making moves based on what I think will work. I'm anticipating opponent actions, and trying to perform attacks that will defeat their defense. Nothing works. They see through everything.

I haven't put much focus into combos. (Both literally & figuratively.) Nearly everything I can do can be described as: one-two-special or special-super/ultra. (2 hits into special or special into super or ultra.)
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Опубліковано: 3 лют. 2014 о 7:41
Дописів: 136