UFO Online: Invasion

UFO Online: Invasion

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zeeph 2016년 6월 14일 오전 1시 13분
Starter Guide
Thats not a complete guide about every feature of the game, I just want to tell about the more important stuff that isnt obvious, when beginning this game.

(A link to the english and german guide can be found in the comments below.)


- You can store stuff in the storage/shop building.
- At the starter town you can find newbe equipment/ammo in the “Arsenal” building below the store.
- Also there are usualy npc that gives quests in town.
- Each town got his own shop and storage. Both are not global. So you cant access the storage from another town. Same for the shop.

Open World
First of all, what you can see on the map is not the entire map.

There are safe zones,piece zones, low security zones, piece zones and the wastelands.
In safe zones you can only get attacked if someone has a killright on you, (killrights can be bought from other ppl too) and in case you got negative Karma.
If someone kills a Player in the lowsec he will get - Karma. Too much negative Karma makes you attackable everywhere, except in piece zones.

In low sec you can get attacked by:
- People with any level below yours
- People with your level
- People with one level above yours

In the Wastelands you can get attacked by everybody, no matter which level hes got.
- Aggressors dont loose Karma.
- If you die (pve/pvp) you will drop trophies.

Other facts
- You may find entrances to other regions, like wastelands and so on.
- As farer you travel away from the town as dangerous it gets, but also you will get more ressources when killing high level Mobs.
- The travel time can get reduced, with items like “Serleritan Alpha” and also with skills.
- Traveling on roads needs less time and also the chances may be lower that you get attacked by mobs.
- When you hold shift while clicking on the direction arrows, theres a lesser chance that you get attacked by npc´s, but the travel time is doubled. Thanks to NinSegaBros
- With lvl 5 there are also event battles (Caravan Protection etc) on the map to find. These are for 4 Persons, give relative good experience and useful ressources. I recommend to not start these with 3 ppl.
- With a binocular you can see the amount of people and battles on the connected. That can be very helpful, when traveling through the Wastelands or LowSec.

The Mine

Mining is shooting the mining robots, who will then drop ores, gas etc.
Like on the open world, it gets more dangerous as deeper you go into the mine,
and also more loot will drop.
Theres a Titan Armor that makes you able to carry 3x times the weight, but is has a low armor value. So it might be good to bring a friend that will stand in the front, while you shoot from behind and collect all the stuff afterwards.

Level / Skills

Max level is 21, but even after reaching that level you can still earn xp and spend them for your skills.
In other games you usualy raise a level and you are then able to spend 1 skillpoint.
Its different here you spend the earned experience for skills direct.
In the Item Info of a skill you can see how much xp are needed to level up, or which skill you probably have to learn before.

When fighting, doing missions, or craft, you will receive xp.
Skills do have a primary and a secondary attribute. As higher those attributes (stats) as less experience do you need to spend for a skill to level up. E.g. Assault Rifles skill usually need Perception/Agility.

Look through the skills in the shop to see what is available. There are skills for everything, for carry weight, AP, Mobility and so on.
I highly recommend to first skill "Weapons Novice" to 4. Because you are then able to use the first weapon of every class. Maybe you want to skill the first and second armor too, that is available for free in the building below the shop (starter town), but dont use that much xp on other skills before you got WN @lvl4.

Items / Equipment

Right click an Item -> and choose “Item Info” to see its stats, the needed ammo, effects and so on. You can even see there where and for how much you can selll/buy an Item. (Prices tab)

There are different effect for the armors, eg the tactical armor gives bonuses for sniper, pistoles and smg, mines, while the assault armor gives bonuses on assault rifle, mg, grenades and etc.

At one point you can test all the classes in a battle vs npc, at the arena in the starter town. Its a sector next to the sector with the store.

Theres normal ammo and special ammo. The special ammo got an extra effect.
HF = 20% more dmg vs Mobs
CH = Poison

How to repair items
Damaged Equipment can get repaired with repair kits.
Repair kits are buyable in shops and also you can craft them.
There are different repair kits for weapons and armor.
If you want to create a weapon repair kit you have to go to a workshop [-13/6] and use there a weapon which will get consumed and gives then a repair kit.
If you used a weapon without a mod, you will get only a repair kit for a weapon that has no mods. That means if you want something repaired with a mod, you have to sacrifice an item that got the same amount of mods.

Uniques are not repairable.
Special items are also a bit different. You get out of the weapon Firefly a repair kit only for another Firefly weapon. Same with the other special Armos/Weapons.


The most kind of ressources that you usually find are ressources that have to reprocess in the laboratory to gets its product, what you can use afterwards to craft Items in a factory.

- Almost all Items are craftable.
- For crafting you need the proper ressources and a blueprint and probably also a production skill
- Blueprints can be bought and also found., you might also find a rare blueprint.
- Blueprints can only be used one time.
- There are skills that help you with processing and crafting, like reduced production time, reprocessing efficiency.
- Not all items can be crafted everywhere. You can see the public factories where you can build that item in the item info of the blueprint.
- You can see in the item info which materials you may get out of a Thropy when reprocessing.


There are different drones to scan for items/ressources etc and for flycatcher.
Flycatcher will drop a ressource that you need eg to craft special ammo (EM/HF etc)
You will find more loot in the case you scan at a more dangerous sector.
You dont need an inital skill to start with, but there are also skills that help, like reducing the time for scanning etc.

You need to use 3 drones of a kind and a scanpad. Use the scanpad, launch all the drones.
(You cant launch more than 3 drones at ones.)
When you launched you drones you will see then 3 dots with a circle around and a cone.

- The dot is the drone itself.
- The circle is the jamming radius.
- The cone is the area where you scan.

As closer the middle line (the one in the scan area) point to a anomaly as better gets you signature level.

Keep your scan area outside of another drone and drones are also not allowed to have their jamming radius inside other drones jamming radius, else you cant start the scan.

Talking about the drones with a wide scanning radius, put one drone in the top middle, point downwards, in the bottom left and right corner place also a drone and point with the middle line at the edges of the left and right Screen, so that you wont scan into the middle drone. Setting up like this makes you able to scan the whole screen at ones.

If one of the drones shows a signature level (number at the drone), you can aligne the other drones so that you scan into the scan area of the drone that has found something. You will then have to adjust after each scan the drones, what may take a while. With the mouse scroll wheel you can also adjust the scanning angle. If you reduce the scanning width you may get a better sig level. When you found something with a drone and you move the cone a bit to the side and in case you get a worse result, you know at least that the anomaly must be in the other direction.

If the sum of the drones signature level is 100 or above, you can left click on the spot that is shown and enter the anomaly.


You can invite someone to the group if you right click on a playername choose “Gang” ->”Invite to gang”.
The Leader will move the entire group over the open world.

Doing quest battles isn’t possible in a group, but traveling with a friend is still helpful, because you will get attacked by NPC and probably Player too on you way to the spot and back. When you reach the mission spot the guy with the mission has to leave the group to be able to start the battle. In the meantime the other guy can simply start a battle at this sector. You are often finish at almost the same time. So theres no annoying waiting time for the one without a questbattle.

Entering or leaving a Mine isn’t also possible in a group. All member of a group have to leave the gang for a short moment while you transit. Then you can group up again, even in the mine.

Premium shop

Accessable through the button on the top left.
The currency for all the items in the shop are gold coins that you buy with ingame, or real money. You can buy there premium subscription,Avatars, consumables and services like skill/stat reset. Also theres the gold market. Player are able to sell, or buy gold for the ingame money.
Talking about premium sub. prices,they arent that expensive.
If you buy gold coins for 5€ you will get 13 coins and a month cost you 8 coins.
That means a month cost only 3,08€.
Beside that you are able to buy gold coins via ingame money, almost all items are sellable at the normal town markets in the game.

I hope i didnt forgot something important.
Sorry for my bad english, it isnt my main language.
zeeph 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2016년 6월 18일 오전 2시 59분
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NinSegaBros 2016년 6월 14일 오전 5시 17분 
This is a good guide

Something you might want to add is that when you hold shift on the world map, you decrease the chance that an enemy will ambush you but your travel time is doubled.
This gives you a better chance of getting to a town to store/sell the items you just gained.

another is I think a skill exp cost 2x the previous amout. I am not sure about this, this is just what i notice on the skills I put exp in to.
NinSegaBros 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2016년 6월 14일 오전 5시 18분
FR_Juron 2016년 6월 14일 오전 6시 22분 
zeeph님이 먼저 게시:
Thats not a complete guide, I just want to tell about the more important stuff that isnt obvious, when beginning this game.
Good job!!! Zeeph, can you please move this guide in the guides section?
zeeph 2016년 6월 14일 오전 6시 54분 
Thanks Nin and Farsi :)
I have added your info to the guide Nin.
Its now in the guide section too Farsi.
zeeph 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2016년 6월 14일 오전 7시 54분
phlux 2016년 6월 14일 오전 7시 45분 
phlux 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2016년 6월 14일 오전 7시 48분
Diarmuhnd 2016년 6월 14일 오전 8시 16분 
awesome guide zeeph & yout english is jsut fine. Better than mine actually. :)
zeeph 2016년 6월 15일 오전 12시 14분 

Actually iam working on the translation into german.
I will add a link to the guide in german a bit later today.

Also iam still editing the english Version.
zeeph 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2016년 6월 15일 오전 12시 41분
FR_Juron 2016년 6월 15일 오전 1시 11분 
Zeeph, well done! Thank you!
zeeph 2016년 6월 15일 오전 9시 05분 
The guide in german is now in the guide section too. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=704129193

Actually is slightly better in german a few important things were added, also screenshots for scanning are in. Ill bring the eng version tomorrow up to date. Now i have to play a lot! :D

edit: Done, both versions are similiar now.
zeeph 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2016년 6월 16일 오전 1시 04분
Martin LooterKing 2016년 8월 26일 오전 5시 07분 
thanks for that, is there also a german community here somewhere?
BOOS 2016년 9월 16일 오전 6시 41분 
zeeph 2018년 1월 12일 오전 8시 51분 
My steam account got hacked before a few month and i just found out, that he had also deleted the guides i made.
Iam sorry!
Helix 2018년 5월 15일 오전 9시 36분 
You make the Guide again ?
zeeph 2018년 5월 17일 오전 6시 54분 
I didnt played since a few years and i forgot a lot. Also i have no idea what might have changed or what is new.
So iam not rly able to write a guide again, iam sorry. :(
BobbyDylan69 2018년 11월 22일 오후 5시 27분 
does game have voice chat? i thought i heard some talking ,
thumbs up on the guide btw.
BobbyDylan69 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2018년 11월 23일 오후 5시 04분
UwU 2019년 2월 10일 오후 1시 49분 
any English players wanna play with me :D
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