Team Fortress 2
Final Combat
So recently in the past two years there was a Korean TF2 like game not super similar but somewhat. Now China took the inititative and it's a near total rip off of TF2.
Unlike the Korean version with orginal charcter designs minor game play differnces and so on.
The Chinese version is prettym uhc the same. They even use the announcers voice. Oh and the animations from the game. I love mmos and such. Yet I don't think Valve would be very happy about this.

The only good thing to come out of this is the sniper and medic are female and I've always wanted to see female variations upon the fortress gang. I don't think valve will take action as court cases are long and overwinded. Also they take cash. So I don't know what specfically we can do here.
Listen the annoucers the same.
The same RPG from TF2

What are your thoughts should action be taken or should we ignore it.
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Показані коментарі 115 із 40
This has been around awhile.

In all honesty, I'd stick with TF2. Mostly because I know if it's like nexon, US players will get few updates until Korea and China get tired of them for half a year of playtime.

That and I just KNOW there will be translation errors. And Korean/Chinese looks crazy hard to learn, I had a hard enough time with Spanish! Nty.
Okay I understand the Chinese making cheap duplicates of popular phones and etc. But games? What could they possibly achieve by duplicating games; especially free ones?
To clear things up, this it's the same thing. Final Combat is what we had back then when it was a rip off.
God, people need to research ♥♥♥♥.
Whoa, nice find! Its not like anyone else knew about this!
Because some freak fortress 2 servers TOTALLY do not have a The Rocket Boss.
A realistic korean FPS. I see nothing wrong.Maybe they were inspired by TF2?
Chinese rip everythng off. and they steal american jobs.

whoops there goes my american nhatzi talk again. pay no attention to him
Автор останньої редакції: PackmanJohnny; 13 листоп. 2012 о 17:00
I apologize I wasn't aware of how old this was. Though still it's WTF.
Valve really should sue their asses
MTV (Заблокований) 10 квіт. 2013 о 2:45 
I thought our Pyro was strange they have a clown for a Pyro.Could Valve Do anything if they wanted Im not sure If one countrys Copyright laws apply to the entire Globe I dont know how they could Sue Another Countrys Company that may have a diffrent process on copyrights.If they were selling that game in America im sure they could Sue for Copyrights i dunno the process for Copyrighting though when its Occuring in a Diffrent Country though.

Great, skin mods for these 6 classes, brilliant. I'm not happy about this.
Автор останньої редакції: achthenuts; 13 квіт. 2013 о 19:38
Almy the Alien (Заблокований) 13 квіт. 2013 о 19:42 
Fun fact: the map shown in their "meet the soldier/rocketman/nobody cares" is actually a complete recolor of koth_harvest.

Also, that map in the Rocket gameplay looks as if it was ripped directly from Battlefield Heroes. That's what this game is. A pathetic ripoff of TF2, attempting to hide the fact by mixing in stuff ripped off from BFH.
Автор останньої редакції: Almy the Alien; 13 квіт. 2013 о 19:42
Rip-offs are nothing new to popular games. Ever heard of fortress craft? It's a total ripoff minecraft. It even has "craft" on the title. Just Ignore it, I doubt more than a million people play it.
Цитата допису paradox_sandwich.exe:
Rip-offs are nothing new to popular games. Ever heard of fortress craft? It's a total ripoff minecraft. It even has "craft" on the title. Just Ignore it, I doubt more than a million people play it.

This post is pure ignorance.

Making a game of the same genre is not ripping off.

Minecraft isn't the first block game.

Fortress craft didnt steal anything,

Final combat blatantly stole maps etc .

So I guess you think tf2 is ripping off wolfenstien 3d and doom?
Цитата допису paradox_sandwich.exe:
Rip-offs are nothing new to popular games. Ever heard of fortress craft? It's a total ripoff minecraft. It even has "craft" on the title. Just Ignore it, I doubt more than a million people play it.
omg it haz bloks it must be ripoff

Getting back on topic, this "Final Combat" does look like a total ripoff, but I doubt Valve would take any action against it. They aren't like Apple or Microsoft, they won't sue anybody without a lot of reason. Additionally, this game looks bad and will probably die within 1-2 years.
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Опубліковано: 13 листоп. 2012 о 15:09
Дописів: 39