Team Fortress 2
Smoke May 27 @ 1:52am
The TF2 Reddit is pathetic and so is their petition
With now up, you're able to waste your time signing yet another useless petition.

"But oh good and wise Smoke, why is the date now June 3rd? Wasn't all this supposed to be yesterday, on the two year anniversary of the first #SaveTF2?"
It failed. The first one failed to work, and this one failed to even exist like many other attempts at resurrecting this sad movement. Now they're going for whatever time's the charm.

Lets ask ourselves why the first one failed. Firstly, Valve is a company which simply doesn't care. That will always be the case and there's nothing to be done about it. The second is that it was all a clout farm. Engagement peaked with Valve's tweet and then immediately fell off. All was running on nothing but hype, but for the movement to ever work, it needed to maintain constant pressure, and you don't get that with hype. Creators got views and you got nothing.

And now, there's two additional issues. Both stem from this being no longer the first time. Valve now knows exactly what to do to get you off their ♥♥♥♥, and the novelty wore off, so there's gonna be less traction.

"But Smoke, I can almost count to 10 and I know at least 3 shapes and not trying is worse than failing and we have nothing to lose!"
You look pathetic. The more eager you are to participate, the more pathetic you look. Don't forget that the plan is to throw a temper tantrum in hopes Valve will give in. Don't forget that the last time you did that, you stopped when mommy Valve gave you no promises, just like a big dumb toddler.

So go enjoy your bot-infested corpse of a game and tell me how timeless of a masterpiece it is.
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Showing 1-15 of 234 comments
76561199688999449 (Banned) May 27 @ 3:02am 
you are going to fail in life
Astyl May 27 @ 4:19am 
Originally posted by memetastic 11 #savetf2:
you are going to fail in life
You are as creative as you are smart.
Shiro May 27 @ 4:39am 
If it is so pathetic, why make such rant about it? Clearly you were touched by the attempt and are trying justify for none other than yourself it's pointless to join. But... it's literally easier to spend 10 minutes to join the attempt and live easier knowing you helped, than spend 30 writing the unconvincing rant and then still waste time thinking about it.
Smoke May 27 @ 4:46am 
Originally posted by Astyl:
Originally posted by memetastic 11 #savetf2:
you are going to fail in life
You are as creative as you are smart.
I like that statement for he is neither
Originally posted by Smoke:
"But oh good and wise Smoke, why is the date now June 3rd? Wasn't all this supposed to be yesterday, on the two year anniversary of the first #SaveTF2?"
They needed more time to scam gullible victims with their phishing site disguised as a petition
Smoke May 27 @ 4:53am 
Originally posted by Shiro:
If it is so pathetic, why make such rant about it? Clearly you were touched by the attempt and are trying justify for none other than yourself it's pointless to join. But... it's literally easier to spend 10 minutes to join the attempt and live easier knowing you helped, than spend 30 writing the unconvincing rant and then still waste time thinking about it.
Because it's entertaining.

I have been right about everything since I joined the community. I very much don't need to justify anything for myself, nor do I feel the need to. I am right and I will be proven right as has always been the case.

You didn't help. That's the funny part you people don't understand. Even if it works, and it won't, your part is so insignificant that it realistically wouldn't have contributed to anything.

I'm fully aware it's unconvincing, but it was never the point that it be otherwise. Those of us with even a shred of critical thinking don't need convincing, and the rest can't be convinced. It's always been the case and always will be.
Aim Bob May 27 @ 4:59am 
Rent Free...
pix May 27 @ 5:02am 
i hate how whenever one of these 'moments' pop up all we get in the forums is the same thread reposted 18 times .-.
Shiro May 27 @ 5:03am 
Originally posted by Smoke:
Because it's entertaining.
I'm fully aware it's unconvincing, but it was never the point that it be otherwise.
Ah so basically you decided to troll, catching fat prey in waters muddied by the event. While I don't appreciate of the harmful efforts and your bait wasn't that good anyway (perhaps too classy for an average forum dweller?), your timing was top notch. Great job on that.
Smoke May 27 @ 5:29am 
Originally posted by pix:
i hate how whenever one of these 'moments' pop up all we get in the forums is the same thread reposted 18 times .-.
But this one is written by me, which alone increases its worth tenfold.
Poyzo May 27 @ 6:12am 
If I were Value, I would ignore anything and everything coming from Reddit.
Smoke May 27 @ 6:22am 
Originally posted by Shiro:
Originally posted by Smoke:
Because it's entertaining.
I'm fully aware it's unconvincing, but it was never the point that it be otherwise.
Ah so basically you decided to troll, catching fat prey in waters muddied by the event. While I don't appreciate of the harmful efforts and your bait wasn't that good anyway (perhaps too classy for an average forum dweller?), your timing was top notch. Great job on that.
Troll? Is anything I said wrong?
Smoke May 27 @ 6:24am 
Originally posted by integer:
valve is a company that has you work on what you want structure, they simply do not have engineers that wanted to support 17 yr game

There is other IP, dota 2, that now is 13 yr old, and there we get got the first symptoms of game that is old:
there are delays of patches
there are no content updates
there are poor cheating and bot prevention measures

Now to address that TF2 stood the test of time - that is false, it is in fact did not, anyone who says that is delusional. Any massive multiplayer game have lifespan of 5 to 10 years, after that the publisher just makes a new game to gather profits another time, for example - the new valve shooter deadlock is now their main game. So I suggest to upgrade your pc and play that if you trust Valve.
They could very easily hire them.

Yeah, if there was a TF3, this one would be left in the mud. Deadlock simply isn't that though.
Last edited by Smoke; Jun 4 @ 12:24pm
Originally posted by Smoke:
Originally posted by Shiro:

Ah so basically you decided to troll, catching fat prey in waters muddied by the event. While I don't appreciate of the harmful efforts and your bait wasn't that good anyway (perhaps too classy for an average forum dweller?), your timing was top notch. Great job on that.
Troll? Is anything I said wrong?

No nothing you said is particular wrong, other than expressing an unpopular opinion that I disagree with myself.

Probably gonna get a very predictable answer but what do you suppose should be done. Obviously there is "Enough People" playing the game myself included for something like a botting situation to be an issue for this long.

People are being affected by this we know this is true, we also know that Valve allows it to happen. As much as I would like to see the game get fixed Valve has two options and they have done neither for whatever reason.

Option 1 Fix the game: Not very easy but Valve is a multi-billion dollar company so it's 100% in there scope. Not to mention it could be potential capital for them cashing in on nostalgia, though admittedly risky.

Option 2 Shut down official matchmaking: Simple as that, they don't want to maintain the game shut the matchmaking servers down and give all the resources to the community. They did it with every other game before it, and it wouldn't be an issue for them.

But then that raises a question that bothers me a bit. Why keep the game running if it's not profitable enough. Valve's lack of communication on the matter doesn't help either which frankly they don't have to. Though a "good" game developer would. They are profiting in some way, only reason they would keep it running.
Smoke May 27 @ 6:57am 
Originally posted by Snake:
Originally posted by Smoke:
Troll? Is anything I said wrong?

No nothing you said is particular wrong, other than expressing an unpopular opinion that I disagree with myself.

Probably gonna get a very predictable answer but what do you suppose should be done. Obviously there is "Enough People" playing the game myself included for something like a botting situation to be an issue for this long.

People are being affected by this we know this is true, we also know that Valve allows it to happen. As much as I would like to see the game get fixed Valve has two options and they have done neither for whatever reason.

Option 1 Fix the game: Not very easy but Valve is a multi-billion dollar company so it's 100% in there scope. Not to mention it could be potential capital for them cashing in on nostalgia, though admittedly risky.

Option 2 Shut down official matchmaking: Simple as that, they don't want to maintain the game shut the matchmaking servers down and give all the resources to the community. They did it with every other game before it, and it wouldn't be an issue for them.

But then that raises a question that bothers me a bit. Why keep the game running if it's not profitable enough. Valve's lack of communication on the matter doesn't help either which frankly they don't have to. Though a "good" game developer would. They are profiting in some way, only reason they would keep it running.
It's a very popular opinion. It wasn't as popular two years ago, but the pathetic failure of the original sure as hell made it popular.

If we're talking about an ideal hypothetical, Valve would just fix the situation and we'd have to do nothing. If we're not working with ideal Valve, then we should have withheld money and made it very clear as to why. For this to work, you need constant pressure. What this is now is hype, and hype runs out very fast. Yes, there's a potential of it backfiring, but considering the state the game's currently in, there's not much to lose and there's a lot to gain. It's certainly better than these symbolic attempts that are doomed to fail.

If they hire 5 people for 30$ an hour just for full-time banning of bots, that's ~3% of daily key sales on the community market alone. They definitely can hire someone.

And what do we achieve with that? Keep in mind, botted casual is more popular than the garbage that are community servers. You're better off handing a loaded gun to a toddler than anything to the community.

It very much is profitable.
Last edited by Smoke; May 27 @ 6:58am
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