Team Fortress 2
Should TF2 situationally restrict players from choosing pick classes?
Inb4 ur trolling or whatever such accusation.

New, low quality players are notorious for picking Spy and Sniper incessantly, even (especially?) when the team has too many. They are also notorious for their mediocre to poor mechanical skill and gamesense, leaving them performing terribly on these classes despite their intense reluctance to switch.

Spy and Sniper, meanwhile, are notorious for requiring some of the highest minimum levels of gamesense and mechanical skill to do really anything of use for the team. In addition, they are notorious for being two of the most worthless classes when stacked.

Put these two factors together, and 4-5 new players insisting on being Spy or Sniper can entirely annihilate a team's chance of victory. By all accounts, new players would be served better by learning to fight with combat classes or support with healers before they take up pick classes that need to understand habits of those classes to win their encounters with them. A new player who spends 50+ hours playing Scout and Soldier can pick up Spy and do better after 5 hours than someone who jumped straight into 75 hours of Spy and barely considered playing something else, insisting they should get to play what they want. New players who start out "maining" (ugh) Spy or Sniper are hobbling their own progress, improvement, enjoyment, and most importantly, their TEAM, to a truly distressing degree.

So I must ask: why is there not a global total limit of 3 combined spies and snipers, 2 per class tops? Also, why does the game do absolutely nothing to discourage new players from playing these classes? I don't care if you say people should be allowed to "have fun", because that's garbage. Nobody likes or has fun getting rolled, and the faster new players learn on classes that are better teachers of the game, the closer and more fun their games will be.
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Other than maybe 4 or 5 snipers on 2Fort, teams, at least from my perspective, seem to be well balanced
Valve probably doesn't want class limits for sniper and spy in normal games on the off chance that an entire team actually wants to stack them for fun or for whatever reason in general. It probably isn't really even that necessary, since if the spy or sniper refuses to switch classes, you could always call a votekick on them.
Just put in the OW "don't be that 5th spy/sniper" thing, we don't need mediocre players blocking out actually good players from playing a class. Besides, people can still throw games regardless.

For Valve comp, definitely put in class limits. Stacking engie, heavy, demo is absolutely bollocks.
This is Casual you're talking about yes? Intentionally restricting classes would encroach on the whole idea of "casual" play. Class restrictions on competitive would be more appropriate.

TF2 needs an overhaul on the class selection screen. Overwa- HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS has an advice notification that points out the imbalanced class composition which actually WORKS. "Too many snipers" "Too little support" "No healer" make it frickin obvious.

Once ranks are relevant there could be an XP bonus in choosing classes according to the team needs, bonuses for playing the least played classes,

Contracts would probably fill that role but I know they'll f*ck that up with Crate paywalls. D*cks.
Отредактировано Stink3y; 30 апр. 2017 г. в 19:45
I would like to have class limits in casual and comp. In casual I would say no more than 3 or 4 of any class, and for comp I would say no more than 2 of any class. So if you choose you can have the typical 6s lineup (2 Solly, 1 Demo, 1 Med, and 2 Scouts)
advice notification thing in overwatch would be pretty useful
Restrict the ability to play spy or sniper in casual until rank 5 or 10.
Автор сообщения: Levanator
Restrict the ability to play spy or sniper in casual until rank 5 or 10.
Restrict Sniper and Spy to Premium acccounts only.

Отредактировано PepsiMax [SAC]; 30 апр. 2017 г. в 20:28
Автор сообщения: Pepsi
Автор сообщения: Levanator
Restrict the ability to play spy or sniper in casual until rank 5 or 10.
Restrict Sniper and Spy to Premium acccounts only.


Автор сообщения: Levanator
Автор сообщения: Pepsi
Restrict Sniper and Spy to Premium acccounts only.


This, alting plat snipers should be allowed to play their class on a gibus account for memes. Also bad players need pick class reps too, but of the team needs them elsewhere they can work on hitscan aim as scout/heavy too
Автор сообщения: FastCo. Boolean
Inb4 ur trolling or whatever such accusation.

New, low quality players are notorious for picking Spy and Sniper incessantly, even (especially?) when the team has too many. They are also notorious for their mediocre to poor mechanical skill and gamesense, leaving them performing terribly on these classes despite their intense reluctance to switch.

Spy and Sniper, meanwhile, are notorious for requiring some of the highest minimum levels of gamesense and mechanical skill to do really anything of use for the team. In addition, they are notorious for being two of the most worthless classes when stacked.

Put these two factors together, and 4-5 new players insisting on being Spy or Sniper can entirely annihilate a team's chance of victory. By all accounts, new players would be served better by learning to fight with combat classes or support with healers before they take up pick classes that need to understand habits of those classes to win their encounters with them. A new player who spends 50+ hours playing Scout and Soldier can pick up Spy and do better after 5 hours than someone who jumped straight into 75 hours of Spy and barely considered playing something else, insisting they should get to play what they want. New players who start out "maining" (ugh) Spy or Sniper are hobbling their own progress, improvement, enjoyment, and most importantly, their TEAM, to a truly distressing degree.

So I must ask: why is there not a global total limit of 3 combined spies and snipers, 2 per class tops? Also, why does the game do absolutely nothing to discourage new players from playing these classes? I don't care if you say people should be allowed to "have fun", because that's garbage. Nobody likes or has fun getting rolled, and the faster new players learn on classes that are better teachers of the game, the closer and more fun their games will be.
but what if theyre all good spies or snipers
Автор сообщения: Stairs
Автор сообщения: FastCo. Boolean
Inb4 ur trolling or whatever such accusation.

New, low quality players are notorious for picking Spy and Sniper incessantly, even (especially?) when the team has too many. They are also notorious for their mediocre to poor mechanical skill and gamesense, leaving them performing terribly on these classes despite their intense reluctance to switch.

Spy and Sniper, meanwhile, are notorious for requiring some of the highest minimum levels of gamesense and mechanical skill to do really anything of use for the team. In addition, they are notorious for being two of the most worthless classes when stacked.

Put these two factors together, and 4-5 new players insisting on being Spy or Sniper can entirely annihilate a team's chance of victory. By all accounts, new players would be served better by learning to fight with combat classes or support with healers before they take up pick classes that need to understand habits of those classes to win their encounters with them. A new player who spends 50+ hours playing Scout and Soldier can pick up Spy and do better after 5 hours than someone who jumped straight into 75 hours of Spy and barely considered playing something else, insisting they should get to play what they want. New players who start out "maining" (ugh) Spy or Sniper are hobbling their own progress, improvement, enjoyment, and most importantly, their TEAM, to a truly distressing degree.

So I must ask: why is there not a global total limit of 3 combined spies and snipers, 2 per class tops? Also, why does the game do absolutely nothing to discourage new players from playing these classes? I don't care if you say people should be allowed to "have fun", because that's garbage. Nobody likes or has fun getting rolled, and the faster new players learn on classes that are better teachers of the game, the closer and more fun their games will be.
but what if theyre all good spies or snipers

Spies: 3+ is always bad. Even if they're all Plat HL. Shouldn't be allowed.

Snipers: 5 plat HL to invite players can all snipe and shut down an entire server, but they still can't push objectives without getting spammed out, and whether or not their team wins is dependent on if they have power classes on point. AKA it's winnable but still bad team comp.

Any less skill and these two best case scenarios go straight to stomp hell
One thing Overwatch did better than TF2 is add little team balance pointers when you're picking a class. TF2 should do this. Maybe not on 2fort, but on Upwards? I sure wouldn't mind.
Автор сообщения: Pepsi
Автор сообщения: Levanator
Restrict the ability to play spy or sniper in casual until rank 5 or 10.
Restrict playing to Premium acccounts only.

Автор сообщения: MEMINEM
Автор сообщения: Pepsi
Restrict playing to Premium acccounts only.

yo thx fam.
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Дата создания: 30 апр. 2017 г. в 19:33
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