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dacap  [developer] Dec 1, 2016 @ 3:52am
DRM-free version for Steam users
Last edited by dacap; May 20, 2019 @ 12:04pm
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
Ron Dec 1, 2016 @ 4:40pm 
Thank you !
Cali-Co Feb 19, 2017 @ 9:29am 
added you, need to run aseprite on my old thinkpad x31 with archlinux :HappyRob:
NILOKILO Mar 1, 2017 @ 5:05am 
thanks for that
Not every developer is so nice and gives the users something extra after the purchase

its a great software easy really easy to use good work

I also have a question
There is the possibility to use your program also on tablets (lenovo yoga 2)
The android as operating system have

and sry my englisch is not so good
I hope everything is spelled correctly

thank you for the answer

Hi dev / s I have your program now 14 days and over 2h used
I would be glad if I can get the drm key when you find time I have added you to my friendlist
thanks for that

Last edited by NILOKILO; Mar 14, 2017 @ 4:56am
dacap  [developer] Mar 6, 2017 @ 3:53am 
Originally posted by NILOKILO:
There is the possibility to use your program also on tablets (lenovo yoga 2)
The android as operating system have
Hi Nilokilo, sorry but Aseprite doesn't run on Android.
404_Not_Found Mar 13, 2017 @ 7:55pm 
thank you, I'm tired of updating this damn thing every SINGLE TIME it wants to update so I guess I'll see if my purchase for it from the website also gets me a steam key...
Hi! First of all, your software is reaaally good, i'm really happy with my purchase!

How do i send you a direct message asking for my DRM-free version? I cant seem to find out how :v
SecondLeaseGamer Mar 16, 2017 @ 8:45pm 
i've got several hundred hours, how do I request? I cant figure out how to message you either.
NILOKILO Mar 17, 2017 @ 5:14am 
Originally posted by Rad Shiba:
Hi! First of all, your software is reaaally good, i'm really happy with my purchase!

How do i send you a direct message asking for my DRM-free version? I cant seem to find out how :v

Originally posted by DMJohn0X:
i've got several hundred hours, how do I request? I cant figure out how to message you either.

hi i have add him to frind list
He will contact you when he has time
Can take some time
Or you could also directly support the
I hope I could help
Last edited by NILOKILO; Mar 17, 2017 @ 5:43am
Bugster Mar 20, 2017 @ 11:47am 
Originally posted by rezaarifandee:
added you, need to run aseprite on my old thinkpad x31 with archlinux :HappyRob:
it's actually quite easy to run it on arch. Any decent package manager with aur access such as pacaur may automatically download and compile aseprite from the master branch. Although, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't support the developer with some golden coins :D
dacap  [developer] Mar 20, 2017 @ 12:07pm 
Originally posted by BeLuckyDaf:
it's actually quite easy to run it on arch. Any decent package manager with aur access such as pacaur may automatically download and compile aseprite from the master branch. Although, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't support the developer with some golden coins :D

The Arch people are violating the EULA from some time ago. I'm not going to comment more about this, but if someone from the Arch distro want to talk with me he/she can contact me at
Last edited by dacap; Mar 20, 2017 @ 12:17pm
◢ k r i s ◤ Mar 20, 2017 @ 12:27pm 
Originally posted by dacap:
Originally posted by BeLuckyDaf:
it's actually quite easy to run it on arch. Any decent package manager with aur access such as pacaur may automatically download and compile aseprite from the master branch. Although, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't support the developer with some golden coins :D

The Arch people are violating the EULA from some time ago. I'm not going to comment more about this, but if someone from the Arch distro want to talk with me he/she can contact me at

It's actually on the AUR, which means it isn't being maintained by anyone on the Archlinux dev team, necessarily. And I doubt they would approach you on the subject anyways - you'll probably have to approach them. You can see here there are actually different maintainers involved. You can flag each for a Deletion Request stating your reasons, and there is an aur-requests mailing list available if you feel the need to discuss your request. More information can be found here and here

I actually didn't know aseprite was on github or the AUR and I've been using Arch Linux for a couple years now. :o
Last edited by ◢ k r i s ◤; Mar 20, 2017 @ 12:28pm
Devi710 Apr 27, 2017 @ 7:25pm 
For Linux users running Gnome you can make a launcher by opening a text editor (like Gedit) and pasting:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool

You need to change "username" to your own name in the file paths. Save the file in:


You may need to restart Gnome Shell with: Alt+F2 and running "r"
Last edited by Devi710; May 27, 2017 @ 8:41am
lava level Dec 3, 2017 @ 1:04am 
This is awesome!!
Xaelath Jan 22, 2018 @ 12:21am 
no wonder it still stuck there when i refund it..
going to purchase again within few days, badly needs new update.
Bugster Jan 22, 2018 @ 12:41am 
Originally posted by Xaelath:
no wonder it still stuck there when i refund it..
going to purchase again within few days, badly needs new update.
I didn't quite understand what you meant, but I reported you for violating the refund rules just in case.
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Date Posted: Dec 1, 2016 @ 3:52am
Posts: 24