Great game, but the stuttering is out of control.
GTX 1080 Ti
8700k @ 4.0GHz

I run the game on max at 60FPS just fine, but when running through the city streets, the game just stutters like crazy. By stuttering I mean bouncing from 60 to 58 or 57 in a split second. Most people either don't notice or care, but it bothers me plenty.

Anyone having the same issue?

I attempted to "lock" the framerate to 60FPS in rivatuner, but no success. I'll try enabling various types of v-sync as well.

Frametiming is essentially ♥♥♥♥ in this game.

UPDATE: So I rolled back my Windows 10 install to my original v1511 and the stutter has largely resolved itself. There are still occasional framepacing dips, but nothing as distracting as before.

Very frusterating having to reroll my entire OS for one game to get over its own stuttering issues, but what can I do?

Hopefully DONTNOD will take note of our issues and release a hotfix at least.

So if you're having issues like me, give rerolling your OS a try. The early the better it seems.
Отредактировано Skooma Pipe; 8 июн. 2018 г. в 10:59
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Strange, I got a 1080Ti and a 4790K and I got no stutter, though I edited a setting to lock it to 144 frames instead. It runs fairly stable around 80 - 120 FPS depending on the location, no stutter found.
Oh and settings wise everything is maxed at 1440p with the exception of AA which is off (Can't really tell the difference at that resolution.)
Maybe the OS is at fault here? I'm running Windows 7.
I have the same setup running at 4k maxed out. Stuttering only happens when I run around the city when loading new areas.
Автор сообщения: Speedwagon
Strange, I got a 1080Ti and a 4790K and I got no stutter, though I edited a setting to lock it to 144 frames instead. It runs fairly stable around 80 - 120 FPS depending on the location, no stutter found.
Oh and settings wise everything is maxed at 1440p with the exception of AA which is off (Can't really tell the difference at that resolution.)
Maybe the OS is at fault here? I'm running Windows 7.

80-120FPS is a huge margin. Do you not consider this to be stutter? Not trying to sound like a jerk, just curious.

I also unlock to 144FPS as well and like you, was getting around the same FPS, but it can drop from upper 120's to lower 70's in an instant due to loading new areas I suppose.

Also -- why windows 7 mate?!
Отредактировано Skooma Pipe; 6 июн. 2018 г. в 12:50
It's not annoying but yeah, there is some stuttering sometimes in foggy areas.
Автор сообщения: HeyApple
I have the same setup running at 4k maxed out. Stuttering only happens when I run around the city when loading new areas.

That's what I'm experiencing too. Indoors, the game runs fine -- but as soon as you hit chapter 2 and you're enticed to explore the over-world a bit more, the game stutters quite a bit. Makes sprinting less appealing.
I had this issue and updated my drivers on geforce experience and it seems to have improved quite a bit
Well I spoke too soon, just got some god awful stuttering
I tried everything with gtx 970 and nothing helps. I even tried to lock frames to 30 and set 1/2 refresh rate v-sync but also getting this annoying 1-2 frames drop stuttering.
Автор сообщения: Damage
Автор сообщения: Speedwagon
Strange, I got a 1080Ti and a 4790K and I got no stutter, though I edited a setting to lock it to 144 frames instead. It runs fairly stable around 80 - 120 FPS depending on the location, no stutter found.
Oh and settings wise everything is maxed at 1440p with the exception of AA which is off (Can't really tell the difference at that resolution.)
Maybe the OS is at fault here? I'm running Windows 7.

80-120FPS is a huge margin. Do you not consider this to be stutter? Not trying to sound like a jerk, just curious.

I also unlock to 144FPS as well and like you, was getting around the same FPS, but it can drop from upper 120's to lower 70's in an instant due to loading new areas I suppose.

Also -- why windows 7 mate?!

As I said it depends on what's going on and where, in a small cell with not much in it I get a lot higher frames then in the open world with several NPCs slugging it out. it doesn't jump that much in the same location, maybe a 5 fps at most.

Windows 7 is still the best OS Microsoft is currently supporting, especially if you play direct x 9 games at higher resolutions. After Windows 7 more than 4GB of video memory allocation isn't supportet with Direct X 9 (A bug Microsoft has never bothered to fix). Also Windows 10 looks ugly as sin, feels like it's still in beta and has no significant improvements over Windows 7 or 8.
Did u install on ssd?
Отредактировано c3lix; 6 июн. 2018 г. в 22:41
I have an issue with stuttering too, but I'm not positive it's the same one everyone else is having... I mean, I do get stutters while running like you've all mentioned, but the absolute MOST annoying stutter issue I seem to have occurs when I'm talking to NPCs... Every now and then, the voice audio just stops for a split second and then picks back up where it left off, which almost makes it sound like every character has a mild speech impediment of some kind... Is anyone else experiencing this issue? You'd think it wouldn't be that big of an issue, but in a game like this where maybe half of your playtime or more is taken up by talking, it can get really old really quickly... Funny thing is, this only occurs on my desktop with 2 GTX 1080. My laptop has no such issue, and it's running the game with a GTX 980m... I'm scratching my head over here folks.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this game so far, but I really do hope they fix some of these technical hiccups soon.
Автор сообщения: RobbyFaul
I have an issue with stuttering too, but I'm not positive it's the same one everyone else is having... I mean, I do get stutters while running like you've all mentioned, but the absolute MOST annoying stutter issue I seem to have occurs when I'm talking to NPCs... Every now and then, the voice audio just stops for a split second and then picks back up where it left off, which almost makes it sound like every character has a mild speech impediment of some kind... Is anyone else experiencing this issue? You'd think it wouldn't be that big of an issue, but in a game like this where maybe half of your playtime or more is taken up by talking, it can get really old really quickly... Funny thing is, this only occurs on my desktop with 2 GTX 1080. My laptop has no such issue, and it's running the game with a GTX 980m... I'm scratching my head over here folks.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this game so far, but I really do hope they fix some of these technical hiccups soon.

Are you running the game with SLI? If yes I would suggest turning that off, SLI/crossfire support has gone to absolute ♥♥♥♥ in the last few years.
Автор сообщения: Speedwagon
Автор сообщения: RobbyFaul
I have an issue with stuttering too, but I'm not positive it's the same one everyone else is having... I mean, I do get stutters while running like you've all mentioned, but the absolute MOST annoying stutter issue I seem to have occurs when I'm talking to NPCs... Every now and then, the voice audio just stops for a split second and then picks back up where it left off, which almost makes it sound like every character has a mild speech impediment of some kind... Is anyone else experiencing this issue? You'd think it wouldn't be that big of an issue, but in a game like this where maybe half of your playtime or more is taken up by talking, it can get really old really quickly... Funny thing is, this only occurs on my desktop with 2 GTX 1080. My laptop has no such issue, and it's running the game with a GTX 980m... I'm scratching my head over here folks.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this game so far, but I really do hope they fix some of these technical hiccups soon.

Are you running the game with SLI? If yes I would suggest turning that off, SLI/crossfire support has gone to absolute ♥♥♥♥ in the last few years.

Of course that's the ONE thing I haven't tried yet, since I figured the new drivers would have included SLI support... I'll give that a shot as soon as I have the chance, thanks for the suggestion. In case anyone else out there has the same issue, I'll post my results here to let you know whether or not this does for me.
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Дата создания: 6 июн. 2018 г. в 10:22
Сообщений: 97