Project Highrise
Cant make restaurants and shop profitable
I had the ultimate ultra project to make restaurants and shop profitable. I made restaurants and entertainment stuff (cassinos etc) in the middle), then restaurants on the sides and shops on the most outer side (far away from smells). While elevators and even more outer side (after shops).

In this way, things that attract a lot of ppl like events and cassinos would make ppl pass trough shops and restaurants before reaching them.

The whole area have high traffic and bad profit (restaurants and shops are setup for 80% rent). On top I have a lot of residential, a big hotel and reasonable office space.

Why its not profitable?

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My first impressions, walking time. I genuinely believe it's a poorly understood aspect in the game.

What I mean by that is that I see your elevators are seperated. You have sets going up from the lobby, but then you move the elevators to the sides where they go down. This forces people to walk the length of the lobby to get to the next set of elevators. Meaning someone coming from the top floor of your residence, have to walk the length of the floor they're on, take the elevator to the lobby, walk the length to the next elevator, and then walk the length of the last floor to get where they want to go. This takes time which reduces the number of actions your tower inhabitants can take. Actions such as visiting a shop or grabbing a meal take a huge amount of time and they are limited to only a few possible actions per day.

My suggested sollutions include more elevator points spread out and simplified in a way that they can take a single elevator from the top of your building to the bottom and only have to walk the length of floor between them. More strategically placed elevators would allow them to choose the one that provides the quickest path to their target. The sooner they get to their first target, the sooner they can choose a second target and the more money your businesses earn.

Time spent walking is a crucial factor for pretty much everything in the game.
Hm I didn't know that was an issue. All my buildings always had elevators going everywhere. This was a new try to make them pass trought all the shops to get transport. Seems neither way works out.
Отредактировано ❆🎄Douglas 🎁 🎂; 16 апр. 2017 г. в 19:06

too many restaurants all crowded up in the same place.

Too long traveling time.

Consider to move some restaurants to higher floors and connecting towers.

Create buffer floors for avoid noise / smell complaints from tenants.

I usually place restaurants every 10 floors.
I tenmd to build the subway 3-4 floors down and then block shops and (seperated by utility vfloor) resturants on paths/liftshafts up out of there. Guarantees high traffic, as does building shops on ground floor by entrance.

BTW, cleaning closets pretty much compulsory to combat consequent grime build-up.
Автор сообщения: axios2006

too many restaurants all crowded up in the same place.

Too long traveling time.

Consider to move some restaurants to higher floors and connecting towers.

Create buffer floors for avoid noise / smell complaints from tenants.

I usually place restaurants every 10 floors.

I always thought in terms of food court. I will try this new approach. Perhaps few restaurants for hotel only and some for offices. Put restaurants and shops scatered all over the place. Do you have an screenshot of one of those projects?
Автор сообщения: Douglas
Автор сообщения: axios2006

too many restaurants all crowded up in the same place.

Too long traveling time.

Consider to move some restaurants to higher floors and connecting towers.

Create buffer floors for avoid noise / smell complaints from tenants.

I usually place restaurants every 10 floors.

I always thought in terms of food court. I will try this new approach. Perhaps few restaurants for hotel only and some for offices. Put restaurants and shops scatered all over the place. Do you have an screenshot of one of those projects?

Just place the first restaurants at floor -2, hotele rooms from floor 1 to floor 11, a buffer floor for noise / smell isolation, 2-3 floors with shops / restaurants, another buffer floor, 10 floors of hotel rooms.
Автор сообщения: axios2006
Автор сообщения: Douglas

I always thought in terms of food court. I will try this new approach. Perhaps few restaurants for hotel only and some for offices. Put restaurants and shops scatered all over the place. Do you have an screenshot of one of those projects?

Just place the first restaurants at floor -2, hotele rooms from floor 1 to floor 11, a buffer floor for noise / smell isolation, 2-3 floors with shops / restaurants, another buffer floor, 10 floors of hotel rooms.

I just read a guide saying its better to have a huge floor rather than 3 buildings. Do you use this approach? I divide the building to isolate smells and noise. Perhaps I can make 1 building with restaurants and shops on everyfloor near the elevator while other things stay far but on the same floor.
I usually build one tower but I tried also 2-3 towers with skybridges every 5 floors expecially at the level of rstaurants / shops zones.
Really trying my best here, but they complain on everything:

I have the minimum amount of shops and restaurants. Meaning, only the minimum required by offices and apartments to function. I saw a big increase in their sales, still they complain.

I always thought I should have a variaty of shops. Like a mall. More would attract more ppl. But I learned that in this game it doesn't matter if they buy a flower or a furniture. What it matter is that they fill the need for shopping. So I put shops in different areas, so everyone have a shop nearby. So they sell a lot more, but they want all the profit for them. Screw them all!!
lol. Sorry to hear you're having such a tough time. I'm unsure how much you changed it from your previous screenshots, but you say you've got them mixed around so everyone has a shot nearby, so I'm going to assume quite a bit has changed. Profits should help make them happy yes, but traffic is also important. If you're spacing them out in your tower, they may not be getting enough foot traffic for one thing.

Additionally, the unit you're showing has a lot of profit but isn't showing yesterdays earnings which makes me assume you just recently put it down. It may simply not have had time to update itself to reflect other conditions?

The fact that it's complaining about rent being too high suggests to me you might be in an economic depression at this point in time, and the fact that it technically didn't turn a profit yesterday makes it believe rents are too high?

Those are my best guesses and input without more information to go on. Again, sorry you seem to be having so much trouble with it and we'll all help as best we can. :D
Interesting. I've usually gone with the approach of grouping my restaraunts and shops by tiers for sake of reducing noise/smell spread and minimising service needs. Is it better to spread them around with buffer zones of cheap offices and apartments next to them?
I usualy have a food court somewhere in my building to minimize noise/smell, with the occasional small Café or small Diner at a skylobby.
If you crowd your restaurants in one place, make sure that restaurants which offer the same meals/have equal service hours are not too close to each other.
It helps a lot if you put shops, entertainement and gastronomy with equal service hours together (e.g. have the Night Diner next to your concert hall, night clubs and not a Brunch Spot).
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Дата создания: 16 апр. 2017 г. в 17:39
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