Turok 2: Seeds of Evil

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil

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Edward850  [developer] 18 jun. 2017 às 2:57
Creating your own dedicated server
As a note, the dedicated server program is a power tool, which requires you to have an understanding of basic networking and sysadmin infrastructure. Namely, you will need a general understanding of command lines and how to configure your gateway/network to allow the listening port (5029 UDP by default).

Turok2 dedicated servers work a lot like 90's Quake era multiplayer, that meaning that while servers need to be self hosted, they can also be self hosted by anybody. We provide the master server list to list all servers, and you can broadcast any server to it for anybody in the public to connect to (within reason of course).

To use it, you will find files in your Turok2 folder, horus_x64_ded.exe and Turok2Ex Dedicated Server Guide.pdf. The exe is the dedicated server itself and the pdf is the documentation for all dedicated server functions. Refer to the PDF to get started.

Unlike the game itself, the dedicated server has no Steam or GOG requirements, as the master server is our own technology and service, and is not compiled with any sort of usage restrictions. You are free to move the dedicated server to any system you see fit. Keep note that it does need all the same files and requires the VC++2015 redist runtime installed.

Pro tip: If you can't see your own server, and your hosting the server on the same computer or network you are pinging the serverlist from, it's entirely possible that your router doesn't support WAN loopbacks (thus any connection attempt to your WAN IP from your internal LAN gets lost and doesn't route). You will need to check with someone outside your network if the server can be contacted.
You can connect to your own server directly with the connectip console command.
Última alteração por Edward850; 1 jul. 2017 às 18:07
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A mostrar 1-8 de 8 comentários
DoomMarine23 18 jun. 2017 às 16:26 
Is it possible to change map on the fly? It seems that they only change once the round ends.
Edward850  [developer] 18 jun. 2017 às 16:29 
Hmm, not on the fly, no. It's possible to do however so I'll make a command for it.
DoomMarine23 18 jun. 2017 às 16:31 
Thank you, that will be very helpful. Another small suggestion is an admin say command. So via the commandline dedicated server operators could speak to players or make announcements. using "say" doesn't work as I've tested.
Edward850  [developer] 18 jun. 2017 às 16:33 
That could actually be a bit complicated but I'll revist it. The issue stems from the console having no tangible player, and thus no way to broadcast a chat message.
Edward850  [developer] 19 jun. 2017 às 18:27 
From the update last night:
  • netmap can be used to change maps on the fly, and doesn't reset the server context anymore if you use it.
  • The say command now works as the server, all messages will come form "[S.CONSOLE]"
Última alteração por Edward850; 19 jun. 2017 às 18:28
DoomMarine23 19 jun. 2017 às 18:28 
Awesome, those are some great changes that will improve quality of life for everyone involved. Thank you
Combo 3 jul. 2017 às 20:57 
Originalmente postado por Edward850:
From the update last night:
  • netmap can be used to change maps on the fly, and doesn't reset the server context anymore if you use it.
  • The say command now works as the server, all messages will come form "[S.CONSOLE]"

Is there an sv_command for setting a server password? I have the GOG version, and read the PDF, didn't see it listed. If it's not available it would be a nice option to have.

Edward850  [developer] 3 jul. 2017 às 21:14 
There is currently no method to password servers.
Última alteração por Edward850; 3 jul. 2017 às 21:14
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