Aurora Dusk: Steam Age

Aurora Dusk: Steam Age

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Wanna fix the memory leak? Monsters should never drop resources...
It's easy enough for the player to get resources they need and it's so plentiful that monsters dropping them only affects the game's performance. That's it.
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Also any drops (including those from dead characters) should eventually despawn, any item that's not being used after a minute or so if it despawned performance would be flawless.
Plus my AI characters keep picking up items they're not proficient with, when enemies drop them on the ground. I'll sometimes find my swordsman messing around with a bow and arrow he looted.
Exactly there's no reason for monsters or anything to drop anything on death. It just bugs out the game and serves no purpose since we can generate resources naturally. This would fix literally the main game bug.
Editat ultima dată de BoxingBud; 26 aug. 2022 la 7:58
Thank you for the idea. We can mod the game so that these monsters don't drop those items. Just browse local files and go to

Aurora Dusk - Steam Age\steamAge\characters\monsters

and edit monsters.js with a text editor like notepad. Then look for eviltree and mushroomguy monsters listed there and remove the drop resources line under "death." make sure to get the comma after the death effect line or the game won't boot.
Sweet! I'm going to do that, (I have the game installed) and will see if it stops. I can go hours but memory leakage does eventually kick in.
Postat inițial de BoxingBud:
Sweet! I'm going to do that, (I have the game installed) and will see if it stops. I can go hours but memory leakage does eventually kick in.

I tried testing it on the defend the walls mission on demigod. It drastically improved things. I made it until there were only 6000 enemies left in one sitting before it started getting weird and crashed. I think you're right, the fact that the townsfolk continue to run off, die and drop stuff is also contributing to it.
Editat ultima dată de The Grand Mugwump; 10 sept. 2022 la 9:41
Yeah any "production" will eventually cause a crash unless it doesn't happen (inventory is deleted on death instead of dropped) or it despawns timely. Resources are the easiest thing to get so removing drops and just deleting inventory on death is doable (not convenient if you're trying to enchant and die, that's true.) But a sharing system where an enchanter build focuses on that and then gives the goods to a storage space where fighting characters can take from, mitigates that...

EDIT: Actually it won't mitigate since its a memory leak and items are continuing to "take up memory" when they are existing, wether in a character's inventory, a drop, or in a container. I say just have a cap on inventory space (done) and characters delete their inventory on death but not their currently equipped gear.
Editat ultima dată de BoxingBud; 12 sept. 2022 la 12:15
vitowns 11 dec. 2022 la 19:45 
Postat inițial de BoxingBud:
Yeah any "production" will eventually cause a crash unless it doesn't happen (inventory is deleted on death instead of dropped) or it despawns timely. Resources are the easiest thing to get so removing drops and just deleting inventory on death is doable (not convenient if you're trying to enchant and die, that's true.) But a sharing system where an enchanter build focuses on that and then gives the goods to a storage space where fighting characters can take from, mitigates that...

EDIT: Actually it won't mitigate since its a memory leak and items are continuing to "take up memory" when they are existing, wether in a character's inventory, a drop, or in a container. I say just have a cap on inventory space (done) and characters delete their inventory on death but not their currently equipped gear.
Can you guys release the mod on nexus or somewhere plz???
I have also found rabbits caused a large memory leak by just existing (dead or alive). I found to fix it I needed to delete the DE in any of its names or description. Not sure why that would matter but it made a did seem to close a memory leak for me.
So getting rid of rabbits in script etc patches that up? Cool to know, rabbits aren't important and can be removed.
Actually I did a little more testing with more of a standardized test and found out it wasn't the rabbits but how many I summoned. So maybe I got the leak before do too many rabbits being summoned or as you all figured out earlier to many items in existence. Oddly enough deleting the other languages did seem to have a decent impact on my computer memory and closed the leak, maybe do to less processing needed.

Here was my process empty world max starting resources. Used auto clicker till my mushrooms were gone. Created lab and 99 strong mana potions. Used auto clicker till I got down to 85 mana potions.

With the original resource file, the game used was 520 mb
With the code I listed above the game used 480 mb
I then deleted the code for FR and JP languages, then the game used 400 mb.

When I found the "rabbit leak" I was at 1000mb+ and it didn't stop climbing and seemed to accelerate as time went on. so I think you all were on the right path if we can keep the memory below a certain point the leak will disappear. I might have to see if there is a tool out there that records memory usage on processes. Then see if removing my other languages, I don't use would have an impact.
Editat ultima dată de yabadune; 10 iul. la 23:32
I have been thinking on why removing a language would affect my memory usage and the only thing I can think of is I am reducing the created object size. So maybe the program for every created object has three languages associated with it. One or two objects it wouldn't make a difference, have 10,000 and it starts to add up. I want to try and either find or create a program to find and replace text in all the object files. Doing this manually would be OK for testing but wouldn't help anyone else out should it prove effective.

I haven't had much time for testing lately but was able to accomplish some things. I can use performance monitor to some degree to keep records of memory usage. The charts aren't the best but it is at least something to work with.

Also I was able to decompile the game files with JPEXS, however other then the coding syntax it is written in another language(I am thinking German or French?) This will make it very difficult for me to do much of anything because I won't know what variables are specifically for. I will only be able to see how they are used.

Not promising the world but I am interested in seeing what a little tweaking to this game could do. This game is very close and in someways better then the game I wanted to make. So I will try and see what comes about. Should this not work I'll probably delete what I have posted, hide under a rock, and pretend I never posted.

Side note anyone know how to use ChatGPT? Maybe have it take a crack at fixing the memory leak in the program.
Editat ultima dată de yabadune; 23 iul. la 20:42
I mean if you want to make a spiritual successor I'm sure the Dev won't mind giving their blessing if they aren't working on it anymore. And we'd all be pumped but I think that's like 10 of us.
For now lets just focus on the memory leak. Fun fact I just had chat GPT write code to remove my extra languages. I have to get some more test data which takes a couple hours before the game crashes. If it works I might be able to test if removing extra languages affects the game performance by the end of next week.
Ooo please let us all know any findings! Very curious.
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