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Sierran Oct 20, 2016 @ 6:09am
Any news on the linux port?
Hello there, the title basicly says it all.
The linux version was anounced to be released at the end of september.
Its now over mid october.

And I'm worryed we wont see a linux port at all?
Im very hyped for everspace cause I crave for a space shooting game like ED,SC and everspace.

I know this is not at all the same type of game as ED and SC.
So any news on the linux port :D?
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Showing 256-270 of 383 comments
[EaR]Termy Aug 21, 2017 @ 10:45am 
i just had a look at his resume: https://icculus.org/resume
quite impressive i must say, i didn't know he was involved in THAT many games :KOh:
Nevertheless Aug 21, 2017 @ 10:51am 
Impressive indeed!
root Aug 21, 2017 @ 12:33pm 
Yeah the good news is your developer(s) working on this port have gained valuable experience that can be used more efficiently on future projects. It sounds like you maybe didn't account for that and the normal learning curve and normal issues that arrive in a development cycle for this port/project. I'm sure you'll find (based on stats from other developers/publishers) that the money you already raised for this "stretch goal" in addition to the additional Linux sales once finally released, will more then make up for the man-hours put into it. As others have mentioned there's several experienced developers that would probably be willing to help as a contractor/consultant, and that may be more financially feasible then going it alone - IDK. So, I hope (as a KS backer) you stick with it and give it the attention it needs to get passed these hurdles. I have been looking forward to playing this game for quite some time!
zexdrak Aug 25, 2017 @ 4:37am 
I bought the game, I hope that the version for Linux will be... :steambored:
rockfish_andi  [developer] Aug 25, 2017 @ 7:02am 
Thanks a lot for all your kind words and your understanding!

And for a change I do have good news for you: We still have problems on AMD cards, but on NVIDIA the game is up and running again and amazingly enough it seems that on NVIDIA all graphical issues have been fixed! We playtested a bit earlier today and there were a few issues with the controls and controls customization and we could not switch languages (which should be an easy fix) but other than that it all looked very promising.

So the plan is to first release the build "under the radar" to players who already backed or bought the game. (Without Linux support showing up on steam). I can't give you an exact date, but I think it's going to happen soon. Yay!
Doktor Mandrake Aug 25, 2017 @ 7:08am 
Originally posted by rockfish_andi:
Thanks a lot for all your kind words and your understanding!

And for a change I do have good news for you: We still have problems on AMD cards, but on NVIDIA the game is up and running again and amazingly enough it seems that on NVIDIA all graphical issues have been fixed! We playtested a bit earlier today and there were a few issues with the controls and controls customization and we could not switch languages (which should be an easy fix) but other than that it all looked very promising.

So the plan is to first release the build "under the radar" to players who already backed or bought the game. (Without Linux support showing up on steam). I can't give you an exact date, but I think it's going to happen soon. Yay!


Can't wait to give the linux build a try, thank you guys for all your hard work!! ^^
Teodosio [GNU] Aug 25, 2017 @ 7:42am 
Originally posted by rockfish_andi:
So the plan is to first release the build "under the radar" to players who already backed or bought the game. (Without Linux support showing up on steam). I can't give you an exact date, but I think it's going to happen soon. Yay!
Please bear in mind there would be nothing bad in releasing with only support for Nvidia for now (with AMD to follow). Several games have done that in the past. E.g. some Paradox games are explicitely not supported on Intel GPUs.
Last edited by Teodosio [GNU]; Aug 25, 2017 @ 7:42am
Nevertheless Aug 25, 2017 @ 7:49am 
Yay! Since I have Nvidia, I'll purchase tonight!
zexdrak Aug 25, 2017 @ 8:17am 
Originally posted by rockfish_andi:
Thanks a lot for all your kind words and your understanding!

And for a change I do have good news for you: We still have problems on AMD cards, but on NVIDIA the game is up and running again and amazingly enough it seems that on NVIDIA all graphical issues have been fixed! We playtested a bit earlier today and there were a few issues with the controls and controls customization and we could not switch languages (which should be an easy fix) but other than that it all looked very promising.

So the plan is to first release the build "under the radar" to players who already backed or bought the game. (Without Linux support showing up on steam). I can't give you an exact date, but I think it's going to happen soon. Yay!
I'm glad to read the message.:steamhappy:
I've NVIDIA and the blob driver.
While playing the game through wine, but it's like sex with a rubber woman. :steammocking:
I'm waiting for some beta.
Corben Aug 25, 2017 @ 8:28am 
This is so awesome news! Thank you so much for you efforts!

I was lucky to meet Mr. Schade the evening before gamescom, interrupting his preparations for a devcom talk, and he told me that one guy is dedicated to the work on other platforms. Splendid work!
Nevertheless Aug 25, 2017 @ 8:29am 
Originally posted by zexdrak:
I'm glad to read the message.:steamhappy:
I've NVIDIA and the blob driver.
While playing the game through wine, but it's like sex with a rubber woman. :steammocking:
I'm waiting for some beta.

Uh... now I know what that must be like... :)

You know ... which one .. I .. mean.. ;-)
Last edited by Nevertheless; Aug 25, 2017 @ 8:39am
[EaR]Termy Aug 25, 2017 @ 10:19am 
yeah, good to hear this, looking forward to it! :)

Originally posted by Teodosio:
Please bear in mind there would be nothing bad in releasing with only support for Nvidia for now (with AMD to follow). Several games have done that in the past. E.g. some Paradox games are explicitely not supported on Intel GPUs.
while it has been done in the past, this bad practise is fortunately coming to an end ^^
i think its ok, to release the "under the radar" build with only working nv-blob-support, but would be really bad to do a real release without amd/mesa nowadays.
Teodosio [GNU] Aug 25, 2017 @ 10:32am 
Originally posted by EaRTermy:
while it has been done in the past, this bad practise is fortunately coming to an end ^^
i think its ok, to release the "under the radar" build with only working nv-blob-support, but would be really bad to do a real release without amd/mesa nowadays.
On the other hand, seeing the icon on this game will attract more people. Not all potential players are aware of this thread.
[EaR]Termy Aug 25, 2017 @ 10:55am 
Originally posted by Teodosio:
On the other hand, seeing the icon on this game will attract more people. Not all potential players are aware of this thread.

Also true, but that is more and argument against nv-only, as many people don't ready the system requirements and would be disappointed if their amd-rig couldn't run the game...
preludelinux Aug 25, 2017 @ 11:13am 
Look forward to the future linux port and my future purchase. Also have nvidia.
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Date Posted: Oct 20, 2016 @ 6:09am
Posts: 383