Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Etcetera Sep 23, 2016 @ 1:47pm
President MacArthur
It turns out that you can make Field Marshal Douglas MacArthur president in the 1944 American election, but apprently there are some stipulations. According to the data, if you're not at war in 1944, you can choose to make him the Republican candidate. I went through a whole game just sitting around, and still got Dewey as the Republican. I believe it's because I had a puppet war goal on Germany (but I wasn't at war with them). So from what I can tell, WWII has to be over (all major countries in the Axis defeated, usually Germany, Italy, Japan) by 1944. Would someone be willing to go through a game and check if this is true, since I don't want to do it again if I'll just get Dewey a second time.
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Yaldabaoth Sep 23, 2016 @ 2:11pm 
Huh, never played a democratic USA. I might give it a shot tomorrow.
Etcetera Sep 23, 2016 @ 3:42pm 
Yaldabaoth Sep 24, 2016 @ 5:56am 
I am pretty sure this does not work.
You need to be at WAR for this to happen:
And you need to be at PEACE to get the election event instead. Because the above event does NOT set the needed flag for the election to trigger during war. There is no election during war apparently. My status simply said "Next election November 1948".
So unless someone proves me wrong, there is no legit way to get MacArthur.
Etcetera Sep 24, 2016 @ 8:03am 
Alright, so from what I understand then, is that you need to be at war, not at peace to get the option of MacArthur. The thing you had with the election skipping is a somewhat common glitch, where the US gets a generic election rather than the US Election event. For example, if you play as Finland, it will tell you there's just been an election and nothing else. Sometimes this happens with the US when it's not supposed to.
Yaldabaoth Sep 24, 2016 @ 11:18am 
Originally posted by Etcetera:
Alright, so from what I understand then, is that you need to be at war, not at peace to get the option of MacArthur. The thing you had with the election skipping is a somewhat common glitch, where the US gets a generic election rather than the US Election event. For example, if you play as Finland, it will tell you there's just been an election and nothing else. Sometimes this happens with the US when it's not supposed to.
No no, the event above should fire the election event. But the event forgets to set a flag. All US election events have war = no. Only the MacArthur vote checks if there is a flag that macarthur is a candidate and then it would fire during war. But such a flag is never set. This is a bug / poor code.
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Date Posted: Sep 23, 2016 @ 1:47pm
Posts: 5