Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Generals set traits cheat ?
Is there a cheat or way to skill up generals... They hardly rank up or get traits, they feel boring... I would like to give them traits myself to make it more intresting
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Visar 1-14 av 14 kommentarer
Jod 11 jul, 2018 @ 15:25 
i believe it was "allowtraits".Just type it on the console.It will open all the traits, and you can select them.No im not pirate, i refunded the game.
Moo 18 sep, 2018 @ 3:33 
gain_xp and then write which trait you want, although I struggle with some, but for example type: gain_xp skilled_staffer " That will allow your general to have up to 30 devisiions rather than 24.
Neithanus 28 nov, 2018 @ 2:27 
There's a file with the items I think you are looking for. In my system (macOS) it's:
/Users/myuser/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/traits_l_english.yml

I'll dump it here. Be advised, I had to trim off all the descriptions so this forum would swallow it:

cc_leader fm_leader navy_leader communist_revolutionary democratic_reformer fascist_demagogue staunch_monarchist ideological_crusader popular_figurehead silent_workhorse compassionate_gentleman prince_of_terror backroom_backstabber smooth_talking_charmer fortification_engineer war_industrialist captain_of_industry financial_expert armaments_organizer quartermaster_general rocket_scientist nuclear_scientist blitzkrieg_theorist military_theorist air_warfare_theorist dive_bomber victory_through_airpower close_air_support_proponent assault_avaition naval_theorist naval_aviation_pioneer grand_fleet_proponent submarine_specialist tank_manufacturer artillery_manufacturer infantry_equipment_manufacturer support_equipment_manufacturer motorized_equipment_manufacturer naval_manufacturer industrial_concern construction_company electronics_concern electronics_developer army_chief_defensive_1 army_chief_defensive_2 army_chief_defensive_3 army_chief_offensive_1 army_chief_offensive_2 army_chief_offensive_3 army_chief_drill_1 army_chief_drill_2 army_chief_drill_3 army_chief_reform_1 army_chief_reform_2 army_chief_reform_3 army_chief_organizational_1 army_chief_organizational_2 army_chief_organizational_3 army_chief_morale_1 army_chief_morale_2 army_chief_morale_3 army_chief_maneuver_1 army_chief_maneuver_2 army_chief_maneuver_3 army_chief_old_guard army_entrenchment_1 army_entrenchment_2 army_entrenchment_3 army_armored_1 army_armored_2 army_armored_3 army_artillery_1 army_artillery_2 army_artillery_3 army_infantry_1 army_infantry_2 army_infantry_3 army_commando_1 army_commando_2 army_commando_3 army_cavalry_1 army_cavalry_2 army_cavalry_3 army_regrouping_1 army_regrouping_2 army_regrouping_3 army_concealment_1 army_concealment_2 army_concealment_3 army_logistics_1 army_logistics_2 army_logistics_3 air_chief_reform_1 air_chief_reform_2 air_chief_reform_3 air_chief_safety_1 air_chief_safety_2 air_chief_safety_3 air_chief_night_operations_1 air_chief_night_operations_2 air_chief_night_operations_3 air_chief_ground_support_1 air_chief_ground_support_2 air_chief_ground_support_3 air_chief_all_weather_1 air_chief_all_weather_2 air_chief_all_weather_3 air_chief_old_guard air_air_combat_training_1 air_air_combat_training_2 air_air_combat_training_3 air_naval_strike_1 air_naval_strike_2 air_naval_strike_3 air_bomber_interception_1 air_bomber_interception_2 air_bomber_interception_3 air_air_superiority_1 air_air_superiority_2 air_air_superiority_3 air_close_air_support_1 air_close_air_support_2 air_close_air_support_3 air_strategic_bombing_1 air_strategic_bombing_2 air_strategic_bombing_3 air_tactical_bombing_1 air_tactical_bombing_2 air_tactical_bombing_3 air_airborne_1 air_airborne_2 air_airborne_3 navy_chief_naval_aviation_1 navy_chief_naval_aviation_2 navy_chief_naval_aviation_3 navy_chief_decisive_battle_1 navy_chief_decisive_battle_2 navy_chief_decisive_battle_3 navy_chief_commerce_raiding_1 navy_chief_commerce_raiding_2 navy_chief_commerce_raiding_3 navy_chief_reform_1 navy_chief_reform_2 navy_chief_reform_3 navy_chief_maneuver_1 navy_chief_maneuver_2 navy_chief_maneuver_3 navy_chief_old_guard navy_anti_submarine_1 navy_anti_submarine_2 navy_anti_submarine_3 navy_naval_air_defense_1 navy_naval_air_defense_2 navy_naval_air_defense_3 navy_fleet_logistics_1 navy_fleet_logistics_2 navy_fleet_logistics_3 navy_amphibious_assault_1 navy_amphibious_assault_2 navy_amphibious_assault_3 navy_submarine_1 navy_submarine_2 navy_submarine_3 navy_destroyer_1 navy_destroyer_2 navy_destroyer_3 navy_cruiser_1 navy_cruiser_2 navy_cruiser_3 navy_battleship_1 navy_battleship_2 navy_battleship_3 navy_capital_ship_1 navy_capital_ship_2 navy_capital_ship_3 navy_screen_1 navy_screen_2 navy_screen_3 navy_carrier_1 navy_carrier_2 navy_carrier_3 seawolf superior_tactician old_guard old_guard_navy trickster logistics_wizard defensive_doctrine offensive_doctrine winter_specialist trait_engineer fortress_buster panzer_leader commando fast_planner thorough_planner organisational_leader inspirational_leader desert_fox swamp_fox trait_mountaineer hill_fighter jungle_rat ranger urban_assault_specialist blockade_runner spotter fly_swatter ironside air_controller naval_invader bearer_of_artillery dictator CAS_manufacturer light_aircraft_manufacturer light_aircraft_manufacturer_2 fuel_efficient_aircraft_manufacturer medium_aircraft_manufacturer heavy_aircraft_manufacturer naval_aircraft_manufacturer fast_tank_manufacturer medium_tank_manufacturer heavy_tank_manufacturer pacific_fleet_naval_manufacturer atlantic_fleet_naval_manufacturer raiding_fleet_naval_manufacturer convoy_escort_naval_manufacturer coastal_defence_naval_manufacturer battlefleet_designer refinery_concern political_dancer mobile_warfare_expert superior_firepower_expert grand_battle_plan_expert mass_assault_expert warrior_code imperial_sanction emperor_showa dislikes_germany staunch_constitutionalist cornered_fox stout_defender warmonger permanent_revolutionary triumphant_revolutionary inexperienced_imperialist spirit_of_genghis stalins_puppet exiled indomitable_perseverance anti_communist fascist_sympathies hedonist camarilla_leader propaganda_expert appeaser organizer first_lady dealbroker panzer_expert combined_arms_expert combined_arms_expert_short cavalry_leader cavalry_expert infantry_leader infantry_expert unyielding_defender aggressive_assaulter aggressive_assaulter_short scavenger ambusher invader_ii naval_liason expert_improviser expert_improviser_short guerilla_fighter winter_expert skilled_staffer adaptable terrain_traits traits basic_traits field_marshal_traits assignable_traits background LEADER_DETAILS_TITLE OPEN_LEADER_DETAILS anti_democrat great_war_hero popular_figurehead2 imperial_connections kaiserin_of_the_people victoria_iii incognito nationalist_symbol generallissimo ENABLES_ABILITY TRAIT_NOT_ASSIGNABLE TRAIT_ASSIGNABLE_TO_UNIT_MARSHALS ALREADY_HAS_MAX_ALLOWED_ASSIGNABLE_TRAITS TRAIT_NOT_ALLOWED TRAIT_NO_PREREQUISITES MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_TRAIT_ALREADY_ASSIGNED TRAIT_NEED_ALL_PARENTS TRAIT_NEED_SOME_PARENTS SKILL_ATTACK SKILL_DEFENSE SKILL_PLANNING SKILL_LOGISTICS SKILL_LEVEL_MAX SKILL_LEVEL_NEXT_AMOUNT SKILL_LEVEL_CURRENT_PROGRESS SKILL_LEVEL_DETAILS PICK_TRAIT CONFIRMTRAITASSIGNMENT JAP_samurai_lineage JAP_communist_sympathizer BOOST_ATTACK_FACTOR BOOST_DEFENCE_FACTOR BOOST_LOGISTICS_FACTOR BOOST_PLANNING_FACTOR INCREASED_BLITZ_AND_ENCIRCLEMENT_CHANCE INCREASED_COUNTERATTACK_CHANCE INCREASED_ASSAULT_AND_SHOCK_CHANCE skirmisher camouflage_expert needs_at_least_one_terrain TRAIT_PREREQUISITES expert_delegator trait_bonus_all trait_bonus_attack trait_bonus_defense trait_bonus_planning trait_bonus_logistics sick wounded disgruntled demoted substance_abuser substance_addict brilliant_strategist inflexible_strategist politically_connected war_hero career_officer trait_cautious trait_reckless media_personality harsh_leader infantry_officer cavalry_officer armor_officer UNIT_LEADER_ASSIGN_TRAIT_COST_TOOLTIP UNIT_LEADER_TRAIT_XP UNIT_LEADER_TRAIT_GAIN_XP_WHEN hidden_sympathies is_using_battle_plans cavalary_ratio_over_40 infantry_ratio_over_80 armored_ratio_over_40 has_flanked fighting_with_at_least_23_units TRAIT_OPEN_WIKI trait_xp_factor recently_promoted TRAIT_WILL_EXPIRE TRAIT_NOT_ACTIVE_WHEN_COMMANDING_AN_ARMY expert_improviser_movement_bonus_on_land

This link[hoi4.paradoxwikis.com] may be helpful as well!
Neithanus 28 nov, 2018 @ 3:14 
This file could be helpful too. Although like always, not everything works

/Users/myuser/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Hearts of Iron IV/common/unit_leader/00_traits.txt
andersrlarsen 28 nov, 2018 @ 10:28 
these are all cheats...

if you want to let your generals earn traits and give them upgrades, you should use your lvl 1-2 generals instead of using lvl 4-5.
lvl 1 generals earn skill quite fast, and will also earn traits easier (they earn traits much much easier than higher skilled generals.

when i play soviet, i always declare war on turkey (which is guaranteed by romania) and hungary. i use a total of 5 armies (24 division each), set under 2 field marshals (newly promoted). all generals and field marshals are lvl 1 (could alt. use 1 general lvl 2, but rest is lvl 1)
i take my time to kill all their divisions, making sure i get as much xp and leader xp as possible. the generals will be upgraded to lvl 3 (+20-80% towards lvl 4) or lvl 4, while field marshals are around lvl 3 (+/- 30%). they will also earned traits and will have free upgrades for you to select.
if you then add a war with bulgaria (start justifying directly after germany attack poland) and attacking finland, using same generals, they should all be lvl 4...
when germany declare war on soviet in 41, it will then be like a walk in the park to defeat them.
Ursprungligen skrivet av Napoleon:
i believe it was "allowtraits".Just type it on the console.It will open all the traits, and you can select them.No im not pirate, i refunded the game.
I type allowtraits in the console but nothing happens i mean it says allowed but nothing more. What can i do ?
sanjin84 13 mar, 2019 @ 9:47 
Select a general and click on the icon to take you where you can pick traits the normal way. If you have allowtraits on you'll see you can select all traits that are available in the game for that character.
MemeAnt 5 nov, 2021 @ 14:00 
how do i select a politcal advisor?
Ursprungligen skrivet av Jods ID:
i believe it was "allowtraits".Just type it on the console.It will open all the traits, and you can select them.No im not pirate, i refunded the game.
Thanks! That works!
JamesPashley 19 okt, 2023 @ 14:35 
Hi, I'm pretty sure since the Arms Against Tyranny update you can no longer use the console commands to add General Backgrounds. You can still use "allowtraits" to unlock any traits you want but the Backgrounds no longer show up at the bottom as you scroll down.
Ghost 24 okt, 2023 @ 6:38 
Ursprungligen skrivet av JamesPashley:
Hi, I'm pretty sure since the Arms Against Tyranny update you can no longer use the console commands to add General Backgrounds. You can still use "allowtraits" to unlock any traits you want but the Backgrounds no longer show up at the bottom as you scroll down.
Any other way to add background?
JamesPashley 24 okt, 2023 @ 12:31 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Ghost:
Ursprungligen skrivet av JamesPashley:
Hi, I'm pretty sure since the Arms Against Tyranny update you can no longer use the console commands to add General Backgrounds. You can still use "allowtraits" to unlock any traits you want but the Backgrounds no longer show up at the bottom as you scroll down.
Any other way to add background?

Not that I know of, that's the same question I was asking. I can't find any console commands in the official Wiki either.
Citizen X 24 okt, 2023 @ 17:06 
Ursprungligen skrivet av JamesPashley:
Hi, I'm pretty sure since the Arms Against Tyranny update you can no longer use the console commands to add General Backgrounds. You can still use "allowtraits" to unlock any traits you want but the Backgrounds no longer show up at the bottom as you scroll down.

18 month necro, why?
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Datum skrivet: 21 mar, 2018 @ 3:38
Inlägg: 14