Rogue Wizards

Rogue Wizards

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colinday  [developer] May 9, 2020 @ 1:22pm
Wishlist for what to add or change in the game?
I've been picking this game back up on my spare time and adding full controller support so that this might go to controller centric platforms one day.

But I'd also like to fix, add, change, and generally improve the game before it goes to another platform as well. If you have any thoughts on what should be done, let's talk about them here.
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
Dohi64 May 9, 2020 @ 1:25pm 
it'd probably be too much work, but level scaling ruins the entire experience, there's no sense of progression, everything scales to your level all the time.
Tyrion44 May 20, 2020 @ 2:23am 
Right now I am Gauntlet level 11. I Have 136 000 gold and anything in the shop is not worth more than 10 000. Gold becomes useless after you upgrade your storage vault.

Would be nice to have an option to spend money on something expensive. Like buying Spell Points - first costs 100k, second 200k, third 300k etc. Now I feel like I have too much resources.
Last edited by Tyrion44; May 20, 2020 @ 2:27am
colinday  [developer] May 23, 2020 @ 1:40pm 
Re: Level scaling ... well the game is fundamentally based on a bunch of combat equations and has some endless procedurally generated modes ... so at some level scaling is need for that.

However, I hear your point for the main storyline though ... and as you encounter a boss level, they remain at a rank even as the player levels up in the other dungeons. This is supposed to allow you to allow you to hit a difficulty wall, but be able to level up in other locations to eventually overcome the wall. Then as you go on, progression starts increasing again to keep the challenge consistent.

There are perhaps better ways to account for feeling powerful and level up, this is worth considering options and ideas on.
colinday  [developer] May 23, 2020 @ 1:44pm 
Re: Gold ... yeah, I 'm not super happy with the gold economy. There certainly needs to be a lot more things to sink gold into.

Some resources like potions should probably get more and more expensive as you progress ... they are in fact more effective. Or the potions can start increasing in size (and cost) or something. Same could be said for materials maybe ... not sure.

I do like the idea of buying sinking money into improving the spells somehow .. points or some other mechanic. Maybe also ways to truly extend the life of your items that have leveled up that you like? There's a lot more upgrade opportunity the town too .. maybe shrines for each of the spells or spell families that can upgrade or augment spells?
losthexed Jun 22, 2020 @ 9:59pm 
I would like to see a respec for spells. I just started playing and now think that I messed up on how I spent my points. Not too far into the game so not sure what else to suggest since I don't know for sure what comes, but it does seem that aquiring materials in the beginning (on Story mode) is a pain and really limits you on casting spells.

Ideally I would love a bigging 'skill' tree with unlocked abilites, bigger stat increases ect. as you head down paths. Ideas could be branching trees that focus on the current 3 stats (or maybe even add in a 4 one for Magic). Give Str or Finese the ability to swap weapons 25%/50%/100% as free action (this would be towards the end of the tree or each level would be level locked), give Stamina (or Magic if it was put in) the ability to decrease material cost by 10%/25%/50%. You could have all the ability procs somewhere on the tree but for super low chance (say 1% start topping out at 3-5% depending on ability). Passive healing with less turns as you spend points, Extra turns with less turns as you spend points.... I think you get the idea. In general while a loot based system is good you have lots of cool abilites that could be worked into a level progression. You would still want the items for the BIG powerups but this would allow the player to customize their play a bit more. Granted that may all be too much for the game, but keep it in mind for a sequel potentially.

Fun game, glad I got it from a bundle.
losthexed Jun 22, 2020 @ 10:00pm 
Oh please make an exit option that takes you all the way out of the game, I hate having to go back to menu and then exiting.
mqpiffle Jul 24, 2020 @ 6:40am 
Spells were always a little...wonky in this game. The material cost for the spells is not in line with their effects, and the fact that it takes one full round to switch weapons/spells AND the fact that some spells take a turn to cast is actually a HUGE detractor from casting spells at all. Also, there is not enough functionality from spells alone to defend yourself (no buffs, debuffs, point blanks, etc). Honestly magic feels like an afterthought in a game with Wizards in the title.
blazegamma Jul 25, 2020 @ 9:57pm 
ok so there's two things....
one, idk why the interface change. it was better before where i could see my exp on the screen without having to go into my bag to check it, plus having it as a bar where i could estimate the percentage to level was GREAT. now it's awful.

and second, and the bigger thing to be honest.....the anomaly spell needs a MASSIVE fix when it casts on thieflings. a thiefling stole my armor, and normally i would get it back by killing it and picking my armor back up. HOWEVER, the anomaly spell turned the thiefling into a BARREL and then i shot the barrel to break it and I DID NOT GET MY ARMOR BACK. THIS IS A MASSIVE GAME BREAKING BUG THAT CAN COMPLETELY ♥♥♥♥ OVER SOMEONE'S GEAR SETS SINCE THIEFLINGS GET THREE ACTIONS TO MOVE FAR AND STEAL AND CAN BE AROUND A CORNER IN A DUNGEON. i lost a piece of armor that had 30 power on it with a socket and couldn't equip or use other gear because of the large power drop from losing it. please fix this because this is absolutely disgusting and inexcusable.
and if you're wondering why i was using anomaly, well fighting 3/4 strong mystics that keep healing each other is one long, drawn out fight
Last edited by blazegamma; Jul 25, 2020 @ 10:02pm
colinday  [developer] Aug 9, 2020 @ 12:54am 
There's some great feedback here ... I'm experimenting with some of this and update when there is something interesting try out. First I think I'm goings to experiment with making the spells more usable ... maybe never require equipping them? It would be a big change, but worth seeing what it's like. The respec and an xp indicator are great ideas too.
Talana 💃 Aug 9, 2020 @ 3:52am 
I agree , there are some great suggestions here - especially the economy. But Thank you so much for a great game ! Love it ! - and my issue is not an issue at all , only a heartfelt question ; Will you make a RW 2 ? Or a DLC ? Please ?
colinday  [developer] Nov 3, 2020 @ 6:30am 
mqpiffle, Given your feedback today a patch has gone live which starts to address the feeling of lackluster spells. You can now cast magic at anytime, the rune no longer needs to be equipped and thus it will never take a turn to get ready. This has really opened up the use of magic, so now I would like to revamp a few of the spells to make them more interesting ... expect that in an upcoming patch. Thanks for your feedback, it has really helped the game get better.

Talana ... no plans for RW2 or DLC at this point, but I am working on making the magic system better which will be a free update to all. I'd like to do more, we'll see how much extra time I got.
Tyrion44 Nov 5, 2020 @ 1:12am 
I loved playing Gauntlet in this game. But the Vault ruined it for me.

Whenever I was low on Potions or Runes I would start a new character, Select the school of magic I wanted Runes from and put it in the Vault on first floor. Then I deleted this character.

This destroys any tension in Gauntlet mode. Potions from shops are worthless, I can always get more. Finding Runes is not essential anymore, I can always get more.

For Gauntlet to be fun again, it has to be changed that you cannot put Potions or Runes in the Vault. Only gear. Before I discovered this exploit, this game was so much FUN, trying to get as far as possible before running out of resources. Now, the resources are infinite and therefore the game no longer fun.

Would love to see this fixed.
colinday  [developer] Nov 5, 2020 @ 9:27pm 
Originally posted by Tyrion44:
I loved playing Gauntlet in this game. But the Vault ruined it for me.

Whenever I was low on Potions or Runes I would start a new character, Select the school of magic I wanted Runes from and put it in the Vault on first floor. Then I deleted this character.

This destroys any tension in Gauntlet mode. Potions from shops are worthless, I can always get more. Finding Runes is not essential anymore, I can always get more.

For Gauntlet to be fun again, it has to be changed that you cannot put Potions or Runes in the Vault. Only gear. Before I discovered this exploit, this game was so much FUN, trying to get as far as possible before running out of resources. Now, the resources are infinite and therefore the game no longer fun.

Would love to see this fixed.

Thanks for the feedback Tyrion44.

Based on your input, I have released a new hot fix which has this exploit fixed, you can no longer place health potions or materials in the gauntlet vault. If you already have those items in the vault they will still be there, but you can only take them out :)

Please don't hesitate to talk about more issues, feedback, or ideas ... I keep making this game for players like you.

Hotfix Details
  • You can no longer store health potions and materials in the Gauntlet vault, it's too easy to exploit with new throw away characters
  • When attempting to trash an item in the shortcut bar, the item is now properly returned to the original inventory slot instead of freezing in mid air (items on your shotcut UI are not trashable since you're using them, we assume this is always a mistake on the player)
  • Fixed camera zoom level clamping via gamepad
  • Tweak the easing curve and hide time of floaty text and images
  • Fix text on loading tips to match the game now
  • Fix loading tip about ads to be mobile only
  • First revive potion in intro dungeon no longer is picked up to the shortcut bar and instead goes to the backpack
Metro Apr 4, 2021 @ 2:43pm 
Recently started playing this -- simple yet fun and plays like a turn based version of Fate. I put aside the story mode and have been playing the Gauntlet/rogue-like mode.

Regarding the magic system, I'm hesitant to make this critique because I'm thinking the scarcity of the resources is an intentional design decision. Otherwise, you could simply AoE nuke monsters which would trivialize things. However, I think the drop rate of resources needs to be increased a bit because I find the only good way to get an influx is when you level up to a new tier of spell and get a bunch added to your inventory for that particular spell school. That suggestion might be obsolete depending on how you change the magic system.

Although you don't currently have any plans for a sequel, I would definitely like to see one eventually if you have the time. You've made a solid casual game whose core mechanics can be mostly retained with a few tweaks added for some additional depth like character classes, quests (simple kill X/collect Y for various rewards), and perhaps incorporate a town hub into Gauntlet mode, etc.
Maize Jul 30, 2021 @ 4:48pm 
It would be nice if there was a way to pay gold to keep your weapons/armor scaled with your level. Enchanting only does so much, and it's annoying having to replace gear that has additional stats that I like but doesn't do as much damage/blocking as a basic gear that I found in another dungeon. It would be a good gold sink, too.

Also, I would like to name any pets I find... some of the options are a bit unusual.

Spell and character stat respecs too, can be paid with gold, just something nice to change up strategies.

Lastly, paying for a larger player inventory is helpful.
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