titanopteryx Oct 27, 2022 @ 5:27am
selling dye?
I've been doing the main scenario quests and some have given me stacks of like 3 dyes. I want to sell them but should I sell them in a stack of 3 or break them up into stacks of 1? What's the ideal stack size when selling?
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Tivz Oct 27, 2022 @ 5:34am 
breaking them up into single stacks could get you a little bit more per dye. People may not want to buy a stack if they only need one (example, stack of 3 for 300 gil (100 gil each) or 150 gil for a single) you make more per one and the buyer saves a bit so win win
titanopteryx Oct 27, 2022 @ 5:35am 
Originally posted by Tivz:
breaking them up into single stacks could get you a little bit more per dye. People may not want to buy a stack if they only need one (example, stack of 3 for 300 gil (100 gil each) or 150 gil for a single) you make more per one and the buyer saves a bit so win win
Thank you. I'm going to do that.
Originally posted by Tivz:
breaking them up into single stacks could get you a little bit more per dye. People may not want to buy a stack if they only need one (example, stack of 3 for 300 gil (100 gil each) or 150 gil for a single) you make more per one and the buyer saves a bit so win win
This is my single biggest tip for making millions and millions of gil.
people always undercut. But their undercut doesn't matter if they're trying to sell 90 stacks of 99 and you're the only person posting stacks of say 25.
Dyes, mats, works with everything. Try to list them in reasonably used stacks. For dyes I use either stacks of 4 or 6. Usually 4 cuz most people don't dye every piece of armor the same color and even if 6, buying 6 is better than being stuck with 94 more that you aren't going to use
titanopteryx Oct 27, 2022 @ 6:10am 
Originally posted by ◬ ☥ 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕜 ☥ ◬:
Originally posted by Tivz:
breaking them up into single stacks could get you a little bit more per dye. People may not want to buy a stack if they only need one (example, stack of 3 for 300 gil (100 gil each) or 150 gil for a single) you make more per one and the buyer saves a bit so win win
This is my single biggest tip for making millions and millions of gil.
people always undercut. But their undercut doesn't matter if they're trying to sell 90 stacks of 99 and you're the only person posting stacks of say 25.
Dyes, mats, works with everything. Try to list them in reasonably used stacks. For dyes I use either stacks of 4 or 6. Usually 4 cuz most people don't dye every piece of armor the same color and even if 6, buying 6 is better than being stuck with 94 more that you aren't going to use
Yeah, it makes sense that players would buy 4. the Main Scenario Quest rewards are only 3 which is most the armor pieces, but still. I usually sell materials in stacks of 10 in case someone needs them for a grand company daily. Except fish which is 1 for the same reason.
weiss Oct 27, 2022 @ 7:55am 
i sell expensive dyes *such as Gunmetal Black alsways just 1.
because they are so expensive that peoples wouldnt buy them in 3+stacks. expecially when it comes to the rare jet black and pure white.

common dyes which only the crafters can make (and not being buyable at the npc stores aka costs barely anything) sell i usually 3~5ea stacks o.o
5 runs in my opinion the best cause all 5 armor pieces *shrugs*

at the end is the one which stands infront of the marketplace the one and then probably says ... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ... i needed only 2 but theres only 3 and 5 stacks *goes and crafts them myself* xD

there was a meme not too long ago aswell where a crafter only needed 1 piece to craft something but the market board was like 99 stacks only XD
oh i found it @w@.
Hex Oct 27, 2022 @ 12:14pm 
Originally posted by Chiro:
i sell expensive dyes *such as Gunmetal Black alsways just 1.

30k each.


What? The only expensive ones are jet black and pure white.
I want a pink dye ,

I don't hate it if , there aren't any pink outfits .

By the way they should bring back Mana regeneration stats , doesn't have to be called Piety .
Acoustic Stoner Oct 28, 2022 @ 10:22pm 
wait a minute. Did you do the yellow quest in vesper bay that allows you to Glamour(visually change)and dye your armor?
weiss Oct 29, 2022 @ 7:21am 
Originally posted by Hex:
Originally posted by Chiro:
i sell expensive dyes *such as Gunmetal Black alsways just 1.

30k each.


What? The only expensive ones are jet black and pure white.
maybe on your world, gunmetal black and pearl white are on the world where i play depending on daytime/demand and fetes being active or not between 40k~70k.

and yes, expensive cause if you want 5 of them is 5times 40k=200k
thats like nearly 1 pure white or jet black and with that counts it as expensive if you want a full armor set in GMB.
or do you want only 1 piece in gun metal black? cause that looks weird.
shit owl Oct 29, 2022 @ 1:16pm 
Originally posted by titanopteryx:
I've been doing the main scenario quests and some have given me stacks of like 3 dyes. I want to sell them but should I sell them in a stack of 3 or break them up into stacks of 1? What's the ideal stack size when selling?
tbh and this goes for every item in the game if u can u should sell items separately since most of the time ppl don't want to buy more of 1 item and u might end up getting massively undercut and never selling ur stuff
xyz Oct 29, 2022 @ 3:30pm 
Most dyes are real common and sell for nothing.
Some of the rarer ones from beast tribes and crafting can sell for a bit but you need to look at demand and price on your server. Reds/Pinks/Purples are a good start and the wide selection of browns are loved by housing enthusiasts.

The rarest ones are rare drops from maps or tied to grinding specific pieces of content so depending on your server might be worth the time or not.
Holy Oct 30, 2022 @ 9:53am 
Originally posted by Acoustic Stoner:
wait a minute. Did you do the yellow quest in vesper bay that allows you to Glamour(visually change)and dye your armor?

I really hope there is , mermaid dye somewhere .
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Date Posted: Oct 27, 2022 @ 5:27am
Posts: 12