Small Radios Big Televisions
Title of the game
So, there are quite a lot of things I didn't understand with this game - which is fine, I don't need to have an explanation for everything to enjoy it.

...but the title... why? Why is this called Small radios big televisions when the only device in the game is a VR tape recorder?
Автор сообщения: Semi:
To me it's about illusion progress. Whether I'm right or wrong is for you to decide.

Valve radios were big, then transistors made them smaller and integrated circuits (silicon chips) made them smaller still but people don't listen to radios as much as they used to.

Cathode ray tube televisions started out quite small, then we had bigger plasma TVs and now massive LCD TVs at incredible sizes and resolutions. Again fewer and fewer people watch TV or live TV at least.

If the game is about the destruction of the environment then it's progress that caused it. Then again the same song can mean different things to different people, a time when you were happy or sad or perhaps it reminds of a person or the place you were when you first heard it.

Well anyway, having played the game to the end that's what the title meant to me. Maybe it's just a cool sounding name for a game. :)
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To me it's about illusion progress. Whether I'm right or wrong is for you to decide.

Valve radios were big, then transistors made them smaller and integrated circuits (silicon chips) made them smaller still but people don't listen to radios as much as they used to.

Cathode ray tube televisions started out quite small, then we had bigger plasma TVs and now massive LCD TVs at incredible sizes and resolutions. Again fewer and fewer people watch TV or live TV at least.

If the game is about the destruction of the environment then it's progress that caused it. Then again the same song can mean different things to different people, a time when you were happy or sad or perhaps it reminds of a person or the place you were when you first heard it.

Well anyway, having played the game to the end that's what the title meant to me. Maybe it's just a cool sounding name for a game. :)
No, your explanation makes complete sense, excellent analysis :)

Tbh I mostly played this as an abstract game, did register the earth is dead premise, but didn't really think much behind it, or link the title to the notion of progress at all.

Thank you, I can now sleep at night :D
As an addendum, in my review, I likened playing this game with walking in a modern art exhibit.
Well that's exactly how I played it, just walking around enjoying the art and sound and not really thinking about any possible message behind the whole thing.

Then you eventually find out the artist actually intended to imprint a deep message about mankind's future and flaws, which - of course - you completely missed :summerghost:
Отредактировано SickRamen; 22 мая. 2018 г. в 2:42
I'm glad you liked my take on it. Thanks :)
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