Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition

Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition

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Nova Nov 5, 2015 @ 4:49pm
I got this for free and I'm still disappointed in Nordic.
Why waste people's time and money trying to sell something most people here have played to death already? Why not work on NEW content and create something we ALL would love to throw money at?

Why on earth would you expect people to be pleased that they can pay for the exact same thing just because it looks ever so slightly than the original and you slapped with the "Definitive Edition" title? (Though I will admit it was clever to use Deathinitive. I'm a sucker for puns)

The best way to handle this current disaster? Start working on Darksiders 3. Continue where the old developers left off and stop trying to appear so greedy with cash grabs like this.
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Showing 1-15 of 320 comments
Doktor Mandrake Nov 5, 2015 @ 4:53pm 
Funny thing is, before it got released on PC, and it was already on consoles.. Some people were acctually asking for this deathinitive edition

Just because you didn't want it, doesn't mean other people didn't

But if you already own the original Darksiders II, and you have no intrest in playing this new version.. Then whats the problem? Just stick to the same verison you have always had and just ignore this version

Seriously, if you can answer me that question.. What is to stop you from sticking to your original copy? People who wanted the Deathinitive version can enjoy it, and people who only want to play the original copy can stick to that copy.. No problem, its only people 'make' it a problem because it gives them an excuse to complain on forums, thats all it boils down to is that people 'enjoy' complaining about these things
Nova Nov 5, 2015 @ 4:55pm 
Originally posted by Doktor Mandrake GB:
Funny thing is, before it got released on PC, and it was already on consoles.. Some people were acctually asking for this deathinitive edition

Just because you didn't want it, doesn't mean other people didn't

But if you already own the original Darksiders II, and you have no intrest in playing this new version.. Then whats the problem? Just stick to the same verison you have always had and just ignore this version

Seriously, if you can answer me that question.. What is to stop you from sticking to your original copy? People who wanted the Deathinitive version can enjoy it, and people who only want to play the original copy can stick to that copy.. No problem, its only people 'make' it a problem because it gives them an excuse to complain on forums, thats all it boils down to is that people 'enjoy' complaining about these things

I'm upset because Nordic showed their hand by working on this rerelease instead of working on Darksiders 3. I'm surprised you completely missed the point considering it was in the original post.
MegalomaniacNG  [developer] Nov 5, 2015 @ 4:59pm 
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition was just the start. Since we acquired the franchise we were looking for options for doing a DS3. The remaster was just a way to get some spotlight on the franchise again, reactivate the community and have a better starting position for DS3.
Nov 5, 2015 @ 5:02pm 
Originally posted by MegalomaniacNG:
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition was just the start. Since we acquired the franchise we were looking for options for doing a DS3. The remaster was just a way to get some spotlight on the franchise again, reactivate the community and have a better starting position for DS3.

Pumped. Sorry for all of the grief this release seems to be causeing. Good luck on the development.
Wardiaper Nov 5, 2015 @ 5:02pm 
Originally posted by MegalomaniacNG:
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition was just the start. Since we acquired the franchise we were looking for options for doing a DS3. The remaster was just a way to get some spotlight on the franchise again, reactivate the community and have a better starting position for DS3.

You did an excellent job with a fantastic price for existing owners. Gamers just looking for the next to to be offended by. We should all be so passionate about real issues in our lives instead of our entertainment.

Keep up the great work and looking forward to DS3.
Nova Nov 5, 2015 @ 5:03pm 
Originally posted by MegalomaniacNG:
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition was just the start. Since we acquired the franchise we were looking for options for doing a DS3. The remaster was just a way to get some spotlight on the franchise again, reactivate the community and have a better starting position for DS3.

I don't understand why you felt the need to get a "better" starting position, though? The franchise would have been going wild for news of Darksiders 3. Even franchises long since dead have communities that eat up news of the next installment (see: Shenmue 3).

What was the point of trying to "get the spotlight on the francishe again" if you could have accomplished that goal without ANY retaliation from the community by talking about work on Darksiders 3? It appeared to me, as a consumer and fan of the franchise, that this actually HARMS the series more than helps.
MegalomaniacNG  [developer] Nov 5, 2015 @ 5:03pm 
The most grief was caused by our loyalty program where we were very limited about what we could do but the intention was that everybody who spent money on the same content gets it for free.
Doktor Mandrake Nov 5, 2015 @ 5:04pm 
Originally posted by Sethyr:
Originally posted by Doktor Mandrake GB:
Funny thing is, before it got released on PC, and it was already on consoles.. Some people were acctually asking for this deathinitive edition

Just because you didn't want it, doesn't mean other people didn't

But if you already own the original Darksiders II, and you have no intrest in playing this new version.. Then whats the problem? Just stick to the same verison you have always had and just ignore this version

Seriously, if you can answer me that question.. What is to stop you from sticking to your original copy? People who wanted the Deathinitive version can enjoy it, and people who only want to play the original copy can stick to that copy.. No problem, its only people 'make' it a problem because it gives them an excuse to complain on forums, thats all it boils down to is that people 'enjoy' complaining about these things

I'm upset because Nordic showed their hand by working on this rerelease instead of working on Darksiders 3. I'm surprised you completely missed the point considering it was in the original post.

I was already going to say it but a developer even said the obvious

They want to put the spotlight on Darksiders again, try and gauge an interest in the franchise before creating a Darksiders 3

This remaster wouldn't of cost them anywhere NEAR the same if they had created a new game from scatch

The fact they made this re-release to gauge interest in the series again, and the fact people like you are dragging the Darksiders name through the dirt.. How in gods name do you think that will increase the chances of a Darksiders III?

Good job.
MegalomaniacNG  [developer] Nov 5, 2015 @ 5:07pm 
I think you are overthinking this. The intention of the PC version of Deathinitive Edition was to give it to everybody who spent money on the same content before for free. Unfortunately this wasnt possible - but not from our side!

Making Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition at all was a natural choice as we could bring it to the current generation of consoles and improve the game in a lot of areas.
xSOL1D Nov 5, 2015 @ 5:07pm 
I got the Deathinitive edition for free, but to me its just like "meh I beat this game already" Would buy DS3 day one though.
Nova Nov 5, 2015 @ 5:07pm 
Originally posted by Doktor Mandrake GB:

The fact they made this re-release to gauge interest in the series again, and the fact people like you are dragging the Darksiders name through the dirt.. How in gods name do you think that will increase the chances of a Darksiders III?

Good job.

I already stated that a francise does NOT need to have the spotlight on it again in order to be extremely hyped (see: Shenmue 3). Please don't try and blame this on the loyal consumers wanting to see more of this series. If it really isn't a disaster why are the majority of people feel like this is a failure? Oh, and try not to immediately answer that question with "because they're entitled crybabies." That only shoves fuel onto the fire.
tmwfte Nov 5, 2015 @ 5:08pm 
Originally posted by MegalomaniacNG:
I think you are overthinking this. The intention of the PC version of Deathinitive Edition was to give it to everybody who spent money on the same content before for free. Unfortunately this wasnt possible - but not from our side!

Why is it that other developers, like NeoCore and the new owners of the Adam's Venture series, can figure it out, but you guys can't?
Alexspeed Nov 5, 2015 @ 5:09pm 
Originally posted by MegalomaniacNG:
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition was just the start. Since we acquired the franchise we were looking for options for doing a DS3. The remaster was just a way to get some spotlight on the franchise again, reactivate the community and have a better starting position for DS3.

Great way to get spotlight... by shutting out everyone who bought the game at full price + Season Pass + DLC´s.

Dont come with youre the victim or youre only wanted to benfit the "loyal fans", the only benfit you had in mind is your own wallet.

So you made people who really paid the most, pay again for a mediocre patch (yes its a patch, not a re-release) that dosent even work properly.

You planned that right from the start, back when you added that unpurchaseable Soundtrack for Darksiders 1 to the franchise pack. That way you made everyone who bought all the contents ineligible for an upgrade, so you can cash in again from those people.

And now you want to shift the blame to Valve, for technical impossibilities, which is ridicolous when other developers are doing exactly what you claim cant be done.

But not everyone is so stupid to not get that, there are people who see through your scam. You get talked about right now, but no one will remember that as a good thing, its a desaster like the horse armor was back then. I am sure some press outlets are already writing their stories.
Doktor Mandrake Nov 5, 2015 @ 5:12pm 
Originally posted by Sethyr:
Originally posted by Doktor Mandrake GB:

The fact they made this re-release to gauge interest in the series again, and the fact people like you are dragging the Darksiders name through the dirt.. How in gods name do you think that will increase the chances of a Darksiders III?

Good job.

I already stated that a francise does NOT need to have the spotlight on it again in order to be extremely hyped (see: Shenmue 3). Please don't try and blame this on the loyal consumers wanting to see more of this series. If it really isn't a disaster why are the majority of people feel like this is a failure? Oh, and try not to immediately answer that question with "because they're entitled crybabies." That only shoves fuel onto the fire.

I'll stick to the same thing I've said before... Nothing stopping you from playing the original copy of Darksiders II that you already own, nobody has a gun to your head forcing you to buy the deathinitive version.. So whats the problem?

By complaining about such things, you are only making it less of a chance that we'll get a Darksiders III, thats the point I was trying to get across
Nova Nov 5, 2015 @ 5:15pm 
Originally posted by Doktor Mandrake GB:

I'll stick to the same thing I've said before... Nothing stopping you from playing the original copy of Darksiders II that you already own, nobody has a gun to your head forcing you to buy the deathinitive version.. So whats the problem?

By complaining about such things, you are only making it less of a chance that we'll get a Darksiders III, thats the point I was trying to get across

I'll say the same thing in this thread that I said in the last one.


The point you're trying to make is that I shouldn't care about the activities of Nordic because I don't care about the new version. I can't believe you would defend something so anti-consumer as making people buy something they most likely already own.
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Date Posted: Nov 5, 2015 @ 4:49pm
Posts: 320