Fallout 4

Fallout 4

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Mad Marduk Nov 11, 2015 @ 9:13pm
Crafting resource console codes
Does anyone have the console codes for player.additem for the crafting materials? I am avoiding the hauling of junk and time consumption by just using console, otherwise it would be annoying instead of fun. It would be nice to have a list of all of the crafting components needed in the game posted in one single discussion.
Last edited by Mad Marduk; Nov 11, 2015 @ 10:33pm
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Showing 1-15 of 73 comments
Radiosity Nov 11, 2015 @ 9:48pm 
player.additem 001bf72e 5000
player.additem 0006907a 5000
player.additem 000aec5c 5000
;Ballistic Fiber
player.additem 000aec5b 5000
player.additem 000aec5e 5000
player.additem 0006907b 5000
player.additem 000aec5f 5000
player.additem 00106d99 5000
player.additem 0006907c 5000
player.additem 000aec60 5000
player.additem 0006907d 5000
;Fiber Optics
player.additem 00069087 5000
player.additem 000aec61 5000
player.additem 0006907e 5000
player.additem 00069085 5000
player.additem 000aec62 5000
player.additem 000aec63 5000
player.additem 000aec64 5000
;Nuke Material
player.additem 00069086 5000
player.additem 001bf732 5000
player.additem 0006907f 5000
player.additem 00106d98 5000
player.additem 00069081 5000
player.additem 000aec66 5000
player.additem 00069082 5000
player.additem 000731a4 5000
player.additem 000731a3 5000

Paste into a text file in game directory, name it something easy (1.txt or similar), open console in game, type 'bat 1' to give all those at once. Probably best to stand near a container first as it'll equal around 13k weight.

Got really tired of messing with junk, heh.
Mad Marduk Nov 11, 2015 @ 10:20pm 
Awesome! That's fantastic Radiosity. This should get a sticky lol. I try to go fairly light on doing stuff with console codes. When I do it is almost always when it is purely for convenience and time's sake rather than actual challenge or something that could be fun/rewarding. In New Vegas I loved going HC mode and scavving all day to stay alive, but lugging around garbage and scavving largely to babysit settlements? Nah. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Here is a link to another discussion that has a bunch of other useful console codes though.
Radiosity Nov 11, 2015 @ 10:43pm 
Yep, I wanted to experiment and see how the systems work without worrying too much about constantly having to scav for the components, but frankly it's just more fun being able to build your settlement without constantly running short of supplies (especially at the start when settlement storage isn't linked).

Incidentally, if you ever need codes, just type 'help term 0' into the console, where 'term' is what you want to search for. So 'help steel 0' would give you a list of everything in the game that uses the string 'steel', with the base id code to spawn it. Works for everything, like perks etc.
hempcig35i Apr 24, 2016 @ 6:06pm 
omg, gaben?
Luft Waffles Jul 14, 2016 @ 9:26am 
I can't find Carl or Fertilizer
psychicweaver Jul 14, 2016 @ 9:51am 
Originally posted by Rick Grimes:
I can't find Carl or Fertilizer

forced joke
Lord_Harkyn Sep 4, 2016 @ 11:39pm 
I've caught a bit of a snag on trying to get the file to work, is there something I'm doing wrong?
chris.boney Sep 5, 2016 @ 12:19am 
Originally posted by Ser_Kendrick:
I've caught a bit of a snag on trying to get the file to work, is there something I'm doing wrong?
From Radkatsu -

Paste into a text file in game directory - (in the same folder as your main fallout4.exe).

name it something easy - for example, 1 or Craft. (make sure the file is saved in txt format).

open console in game and type
Bat 1
(or whatever you called your file).
stand near a container first as it'll equal around 13k weight.

(youve probably just made a simple error. it should be quite straight forward).
if you use mods then this is a great addition to have alongside using the normal command console.
Cheat Terminal
Locklave Sep 5, 2016 @ 12:26am 
Use google you lazy boy.
chris.boney Sep 5, 2016 @ 12:30am 
going from the age of this thread,, im surprised he dosent have the whole index by now.
(nah, probably a new player, or new to codes, (with his 1 tenth game-time) but yeah,, sometimes its defenately quicker and a lot less hassel to get an answer from google).

Last edited by chris.boney; Sep 5, 2016 @ 12:32am
Bacara Sep 5, 2016 @ 12:39am 
I use this:
It adds 1000 of each junk item. One and a half week older than this post.
Lord_Harkyn Sep 9, 2016 @ 9:58pm 
Yeah, I made a slight coding error after all, I got it fixed though. And it's not my fault I rarely have time to explore "coding" since I actually work for a living, unlike most young adults bumming off of their parents.
chris.boney Sep 10, 2016 @ 7:44am 
Originally posted by Ser_Kendrick:
Yeah, I made a slight coding error after all, I got it fixed though. And it's not my fault I rarely have time to explore "coding" since I actually work for a living, unlike most young adults bumming off of their parents.
"young adluts",, that are too young to play the game..

i forgot to link you this mod.
its a great addition the using the console and saves a whole lot of time.
Cheat Terminal
Last edited by chris.boney; Sep 10, 2016 @ 7:46am
Lord_Harkyn Sep 10, 2016 @ 11:36am 
Yeah, but I like to be an overachiever sometimes, so I'd probably wait on using mods until I get all the achievements done. Basically once you get tgm and spamm a resource batch file a few times, I think that's all you really need if your aiming to get every achievement in the game.
b 0 t t i n i Dec 2, 2016 @ 11:00pm 
thats so cool......
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Date Posted: Nov 11, 2015 @ 9:13pm
Posts: 73