Fallout 4

Fallout 4

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Sines Apr 23, 2016 @ 11:40pm
Assault vs. Combat Rifle
So what are the differences here? With a Powerful Automatic Reciever, the Assault Rifle is lower damage but higher fire rate than the Combat Rifle with the same reciever. But it's not exactly a huge difference...

It seems to me to be that the Assault Rifle is more notable for low recoil than the Combat Rifle. But is that the only major difference? If so, I'm wondering if I should make it my sniper rifle? I don't have points in marksman, so low recoil is a rather important trait for whatever weapon I attach a scope to to handle my long range shots.
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darinbob Apr 23, 2016 @ 11:57pm 
I may matter more in VATS? Assault is multiple bullets pre fire, but combat rifle is one ♥♥♥♥ per. I haven't used assault so I'm not sure, but that's how assault rifles worked in FO3.
AikenAidan Apr 24, 2016 @ 12:17am 
Your accuracy with an automatic weapon affects the number of those projectiles that are being Sprayed all over the place to actually hit something. A waist of ammo IMO. NPCs have a 3x greater number of rounds that hit compared to the player even in vats. Range doesn't seem to affect thier accuracy much. 200m away with a pipe pistols hits many more times on you than you will ever hit them with that weapon.

But back to your question: Single shot weapons are far more efficient than 'Spray and Pray' weapons. [Not counting the legendary MG of that name]
Sad Cat Apr 24, 2016 @ 12:46am 
Originally posted by Wanked:
Your accuracy with an automatic weapon affects the number of those projectiles that are being Sprayed all over the place to actually hit something. A waist of ammo IMO. NPCs have a 3x greater number of rounds that hit compared to the player even in vats. Range doesn't seem to affect thier accuracy much. 200m away with a pipe pistols hits many more times on you than you will ever hit them with that weapon.

But back to your question: Single shot weapons are far more efficient than 'Spray and Pray' weapons. [Not counting the legendary MG of that name]

If you're trying to snipe with them, sure. But this isn't the case with medium to short range engagements.

The major difference between Combat Rifle and Assault Rifle is the Assault Rifle has way less recoil base line (and almost none with upgrades) and has a tighter spread when rigged for automatic, but does a few points less per shot in damage. Combat Rifles are good for medium to long distance when set up like a battle rifle (Think M1 Garland). The Combat Rifle can only have a maximum magazine size of 40, while the Assault Rifle will be able to get up to 80, and functions much better as a full auto weapon.

The Combat Rifle is better suited for sniping or set up for use as a semi-auto battle rifle for medium range engagements when using a scope is to janky. The Assault Rifle is amazing for medium to short range engagements as a full auto, but isn't suited particularly well for semi-auto use IMO due to its lower damage compared to the Combat Rifle.

Last edited by Sad Cat; Apr 24, 2016 @ 12:49am
darinbob Apr 24, 2016 @ 6:12pm 
So, if you use VATS then cmbat rifle does better, recoil doesn't matter at all. Without VATS then you're better off with spray and pray. But if something dangerous gets up close and personal then I'm personally pulling out the shotgun.
< blank > Apr 24, 2016 @ 6:45pm 
Personally I always use combat rifles, recoil matters little when you only fire small bursts, also damage per-shot is more important for small bursts, and if your sniping you'll only want to fire small bursts anyway. Also comabt rifles are lighter, look cooler and have high accuracy.
velasquezt43 Apr 24, 2016 @ 8:12pm 
The combat rifles are easily repurposed for multiples uses too. You can stick a scope and long barrel on them and they can be used as a snipe weapon. You can turn 'em automatic and put a short barrel on them making them into an automatic weapon better than the sub machine gun. The combat rifle is probably my favorite weapon in the game and I get sad in late game when it all goes laser/plasma and I can't use my rifles anymore.
Sentient_Toaster Apr 24, 2016 @ 8:28pm 
Might be noted that eventually 5.56mm seems much more common than the .308 you'd use if you wanted to set up the combat rifle as a semi-automatic battle or sniping rifle rather than keeping it at .45. Hunting rifles share the .308; but they become pretty rare -- either enemies have assault rifles (all 5.56mm regardless of mods), or .45 combat rifles, or plasma and laser, or they're using miniguns and missile launchers, or they're raiders with pipe weapons. .308 will need more trips to e.g. Eleanor and Opal.
nineCavalry Apr 24, 2016 @ 8:28pm 
non-auto combat rifle is pretty good, because of partial "ignore armor" in the non-auto weapons perk, especially in later levels with enemies that have insane armors
Last edited by nineCavalry; Apr 24, 2016 @ 8:29pm
Storm Apr 24, 2016 @ 9:08pm 
I use the combat rifle you get from Vault 81 as my short range sniper rifle as it shoots 2 projectiles at once and you can really clear out an area. Most things are 1-2 shots.

I picked up a leg Minuteman rifle that does double damage when the target is at full health which I use for long range kills. Only thing I haven't been able to single shot is a death claw and a mirelark queen.
josseriot Apr 26, 2016 @ 5:44pm 
I prefer the combat rifle for a few reasons, but not just stats. I suspect for auto weapons, the assault would be better. Dunno for sure since I steer away from auto.

I use a controller so I get the rumble effect from the recoil, and with the combat rifle it feels more natural to the game play. Plus by the time assault rifles start showing up as loot I'm usually pretty comfy with whatever combat rifle I'm using. The one I'm using currently, at level 36, is a legendary one, the "Mighty Powerful" that does 25% more damage, so the damage rating is pretty good. It's my med- to close-range combat weapon, with mods for from the hip accuracy. It's what I use by default to messy, up-close fight and I use it for assault charges, Sleathboy sprint attacks, close-quarters sneak attacks and anything where I may need bash. As far as accuracy in those kinds of situations I couldn't ask for better. Plus bash with combat rifle seems pretty much the same as the assault, so there's no pull there to change.

I've tried the assault rifle, non-auto, because the mag is bugger and the firing rate faster, but it just doesn't have a look and feel I like. Not everything in a RPG like this needs to be about the best stats. Plus I like having a weapon that has trade-offs--like superior from-the-hip accuracy but smaller mag and slower firing rate. It forces me to play smarter in combat rather than relying on overpowering the enemy.
Last edited by josseriot; Apr 26, 2016 @ 5:46pm
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Date Posted: Apr 23, 2016 @ 11:40pm
Posts: 10