Fallout 4

Fallout 4

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Melekler Jun 17, 2018 @ 2:07am
Creation Kit Problems
Hi! I installed the bethesda launcher in order to install the ck.but ,when i open the ck,either it opens and crashes, or is saying something about validating game files and an error code (
NOTE:i dont have the minimum requirements for fo4.can that be the problem?
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BandagedCarrot Jul 11, 2018 @ 10:46am 
So. Kazoo (you get 2 O's, that's it, I'm drawing a line), I think I can help with this particular issue. It seems to be an initialization error with CK on a first run that seems to come from a CPU hang-up when Fallout4.esm (your base game file) is accessed by the CK. At least it's trying to access it anyway.

To fix this issue, go into your Data Folder:

Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data

Once there, find a mod file that has been overlaid with the CK icon. Try and run that file. Any mod will work, but I'd suggest installing a small dummy mod that you don't really care about, because this force boot process can damage the mod file you use to initialize CK.

When you try and "Run" the mod, CK will open, it will ask you to "Unpack" the mod (New Version/Changed). This is because CK has never been able to initiliaze Fallout4.esm. Click "OK". CK will now begin running the initial start up process, and will take a nice long time to decompress everything (I MEAN ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ EVERYTHING WITH A .BA2 EXTENSION & EVERY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MOD YOU HAVE INSTALLED) Note: The more mods you have installed, the longer it takes . This is the initialization process for CK.

Congratulations. You just made your computer force boot Creation Kit, and circumvent the CPU hang-up error that some users experience when they have large mod files or NUMEROUS mods installed. This is because CK tries to boot based off your Plugins list. CK doesn't just access Fallout4.esm on it's first boot, it tries to access every mod you have initialized in your load menu/Nexus Mod Manager.

The only other way around this otherwise is to use a completely clean Fallout 4 install with no DLC activated, but that can be so... depressing to have to re-download, re-install, and re-initialize every mod you want.

My way just tells the CK to go ♥♥♥♥ itself. Hard. Long & Hard.

Now. Have fun.
Flippy Jul 11, 2018 @ 10:49am 
Originally posted by kazooooooooo:
Hi! I installed the bethesda launcher in order to install the ck.but ,when i open the ck,either it opens and crashes, or is saying something about validating game files and an error code (
NOTE:i dont have the minimum requirements for fo4.can that be the problem?

That shouldnt be the problem although if your going to build a castle or editing in the world its even more demanding than the game itself. But frame rate lag while editing isnt like playing the game its to be expected and even those that built Fallout 4 had to deal with it.

Keep trying, the construction kit can do anything. Anything.

I just use the construction lately to make the famous companions as good as settlers with ammo use and as good as Danse for power armor use and its AMAZING.

Also used it alot in previously done mods.

Last edited by Flippy; Jul 11, 2018 @ 10:53am
Flippy Jul 11, 2018 @ 10:58am 

Diamond City security looks cool now using the CK.




Nick is even more awsome with a CK mod from Nexusmods.com It turns Nick into a Gen 2 and he is basically human for using equipment and everything. I tried to do this in the CK but couldnt so went with a Nexus mod.


The Third Rail is a nice place with a bit of effort in the CK.
Last edited by Flippy; Jul 11, 2018 @ 11:02am
=EGC= kansasterry Jul 11, 2018 @ 11:04am 
if the above fails you can try to validate the creation kit through the bethesda launcher.

Just select the kit in its menu click on the options (gear icon) and select scan and repair.

I had some files go missing in the fallout 4 script source folder once that caused it to fail in a similar manner this replaced them. (probablly got deleted when removing a mod that changed them for some reason)
Last edited by =EGC= kansasterry; Jul 11, 2018 @ 11:04am
Flippy Jul 11, 2018 @ 11:06am 
Creation kit crashes when trying to load some modded models. These same models do not crash the game.

This is a bit complicated, but when editing the world i have to unload the modded models for clothing for example. I couldnt figure out why it was crashing when i tried to enter diamond city. It was modded models, just unload them or remove them from the data folder while editing the world or some characters.
Last edited by Flippy; Jul 11, 2018 @ 11:07am
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Date Posted: Jun 17, 2018 @ 2:07am
Posts: 5