Bounty Train

Bounty Train

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76561198174862003  [desarrollador] 22 AGO 2015 a las 3:12
Guides & FAQ - [ENGLISH]
Will Bounty Train have a multiplayer mode?
We´re still thinking about this idea – but have not come to a final decision for now.

Are we allowed to record and upload things like Let´s Play videos for Bounty Train?
Sure! We would love to hear about your thoughts and ideas. Feel free to share them!

When will patches be released?
We´re aiming for a two weeks patch cycle. Follow us on Steam, Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date.

Will I miss out on something by skipping the tutorial?
No. The tutorial does not offer any bonus on money, crewmembers or experience. So if you are familiar with the basics of Bounty Train and its controls, there's no disadvantage in skipping the tutorial.

What is the difference between hard mode and normal mode?
Normal mode gives you a rewind option, so you can lose a battle and either try again, maybe even jump back to the last city to expand your crew or choose a different route, or just restart a battle that was already won to prevent a character or carriage from getting lost. Hard mode won´t allow this – so all actions may cause far-reaching and permanent consequences.

How can I heal my characters?
There are two ways to heal injured characters. First option is to double-click the character portrait while in a city and selecting “Heal”. Please note: you will be charged with a certain amount of money for this action.
Second option: specially trained characters with a healing skill are able to heal allied units during a fight.

What happens if a character dies?
Death is permanent in Bounty Train. If a character dies, this character is dead. If Walter dies, the game ends.

How do perks work?
While leveling, a character earns experience. With every level-up your characters can choose one of three available perks. You can select the active skill in the character screen; hovering over the skills will show additional information. The passive effects of your skills stay active, regardless of the active skill. – At the moment perks are still work in progress and might change in the future.

How do active abilities work?
While in cities you can select the active abilities on the character screen; this decision is not permanent as you can change the active skills anytime. A selected ability can be activated by pressing the icon on top of the character’s portrait during a fight. Active abilities will be improved in the near future, including additional feedback.

I want to hire an additional character but I don´t have any slots left.
A character can depart at strain stations, so that this slot within the train becomes available again. The character that just left will wait for you until you come back and pick them up again. This way you can assemble the best possible crew for any situation without having to dismiss a character permanently. Another option is to actually dismiss a crew member, in case you are sure you won’t need them anymore for your future adventures.

What happens when one of my carriages gets destroyed?
The carriage will be lost and everything in it will be lost with it.

How can I repair my carriages?
Similar to the healing options there are two repair options in the game.
You will find the first option in the depot, just taking a little bit of time and money.
Of course there are also some engineers who are trained to keep your train up and running during a trip as a second option.

Is it possible to leave carriages in a city like characters?
Yes, you can either sell carriages or just store them in the depot in a city and pick them up whenever you pass this city again.

What about my loco?
The loco can be repaired just the same way like carriages.

Why does my train fail to take a specific route?
This might have several reasons: 1. You have to buy a license for the route.
2. The max settings for each locomotive are set and cannot be exceeded. If your train is too heavily laden or too long, it might be that the train is not able to take the selected route. You can solve this by unloading some goods and / or undocking one or more carriages – or purchase a new engine with better stats.

What about passengers?
Passengers are special characters; they want to travel from point A to point B and in order to carry them, the train needs to be equipped with seats. If you want to view all carriage information just visit the depot or check the respective tool tip by double clicking it.

Will my passengers fight by my side?
Most passenger’s won´t engage in a fight even when they are attacked. But they still can assist your crew for example by extinguishing fire and such things.

Can I heal passengers in cities?
No. Passengers are not intended to be your meat shields that can be repaired like your train. Of course passengers can be healed during a battle though.

How to purchase goods?
You can buy and sell goods on the market in each city. You can select different available goods and make a nice profit. Another option is visiting the faction camps. It might be that you can make a real good deal there.

Why aren´t there any goods available in the market?
Cities only produce a set amount of goods at a time. If you already bought all they had in stock just check back later to obtain some more.

Where can I see the actual demand for buying / selling goods?
You can check all available goods and demands of a city by checking the worldmap, and hovering over the city. All information is indicated at the right bottom. For the future it will be possible to view and handle the demands of the nearby cities directly.

How can I obtain quests?
There are multiple categories of quests. For some you will need to talk to characters to obtain them, others will be available via the town hall and some will just be displayed at the worldmap. Watch out for characters in the cities and make sure you talk to them.

I have finished my quest – why is it still in my quest log?
We thought you might want to track your actions and the story, so it’s kind of a history of your adventures. If you do not want to have finished or unsuccessful quests in your log, you can just press the respective x-button.

What will happen if I fail at a quest?
It depends on the quest. Most likely you´ll be charged a certain penalty. In some special cases you will miss out on additional quests or even upcoming historical events.

I failed at a quest – can I try again?
Most quests aren´t repeatable. We will try to add some more quests as an alternative for more diversity in the future.

What is reputation?
Most of your decisions and some of the quests will have an impact of your reputation with some factions. The better your reputation is, the better are your chances of hiring special characters or discovering new markets. Even the chance of new quests becoming available rises. If your reputation is bad the opposite happens: you will be excluded from hiring characters and / or certain markets, some faction quests will not be available and you will be robbed or attacked more likely.

How do I earn reputation?
You can earn reputation by supporting the respective faction and their members. We are planning to implement some additional ways of earning reputation, and making choices regarding the factions.

Última edición por Daedalic_Stormskull; 24 AGO 2015 a las 10:41
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Mostrando 1-15 de 28 comentarios
DaetherX 15 FEB 2016 a las 16:31 
You clearly state that people may do Let's Plays of the game but I have a question about the music since that's what gets content ID bot flagged the most in LP videos.

Does your company own the copyright to the music in the game, or is it licensed?
Última edición por DaetherX; 15 FEB 2016 a las 16:32
DaetherX 16 FEB 2016 a las 12:01 
Follow-up question: If you license the music, are the IP owners known for flagging videos with their music in them on YouTube?
76561198195086213 18 FEB 2016 a las 1:49 
Hello DaetherX,

Sorry for the late answer.
All used music is owned by Corbie Games.
So Content ID flags shouldn´t ever happen.
If you run into any problems, please let us know.
TheIronFist 28 JUL 2016 a las 10:16 
i have a question. One of my guys was imprissoned cause i had to give up weapons and im wondering how to get him out
Great Manitou  [desarrollador] 29 JUL 2016 a las 9:33 
He is in one of the nearest Jails. You can check where is he and when he will be free at information window

Information window can be opened by this button
TheIronFist 6 AGO 2016 a las 12:24 
Thank you
Hypnoticborrat 9 AGO 2016 a las 10:18 
Currently bandits are friendly to me and won't attack me, but both Union and Confederates see me as their enemy and will attack me on sight, calling me a supporter of the other army. How the hell did I get +60 reputation with bandits and -60 or more reputation with the armies? I had some bandit passengers, so that might have boosted the bandit reputation, does bandit reputation affect army reputation?
Great Manitou  [desarrollador] 11 AGO 2016 a las 1:01 
Yes, now bandit reputation affects army reputation, both Union and Confederate factions. When you help bandits, you increase your bandits reputation. But now reputation works a little bit weird and we make now some changes and balance.
Hypnoticborrat 11 AGO 2016 a las 3:09 
So how can I fix this? I'd like to go back to the point where bandits ignore me and army wants a bribe, but everytime i get engaged by the army I lose 3 points of reputation.
Great Manitou  [desarrollador] 11 AGO 2016 a las 8:02 
There are several variants:
1) Attitude changes by time. Slowly it moves to 0 by small steps.
2) You need to complete quests/contracts for Union, Confederates, for example find and kill Wanted bandit. This way attitude of government increases, but bandits won't like you.
Hypnoticborrat 11 AGO 2016 a las 8:43 
Thank you.
SgtScooter 11 DIC 2016 a las 8:49 
Should you be able to leave your characters and train cars in city to repair and heal while you leave, replacing them with people and cars you've placed at that city?

I left a character in a hospital and it seems that they've disappeared.
krank0815 11 DIC 2016 a las 11:15 
It shouldn't be that way, try the following:
In the higher right corner, is a symbol looks lie a box/case... click there
a menu appears where you can see your train, your guys, your carriage AND all the cities where you have left a train/wagon, a person or where you still have carriage or a building.
So you should easily find missing persons or wagons.
SgtScooter 11 DIC 2016 a las 13:35 
Do the bonuses you get from selecting the Rifleman skill (+accuracy, etc) apply even if you are using a revolver?

The fact that you can repair and heal even if the applicable skills aren't selected suggests that they do, however there are no totals listed anywhere, so there's no way to tell. Each character should really have an info panel so you can see how you've spent your upgrades and how they are applying.
Aldodrem 27 ABR 2017 a las 8:08 
Does this game support Ultra Wide 21:9?
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