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Frozen Stance utilization?
I tend not to use blocking much if at all in games where you have blocking and dodging. However, in this game it seems like it would be a good idea, particularly because some attack patterns are hard to dodge. I am also thinking about it more upon having recently picked up ice because it's circuit paths as well as my wanting to make building distinctions between modes is making me picking a lot of guard oriented stuff. I am currently moving through the path, mostly for the eventual berserker, and I am having trouble.

Frozen Stance's description says it takes effect on a perfect guard. I sort of assumed at first that when you have it enabled it automatically activates on performing a perfect guard. However, I tested to see what would happen if I do the usual thing of blocking and then while doing so pressing RT for the guard art activation. A build up and release animation ocurred, and there was a little snowflake effect. I suspected that it might be that you perform the art, and then for a window the effect gets added onto any perfect guards performed, but the visual effect was very brief rather than sustaining, so that probably isn't it. Does the game expect you to press B and RT as you are perfect guarding? that seems hard to remember to do without over focusing on it and losing the flow of paying attention to other stuff.
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LuVenBen Mar 21 @ 5:03am 
when you activate the art, it makes your next block a perfect one, and gives a counter attack if you were hit by melee. the snowflakes just show that the art is still active.
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