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alicerinz Jan 13, 2019 @ 9:51am
Perfect Guard Mechanics?
Can someone exlain to me what types of attacks can and cannot be perfect guarded?

Trying to build a tank here, but i'm not going to bother if i'll still have to dash just as much.
Last edited by alicerinz; Jan 13, 2019 @ 9:51am
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
Ernsteen Jan 13, 2019 @ 9:59am 
Every attack can be perfect guarded, meaning you reduce the received damage to 0.
Some attacks can be guard countered, where the enemy gets stunned. I don't know if there's a good rulwe for when you can do that, but usually when an enemy is charging for a melee/dash style attack it happens.
To guard attacks coming from above you have to get a certain skill however.
Seraphita Jan 13, 2019 @ 10:02am 
Everything can be perfect guarded as far as I know. Not everything can be perfect COUNTERED, though. Perfect guard is only timing guard at the right moment. I don't think it's very practical to guard ALL the time when dash is so useful though. Guard skills can probably be good, though.

Guard skills against bosses might not be as successful, however. Those are attack sponges.
alicerinz Jan 13, 2019 @ 10:07am 
Figures. I guess the game is simply not geared towards that kind of playstyle.

It just feels too easy. The enemies die ridiculously quick, especially bosses.

Sure wish we got to play as other classes though. It feels like a sick joke when you got Emilie constantly talking about how punching things is fun and C'Tron firing those super loud spells.

I wanna punch things too ;-;
Last edited by alicerinz; Jan 13, 2019 @ 10:08am
Ernsteen Jan 13, 2019 @ 10:16am 
Then uhh, go an punch things. I played through the game getting all Quests and all Chests and I blocked a total of 3 times by mistake and used maybe two throw arts.
From my experience and from what I've seen in other people's streams, playstyles are actually fairly diverse.
GronkJuice Jan 15, 2019 @ 1:04pm 
yep, I did enjoy the mechanic myself, but like everyone said. Guard at right time, however you also need to be able to guard in the dirrection it is coming from. Sometimes you need to guard top (only doable in ice form) so you could debate that some attacks can't be guarded/counters/perfect guarded.

Another thought is that if you want to play a set style then you can. sure you use a charara and not a fist, but melee is melee. and with the pixel graphics you just need to change your mindset as melee = punching.
Gearwar Jan 15, 2019 @ 3:05pm 
I think that perfect guarding still ads to the stagger effect If i remember correctly.
I couldn't manage to guard slashes from behesloths or one of the slashes from the beatle enemies. I'm fairly certain some attacks are unblockable and there doesn't seem to be any indication for it. At most you get hit once or twice though so minimal trial and error.
Ernsteen Jan 16, 2019 @ 11:38am 
The timing of perfect guards is a function of your defense stat and the enemie's attack stat. The more it is in your favour, the easier the timing. I suppose that since the behesloth is really strong comapred to other enemies, you just had a harder time guarding at the right time.
Ernsteen Jan 16, 2019 @ 11:39am 
The timing of perfect guards is a function of your defense stat and the enemie's attack stat. The more it is in your favour, the easier the timing. I suppose that since the behesloth is really strong comapred to other enemies, you just had a harder time guarding at the right time.
awanderingswordsman Jan 16, 2019 @ 12:46pm 
I just tested it again. I'm level 76, I have specced heavily into defense. Even using ices omni guard you cannot block the slash he does. You can block the rolling attack and his get up slam which I easily perfect guarded but the slash goes right through no matter your timing. If you can prove me wrong, feel free. The fire beatles have a similar unblockable slash but they have a very similar one that is blockable.
Ernsteen Jan 16, 2019 @ 1:03pm 
Ooohhh... well you cannot block the slash at all. If you just hold up the guard there is no guard symbol at all next to the damage number.
So I suppose you can perfect guard any attack that you can block in the first place.
Mauman Jan 16, 2019 @ 7:53pm 
if you can pull it off, perfect guards are great against certain tough enemies (and duels) since it forces a break in defenses/opportunity for free hits.

And yeah, certain attacks can't be perfect guarded, like the bugs slash attacks (ugh I hate those guys).
Originally posted by GronkJuice:
Another thought is that if you want to play a set style then you can. sure you use a charara and not a fist, but melee is melee. and with the pixel graphics you just need to change your mindset as melee = punching.

Hang on, what the actual hell is a "charara"? It takes like 2 secs to look up the weapon name lol. Damn, talk about lazy and disrespectful all in one. :steamfacepalm:
re11ding May 9 @ 10:41pm 
I'm late to this party, but I wanted to mention a possible issue. Some stats affect Perfect Guard timing despite not saying such. Defense was mentioned, but one that I feel is more important to mention is "Solid Guard". If you have a pretty low negative value for this, like below -25%, it's next to impossible to perfect guard. I always run into this conflict around the jungle when I'm trying to parry the sloths when they roll and for some reason I was having an impossible time. Turns out, that was why. Once it was above -25%, it became possible once more.

I don't know if other stats affect it.
Genny May 10 @ 6:04pm 
Originally posted by re11ding:
I'm late to this party, but I wanted to mention a possible issue. Some stats affect Perfect Guard timing despite not saying such. Defense was mentioned, but one that I feel is more important to mention is "Solid Guard". If you have a pretty low negative value for this, like below -25%, it's next to impossible to perfect guard. I always run into this conflict around the jungle when I'm trying to parry the sloths when they roll and for some reason I was having an impossible time. Turns out, that was why. Once it was above -25%, it became possible once more.

I don't know if other stats affect it.

nice to mention :)
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