Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

odissey better than star citizen?
i was wondering if dlc odyssey will bring star citizen to her knees?
can we:

move around in our ships, stations?

Will we have more varied vessels?

Can we move anywhere or will it be limited to certain planets?

How will the mission sharing work to do it in a group, because for the multi-crexx and the wings seem to me very light and not very interesting compared to the solo ...?

Will the missions be mixed type of ship + boarding, ship flying or station attack?

You advise me what more elite which offers playable gameplay or SC which is still only in alpha and this will probably still be for 10 years.

similar I have always had trouble making maximum profit on elite, and the fights are a bit too difficult, is there a way to make the game easier?
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Mostrando 16-30 de 35 comentarios
Zorrito 1 ENE 2021 a las 11:50 
Publicado originalmente por reynord.gyllo:
i was wondering if dlc odyssey will bring star citizen to her knees?

SC will be a buggy 'early alpha' for years to come. I'm not sure there's much point comparing them for now. Unless you're really up for alpha testing etc.

EDO also isn't out yet, so we don't really know if it's any good yet :D

But on your questions:

Publicado originalmente por reynord.gyllo:
can we:

move around in our ships, stations?

Stations? Yep. Stations & outposts in space will have social areas for missions & purchases etc, as will the planetary ports. Then the 'Settlements' (& POI) on the surface have the actual gameplay. They also say there are more locations with interiors to be revealed, both in space and on planets.

Ship interiors? Nope. They say 'not at launch'. (Although honestly I'd read that as 'not this DLC' if I was you).

Publicado originalmente por reynord.gyllo:
Will we have more varied vessels?

They haven't revealed any. (The new Steam art for ED does suggest that there will be new modular changes for SRVs though.)

Publicado originalmente por reynord.gyllo:
Can we move anywhere or will it be limited to certain planets?

They're opening up more planets (ones with 'thin' atmospheres), and adding some planetary flora. Heavy atmospheres will still be locked off. There won't be any weather or storms in the 'thin' atmospheres apparently.

Publicado originalmente por reynord.gyllo:
How will the mission sharing work to do it in a group, because for the multi-crexx and the wings seem to me very light and not very interesting compared to the solo ...?

They haven't said much yet. They have mentioned a few improvements to Wings + Multicrew though. They can work together now, you can give lifts to other Cmdrs with 'physical multicrew' in the cockpit, and you can deploy the SRV on another Cmdr's ship now.

Publicado originalmente por reynord.gyllo:
Will the missions be mixed type of ship + boarding, ship flying or station attack?

They've talked a bit about the 'triangle of combat', IE infantry + SRV + ship combat at the new Settlements in Combat Zone style conflicts.

They haven't really detailed anything beyond that, although they have talked about being able to fly down and help your friend escape from a 'heist' mission to steal a power core from a settlement, or whatever. And NPCs being dropped off by ships etc.


Última edición por Zorrito; 1 ENE 2021 a las 11:57
Moniboi 1 ENE 2021 a las 12:03 
Publicado originalmente por | Ge'el |:
Publicado originalmente por reynord.gyllo:
i was wondering if dlc odyssey will bring star citizen to her knees?
can we:

move around in our ships, stations?

Will we have more varied vessels?

Can we move anywhere or will it be limited to certain planets?

How will the mission sharing work to do it in a group, because for the multi-crexx and the wings seem to me very light and not very interesting compared to the solo ...?

Will the missions be mixed type of ship + boarding, ship flying or station attack?

You advise me what more elite which offers playable gameplay or SC which is still only in alpha and this will probably still be for 10 years.

similar I have always had trouble making maximum profit on elite, and the fights are a bit too difficult, is there a way to make the game easier?
Unless they add the option to explore your ship and manually go in and out freely, then SC will always BE better, that and because star citizen ships are 60x larger than the ones in odyssey
IMO SC is not better. Far from it. Maybe it will be better in a few more years if it releases that soon, but for now it's in alpha and it's nowhere near as good as elite given its stage of development. It's currently a buggy mess with far less stuff to do than in Elite. It is cool and could become something great, but at its pace of development, it will be a long time before it's fair to compare it to ED. SC is in alpha, ED has a great advantage at this point of time.

I guess the main gameplay you want to do is walking around your ship, so I guess SC is better for you, but not everyone shares this opinion, so keep that in mind.
reynord.gyllo 1 ENE 2021 a las 12:03 
thanks a lot for these informations
Moniboi 1 ENE 2021 a las 12:07 
Currently Elite Dangerous. SC could become better in a few more years if it finishes development that soon, but for now SC is in alpha and is no match for ED, which is a finished game and a good one at that. SC has great ambitions, but it has not yet reached them and is very unlikely to do so in a long time. It's also possible that they just give up on the ambitions and make something mediocre.
Christofor 1 ENE 2021 a las 12:46 
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Jin Yoichi (Bloqueado) 1 ENE 2021 a las 13:01 
Publicado originalmente por Moniboi:
Publicado originalmente por | Ge'el |:
Unless they add the option to explore your ship and manually go in and out freely, then SC will always BE better, that and because star citizen ships are 60x larger than the ones in odyssey
IMO SC is not better. Far from it. Maybe it will be better in a few more years if it releases that soon, but for now it's in alpha and it's nowhere near as good as elite given its stage of development. It's currently a buggy mess with far less stuff to do than in Elite. It is cool and could become something great, but at its pace of development, it will be a long time before it's fair to compare it to ED. SC is in alpha, ED has a great advantage at this point of time.

I guess the main gameplay you want to do is walking around your ship, so I guess SC is better for you, but not everyone shares this opinion, so keep that in mind.
Your words have facts, but what is a space game if you can't really do things around your ship as you would in SC? i know you can multy crew on ED but that feature seems sooo cheap and badly portioned into the game, maybe it will improve once odyssey comes out i'm legit hoping for that, otherwise ima fork out $600 on a perseus or polaris ship, i was originally going to get the hammer head, but trump decided to bless us with a mearly $600 that's a full list of groceries, legit gave us money for groceries.. i would of rather NOT have squat.
Última edición por Jin Yoichi; 1 ENE 2021 a las 13:03
Agony_Aunt 1 ENE 2021 a las 13:14 
Publicado originalmente por | Ge'el |:
Publicado originalmente por reynord.gyllo:
i was wondering if dlc odyssey will bring star citizen to her knees?
can we:

move around in our ships, stations?

Will we have more varied vessels?

Can we move anywhere or will it be limited to certain planets?

How will the mission sharing work to do it in a group, because for the multi-crexx and the wings seem to me very light and not very interesting compared to the solo ...?

Will the missions be mixed type of ship + boarding, ship flying or station attack?

You advise me what more elite which offers playable gameplay or SC which is still only in alpha and this will probably still be for 10 years.

similar I have always had trouble making maximum profit on elite, and the fights are a bit too difficult, is there a way to make the game easier?
Unless they add the option to explore your ship and manually go in and out freely, then SC will always BE better, that and because star citizen ships are 60x larger than the ones in odyssey

I have to ask, why does walking around your ship trump actual game loops?

Also, you are badly misinformed. On average, and not that it matters, but sihps in ED are larger than shiips in SC.
Zorrito 1 ENE 2021 a las 13:18 
Publicado originalmente por | Ge'el |:
otherwise ima fork out $600 on a perseus or polaris ship, i was originally going to get the hammer head, but trump decided to bless us with a mearly $600 that's a full list of groceries, legit gave us money for groceries.. i would of rather NOT have squat.

Christ mate, if you're struggling for groceries, do not spend over half a grand on ships that genuinely are just 'jpegs' at the moment. (Neither the Perseus or Polaris are beyond 'concept' stage). Hell, don't spend that much on a game asset even if it does work. Damn.

All other things aside about games being better or worse, please just don't do that.
Zorrito 1 ENE 2021 a las 13:23 
Publicado originalmente por Stargaze0G:
I'm glad this post is here.... To anyone that has played or still playing Star Citizen, is it worth getting right now? Or should I save my money and wait to see what EliteD brings to the table? I'm pretty new to PC gaming. Just built my first PC in Nov. and looking for other space games. I know it's not a big deal to some...But honestly, I'd love to be able to walk around my ship and have it just feel that much more realistic. The graphics look amazing as well. Thoughts?

Just do a free-fly for SC friend. They come round periodically. That way you can assess whether you wanna be an alpha-tester or not. (Just remember that they gift you '100s of $' worth of ships at that point. Try tooling around with the Mustang Alpha / Aurora ships alone to get that $45 starter pack feel. That's what true noobing is like in the game ;))

ED isn't going to have full-blown ship interiors for a long old while it seems. So if that's the deal-breaker, then Odyssey isn't going to change that. (But on the plus side, it probably will work for the most part ;). After a few buggy months ;))

MasterBlaster 1 ENE 2021 a las 13:40 
i hope Odyseey will be more than a grind dlc for upgrading your super-duper space suit, you guess what i mean?!
Veeshan 1 ENE 2021 a las 14:41 
Publicado originalmente por Voidpouncer:
Star Citizen is already on its knees, it doesn't need any help from Odyssey.

We know almost nothing about the gameplay in Odyssey or rather how fun it will be. All we know is it comes from a developer who thought scanning 100 (or close to) frameshift wakes over 3 hours to get 9 Datamined Wake Exceptions was "gameplay". Or that Fleet Carriers had "gameplay". Or that relogging 30 times to get 20 pattern Epsilon data was "gameplay".

If you think the combat is too tough in Elite you're probably either accepting missions that are well in excess of your rank or (/and) not putting much time into building and engineering your ships. I think Frontier should have kept the old system of locking higher rank missions until the player had attained them. Now people expect to complete a 10m credit delivery mission in their C rated Sidewinder.
So weird to see people make this mistake. Imagine thinking that you're supposed to play for 600 hours in a stretch to "beat" an MMO by reaching max level. How is it not obvious that those goals are intended to be completed over time? I actually see this in Ark survival evolved as well. To tame a creature in that game can take upwards of six hours. People take that time and complain about it, as if you weren't supposed to leave it and do other things mean while.

Heck, they even give you structures to protect it and mechanics that modulate the delay between necessary return visits. Kind of hard to miss that I would think.
Última edición por Veeshan; 1 ENE 2021 a las 14:48
Moniboi 1 ENE 2021 a las 14:44 
Publicado originalmente por | Ge'el |:
Publicado originalmente por Moniboi:
IMO SC is not better. Far from it. Maybe it will be better in a few more years if it releases that soon, but for now it's in alpha and it's nowhere near as good as elite given its stage of development. It's currently a buggy mess with far less stuff to do than in Elite. It is cool and could become something great, but at its pace of development, it will be a long time before it's fair to compare it to ED. SC is in alpha, ED has a great advantage at this point of time.

I guess the main gameplay you want to do is walking around your ship, so I guess SC is better for you, but not everyone shares this opinion, so keep that in mind.
Your words have facts, but what is a space game if you can't really do things around your ship as you would in SC? i know you can multy crew on ED but that feature seems sooo cheap and badly portioned into the game, maybe it will improve once odyssey comes out i'm legit hoping for that, otherwise ima fork out $600 on a perseus or polaris ship, i was originally going to get the hammer head, but trump decided to bless us with a mearly $600 that's a full list of groceries, legit gave us money for groceries.. i would of rather NOT have squat.
I'm not saying you are wrong. Walking around the ship is a good feature. But as I said, ED is a finished game, whereas SC is in Alpha. To you, walking around the ship may make it the better game. However, to me, it is more important to have a wide variety of gameplay and polish than it is to be able to walk around my ship. SC is a buggy mess and it lack gameplay features. ED is polished and despite lacking walking around in my ship, it has far more gameplay at this time. I prefer ED over SC for this reason. That one reason is far less significant to me than what i would regard as good core gameplay.
Veeshan 1 ENE 2021 a las 14:47 
For me, the answer to this question is no*, with only one minor exception.

I definitely find Star citizens first person walking around gameplay to be vastly superior to what I've seen so far of elite dangerous Odyssey. The variety of locations where you can walk, and the physical movement is a definite upgrade for my preferences.

However, Star Citizen is going for a PlanetSide 2 / Call of Duty first person shooter experience. All about twitch reaction, spotting the other person first, and precise aim. I much prefer the other type of shooter, the Halo/ Dust 514 type, we're getting the jump on someone is much less beneficial because the other person usually has time to spin around and turn the tables. A more tactical experience usually.

So if Elite dangerous goes for the latter type I will have found my game. If not, I'm still out of luck on both fronts.

* this of course is assuming that Star Citizen releases and runs for more than 10 minutes without crashing.

As for the other elements of the first person perspective, Trading and whatever else they have, I doubt I'll be able to discern any difference between the games.
Última edición por Veeshan; 1 ENE 2021 a las 14:52
Zorrito 1 ENE 2021 a las 15:15 
Publicado originalmente por Veeshan:
I much prefer the other type of shooter, the Halo/ Dust 514 type, we're getting the jump on someone is much less beneficial because the other person usually has time to spin around and turn the tables. A more tactical experience usually.

The TTK seems to be fairly high in EDO, because they're going for the same shield + armour system as the ships.

They kinda described it as a half-way house style:

It's probably in the middle [of Arma & CoD] somewhere. We're not going for anything in the feeling of an arcade shooter. The weapons, if they have weight, will have different draw speeds, different ADS [aiming down sight] speeds. So you will be able to feel the difference with each weapon. We're not expecting twitch-based gameplay in terms of being able to draw weapons and immediately shoot. But also, it's not sluggish. There is pace to this. We want a level of drama and excitement to come through in the combat.

But guess we'll see

Publicado originalmente por Veeshan:
As for the other elements of the first person perspective, Trading and whatever else they have, I doubt I'll be able to discern any difference between the games.

They seem to have got a reasonably fleshed-out stealth system going in EDO, which would be a point in its favour to date:

But if you want to take a more considered approach, you could for instance find an information terminal in the settlement, and if you've managed to gain authorisation that allows you access to it, either by placing a hacking device on it, or scanning some of the AI that are already in the settlement, covertly, and basically duping their credentials, you can gain access to the staff list, pinpoint the target that you're after in terms of location, highlight them in-world with one of your AR markers, and it makes it much much easier to track them down.
Once you've got the target marked you can then use some of the other tools to infiltrate the building perhaps that they're in, to circumvent some of the security measures. And then basically assassinate them completely discreetly.
...the AI is constantly looking for audio and visual stimuli that it can be interested in. Like you say, it might be that it sees a cut panel on the floor - it will be immediately interested in going to investigate that and have a look around that area... If it sees you actually cutting the panel, which is an illegal act in the settlement then they'll basically escalate.

Publicado originalmente por Veeshan:
* this of course is assuming that Star Citizen releases and runs for more than 10 minutes without crashing.

There's the rub ;)
Veeshan 1 ENE 2021 a las 17:02 
Publicado originalmente por Zorrito:

Good info there, thanks. I hadn't read that closely, only watched the videos. It does indeed sound a bit more like Halo, with potentially extended draw time mattering in combat, meaning tactical decisions pre and post combat. Definitely a plus to my tastes.

I'm afraid that fascinating tidbit about the stealth mechanics turns me off, for some reason I have something against stealth in any game ever. Definitely costs me some Worthy experiences, I'm sure.

However, the depth they describe alone is enough to assure me that there is enough gameplay there to be explored, to find my comfortable niche. Now if only I can find a place to put a joystick, a mouse, AND a controller on my lap....
Última edición por Veeshan; 1 ENE 2021 a las 17:03
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Publicado el: 1 ENE 2021 a las 2:27
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