Dungeon Warfare
does this game have any units or elements that disable towers?
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From what I can tell, only the Dwarf comes to mind. They attack Barricades and try to blow them up (Sometimes walking into pits and dying while trying to do so)

I don't know if the "final boss" encounter can disable towers or not since I've never reached the guy, but basic units only the dwarf can affect things you place. Nothing can disable traps themselves though.
Sylxeria eredeti hozzászólása:
From what I can tell, only the Dwarf comes to mind. They attack Barricades and try to blow them up (Sometimes walking into pits and dying while trying to do so)

I don't know if the "final boss" encounter can disable towers or not since I've never reached the guy, but basic units only the dwarf can affect things you place. Nothing can disable traps themselves though.
The final boss can blow up Barricades.
dungeonmaster666 eredeti hozzászólása:
The final boss can blow up Barricades.

Ah right, forgot about him... Well, Barricades is pretty much it then yeah. There's nothing like the Gremlins in Orcs Must Die 2 that disable traps for a period of time, so your Inferno Traps and whatnot are perfectly safe in DW1
The final boss does have the ability to disable traps temporarily, in addition to blowing them up and throwing little "bomb" guys around. He'll stop, squat, and then some of your nearby traps will have some lightning effects on them for like 10 seconds or something like that, then they come right back online.

Honestly, never had a problem with killing that guy, even with all runes enabled.
Shas'o O'Kais eredeti hozzászólása:
Honestly, never had a problem with killing that guy, even with all runes enabled.

Nah at a high level the consumable traps just destroy him.
ok thanks everyone, ill get this at next sale
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