UnReal World

UnReal World

How many jav throw to raise spear skills?
I feel I've thrown my javelins a few hundred times ( a good 20min IRL) at a wall, from various distance ( 4, 6 and 10 squares) and for some reason the spear skills just won't budge.. Am i impatient or doing something wrong?

How long does it take you to raise your spear skills?
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Rhapsody May 23 @ 3:15pm 
Sounds to me like the skill won't increase that way.
McKwack May 23 @ 5:05pm 
That's correct. As far as I know, you need to hit an actual target, i.e. an animal (or one of those unsuspecting NPCs..) to raise any combat skills.

Alternatively you could try this Vivi's Skill Training mod[www.unrealworld.fi], which includes combat skills as well.

Good luck! ;)
Cavanoskus May 25 @ 12:19pm 
If this is true, it's changed fairly recently. In the past I've leveled spears by throwing javelins at walls or even empty air. It just takes a ridiculously long time.

Edit: I forgot to say, the rate of skill increases slows down as your skill level rises. I don't know at which level it reaches the point of hundreds of throws for a single increase, but that's also a factor.
Last edited by Cavanoskus; May 26 @ 5:01am
NULL Jun 2 @ 11:17am 
Build a trap for a bird next to your cabin or sauna. It should be trivial to trap one once the spirit around your home area like you. Once a bird is in the trap prepare large bunch of javelins or arrows, hide yourself behind as many trees as you can and start making trick shots at the bird's head or something. Your shots will hit trees or your log wall and you can recover them, then try again.

Even if the game still lets you build some exp shooting at non-entity target (don't know if it does), shooting at animals will level significantly faster. Note you only get max +3 in skill per day.

Beyond that you can keep a rough javelin with you (make a stave with unsuitable or bad quality axe, then you get bad javelin) and use it's (very, very weak) blunt attack to kill trapped prey or club down breathless reindeer.

Edit: Oh, the way skill progression works is that whenever you use the skill then depending on how skilled you are with it and your natural aptitude towards it (how many stars it's got, you get stars from having high scores in the skill's governing attributes) there is a chance that it get's improved. Might be 20, might be 100+ uses.
Last edited by NULL; Jun 2 @ 11:40am
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