The Body Changer
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alexius  [δημιουργός] 4 Οκτ 2014, 10:30
Early Access feedback / Report bugs
Please post here your feedback to improve the gameplay or report bugs.
Crash? Maybe this can help: Crashes - Technical problems[]
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από alexius; 9 Οκτ 2014, 6:42
< >
Εμφάνιση 1-15 από 103 σχόλια
I took me forever to get past the first part. It took me ages to realise there was a door. Haha but then once I got to the first boss it became slightly hard even though i took the tips I still cant defeat it.

Anyway goodluck with the game! Have a good time developing the game ;)
1.When you are standing in the place where the body before the replacement can be accessed, it will be accessed in towards the body of the original When you run the shortcut of the body exchange. This happens without exception.

2.If you go to the entrance of Section 2 in the body of the red or blue while you start the countdown device for discharging the green water in Section 2, the decimal point in the countdown disappears. (Does not affect the play)
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Mr.Katoh; 6 Οκτ 2014, 1:50
Hi, I have same problem than the patch on Desura :
BSOD (possibility of conflict with Creative's Drivers).
I will send more infos (dump) when I can do it (I need fix storage dump's directory).
alexius  [δημιουργός] 6 Οκτ 2014, 9:34 
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από FloBoy_Killer_Fr:
Hi, I have same problem than the patch on Desura: BSOD (...)

I assume it is a rendering issue.
TBC uses Ogre3D as render engine. for what I know it's really stable :|
you can try to find a solution on their forums
btw quite programming-oriented. Hope it helps.
First of all, thank you for reaching out to me on Desura. So far I really like the game. Currently I'm stuck on the mirror room section. Anyway, I wanted to report few issues I have with the game.

1. After I left the body i starded with in the first section and moved the body I can shoot with to the second section, I collected few collectibles. Blue activator, shotgun, ammo, health etc. Then I switched to the body I left in the first section, and switched back to the shooting body again. All the collectibles respawned. Ammo, health and even the shotgun and activator. It doesn't occur when I walk back to the fist section and then to the second section again. Only when I switch to the first body I left in the first section.
2. Grott glitched out on me. He couldn't jump down to me and I managed to take half of his health before he finally got down.
3. I have encountered an invisible wall. In the chamber when you can controll the red body for the first time, you have to turn off the water stream, and then walk over the bridge. Even though the bridge seems to be high enough to be able to duck under it, you just hit an invisible wall. You should either make the wall visible, or allow the player to get under the bridge. I know, getting there wouldn't serve any purpose, but invisible walls are just awful.

Now a handful of suggestions.
1. The text box and the text often blend with the background. I would suggest dimming down the thext box and make the text contrast with the background.
2. The interface is a bit clunky. Especially the health bar needs to be more visible.
3. Rolling is kind of awkward. Simple double A or D tap would be enough.

I wanted to suggest something else, but I forgot what. So I will end this post for now. Good luck with the early access.
I've just remembered what I wanted to suggest.
1. Since this game is on PC, how about switching weapons with 1 - 0 keys instead of mouse wheel.
2. And I think CTRL menu would be more efficient in a form of a circle. Like in most console action games. You would just need to press the CTRL key, drag mouse over the thing you want to choose, and release the CTRL key.
alexius  [δημιουργός] 7 Οκτ 2014, 7:48 
thanks everyone :)
thanks for your precious feedback!
we try to do our best ;)

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Mr_Katoh:
1.When you are standing in the place where the body before the replacement can be accessed, it will be accessed in towards the body of the original When you run the shortcut of the body exchange.
can you be more detailed? which room? which body? (thanks)

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Mr_Katoh:
2.If you go to the entrance of Section 2 in the body of the red or blue while you start the countdown device for discharging the green water in Section 2, the decimal point in the countdown disappears.
thanks, on todo low-priority list.

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Jerry:
1. After I left the body i starded with in the first section and moved the body I can shoot with to the second section, I collected few collectibles. Blue activator, shotgun, ammo, health etc. Then I switched to the body I left in the first section, and switched back to the shooting body again. All the collectibles respawned. Ammo, health and even the shotgun and activator. It doesn't occur when I walk back to the fist section and then to the second section again. Only when I switch to the first body I left in the first section.
2. Grott glitched out on me. He couldn't jump down to me and I managed to take half of his health before he finally got down.
3. I have encountered an invisible wall. In the chamber when you can controll the red body for the first time, you have to turn off the water stream, and then walk over the bridge. Even though the bridge seems to be high enough to be able to duck under it, you just hit an invisible wall. You should either make the wall visible, or allow the player to get under the bridge. I know, getting there wouldn't serve any purpose, but invisible walls are just awful.
1. thanks. solved and soon live (upload on next version 0.5.9 - maybe today)
2. I'd like to have more details... Grott always roaring? fun? frustrating?
3. got your point. I'll put a cage.

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Jerry:
1. The text box and the text often blend with the background. I would suggest dimming down the thext box and make the text contrast with the background.
2. The interface is a bit clunky. Especially the health bar needs to be more visible.
3. Rolling is kind of awkward. Simple double A or D tap would be enough.
1. ok. CTRL+F3/F4 can help?
2. clunky? question: which resolution do you use?
3. you can perform the barrel-roll with
-> LEFT SHIFT + double A/D
-> C key + double A/D.
the reason I didn't left only double A/D is because the character would roll while walk/run.

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Jerry:
1. Since this game is on PC, how about switching weapons with 1 - 0 keys instead of mouse wheel.
2. And I think CTRL menu would be more efficient in a form of a circle. Like in most console action games. You would just need to press the CTRL key, drag mouse over the thing you want to choose, and release the CTRL key.
1. ok. I'll think about :P
2. maybe I can't understand: you describe our UI exactly as it works, am I wrong?

thanks guys! you are amazing!
again: thanks for you precious feedback!

Alessio - TheShortAndTheTall
About Grott: He just wouldn't jump down:

About the interface: I'm using 1280x720

CTRL+F3/F4 doesn't solve the issue - it's just changing gamma. I think you increasing the contrast between the text box and the text itself would help.

What I meant about the menu is called "Radial Menu" (I had to google it myself). It looks like this:

You press the button for menu to pop up, then you drag your cursor over the option you want to select, and when you release the button which you used to make the menu appear, you select the option. Though I don't know how it would work with The Body Changer, since you have few tabs (bodies, items, etc.).
Been following the game closely since it was on Groupees' BM 11. TheShortAndTheTall have always demonstrated a great attitude towards feedback and the community in general, I seriously wish more people in the indie game business were like them.

On to the topic at hand:
My personal suggestions would be:
- Add a patch notes sticky thread in the discussion board so that you can explain (as much as you want to) what changes with each patch.
- The menu key feels more comfortable in ALT than in CTRL (to me, opinions may differ)
- I found a bug in sector 4 (which should be corrected by now according to your reply - thanks guys!)
- Add a picture to the loading screen, along with a tip/hint/sector description.

Those are the main suggestions + my feedback on the game's store page.
Keep up the good work guys! :csdsmile:
Hi two bugs :

1st : Puzzle with first green => bridge doesn't show. Need load last savegame to fix it.

2nd : 1st Orange encounter disapear. I have change body with an faraway when Orange is in room between lift and noise room. I have Load previous savegame still No fix.
alexius  [δημιουργός] 8 Οκτ 2014, 1:41 
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από FloBoy_Killer_Fr:
1st : Puzzle with first green => bridge doesn't show. Need load last savegame to fix it.
do you mean the floating green-synb-related-bridge? sorry for the stupid question: it is not possible that what happened was "puzzle-related"? are you sure it doesn't really show?

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από FloBoy_Killer_Fr:
2nd : 1st Orange encounter disapear. I have change body with an faraway when Orange is in room between lift and noise room.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Vaharrak:
- I found a bug in sector 4
I must solve it :|
to continue to play, you can try this:
-turn off the game.
-turn on the game (eh eh).
-load save game from Sector-03 (or a savegame done before you arrived on Sector-04).
-continue and go to sector-04.
the orange symB should be there. Then don't leave Sector-04 before you find the first "save-slot" on Sector-04.

ok, today I have a cold. hope to do some decent debug.
I'll do my best ;)

Alessio - TheShortAndTheTall
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από alexius:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από FloBoy_Killer_Fr:
1st : Puzzle with first green => bridge doesn't show. Need load last savegame to fix it.
do you mean the floating green-synb-related-bridge? sorry for the stupid question: it is not possible that what happened was "puzzle-related"? are you sure it doesn't really show?

Green Synb for mirror puzzle first room (mirror puzzle achievement).
Bug occur when I have switch to other synb (red and 1st synb) before back to green, then I use green for activate bridge and nothing occur (and I try walk to see if bug is only visual -> mirror synb die).
alexius  [δημιουργός] 8 Οκτ 2014, 7:29 
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από FloBoy_Killer_Fr:
Green Synb for mirror puzzle first room (mirror puzzle achievement). Bug occur when I have switch to other synb (red and 1st synb) before back to green, then I use green for activate bridge and nothing occur (and I try walk to see if bug is only visual -> mirror synb die).
I got it. I'll fix it. Thanks.
I found a very small bug in Sector 3, the area with the gap and the mirror puzzle. After you activated the elevator on the other side and moved your red guy there you can walk through the fence into the gap in the corner. However, its just a slight problem as you can walk along the edge and continue normally. Forgot to make screenshots. Will add them later.

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από DonVino; 8 Οκτ 2014, 11:04
alexius  [δημιουργός] 8 Οκτ 2014, 10:47 
Some feedback for you guys ;)
The Body Changer V-0.5.11:

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Mr_Katoh:
If you go to the entrance of Section 2 in the body of the red or blue while you start the countdown device for discharging the green water in Section 2, the decimal point in the countdown disappears. (Does not affect the play)

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Jerry:
After I left the body i starded with in the first section and moved the body I can shoot with to the second section, I collected few collectibles. Blue activator, shotgun, ammo, health etc. Then I switched to the body I left in the first section, and switched back to the shooting body again. All the collectibles respawned. Ammo, health and even the shotgun and activator. It doesn't occur when I walk back to the fist section and then to the second section again. Only when I switch to the first body I left in the first section.

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Jerry:
3. I have encountered an invisible wall. In the chamber when you can controll the red body for the first time, you have to turn off the water stream, and then walk over the bridge. Even though the bridge seems to be high enough to be able to duck under it, you just hit an invisible wall. You should either make the wall visible, or allow the player to get under the bridge. I know, getting there wouldn't serve any purpose, but invisible walls are just awful.

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Jerry:
Since this game is on PC, how about switching weapons with 1 - 0 keys instead of mouse wheel.

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Vaharrak:
The menu key feels more comfortable in ALT than in CTRL (to me, opinions may differ).

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Vaharrak:
I found a bug in sector 4 (...)

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από FloBoy_Killer_Fr:
Puzzle with first green => bridge doesn't show. Need load last savegame to fix it.

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από FloBoy_Killer_Fr:
1st Orange encounter disapear. I have change body with an faraway when Orange is in room between lift and noise room. I have Load previous savegame still No fix.

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από DonVino:
I found a very small bug in Sector 3, the area with the gap and the mirror puzzle. After you activated the elevator on the other side and moved your red guy there you can walk through the fence into the gap in the corner. However, its just a slight problem as you can walk along the edge and continue normally.
:D sounds funny :D
I'll check it ;)

------->I hope I've fixed all for real :D
Please don't give up! I hope all of you will end the alpha ;)
(...can we call it BETA now?)

Alessio - TheShortAndTheTall
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Ημ/νία ανάρτησης: 4 Οκτ 2014, 10:30
Αναρτήσεις: 103