Chaos Reborn

Chaos Reborn

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Skull 23 maja 2018 o 7:04
Is it worth buying? Single player only
Hi. I alrdy played and finished this game once, but now I`m thinking about buying it, but I don`t know if it is worthy. The campaign is very short. Doest it have more single player content?
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MazyRun 23 maja 2018 o 7:45 
It sounds like you played the offline realms which is just a short lore-based introductory campaign.

There's probably around 75+ realms online and this number is growing because they are user created and have different difficulty levels and themes.

..It's a huge time sink if you want to complete them all, hundreds of hours, hundreds of battles and it's possible to co-op them.
MazyRun 23 maja 2018 o 11:08 
Yeah the AI does ok, and in high level realms there are systems in place to assist the AI enough to cause the player problems..

The AI wizards will often have creatures already present on the board at the start (as well as pre-activated special abilities), breaking down the AI's superior force becomes a problem solving excercise (much like an Xcom mission).
Skull 23 maja 2018 o 13:02 
One question about these online realms. Are they stand alone campaigns? Like, a realm is a full map with objectives, items, etc?
MazyRun 23 maja 2018 o 14:16 
Yeah they are just one-off individual realms, some are occasionally part of a series.
Skull 23 maja 2018 o 14:17 
Ok. Gonna buyt it. I hope not having to refund it. Thanks for all the help MazyRun.
NoWorries 19 lipca 2018 o 13:30 
A belated tip, play Realms with Invasions on. You'll get occassional live players. Aside from having a timer for turns, they function as a high level AI... especially if you turn them mute if they get chatty, which they rarely do.
LeftPaw 15 listopada 2018 o 7:57 
I'm finding the game to have the same warped RNG as Xcom. Anything above 75% has a 75% chance to fail. You have more chance of success with anything below 50%. Extremely frustrating.
Also, if you fail a spell you then tend to have a run of failed spells.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: LeftPaw; 15 listopada 2018 o 7:58
NoWorries 15 listopada 2018 o 15:53 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Ziggy Moonbeam:
I'm finding the game to have the same warped RNG as Xcom. Anything above 75% has a 75% chance to fail. You have more chance of success with anything below 50%. Extremely frustrating.
Also, if you fail a spell you then tend to have a run of failed spells.
For those who don't like RNG, you can play in Law mode where it has much, much less of a role. You can play singleplayer campaign and Realms in Law mode, too.
LeftPaw 15 listopada 2018 o 23:46 
Początkowo opublikowane przez NoWorries:
Początkowo opublikowane przez Ziggy Moonbeam:
I'm finding the game to have the same warped RNG as Xcom. Anything above 75% has a 75% chance to fail. You have more chance of success with anything below 50%. Extremely frustrating.
Also, if you fail a spell you then tend to have a run of failed spells.
For those who don't like RNG, you can play in Law mode where it has much, much less of a role. You can play singleplayer campaign and Realms in Law mode, too.

I think I start again in law mode. :)
Bluddy 21 listopada 2018 o 13:49 
Don't. I recommend that you stick with it and learn how probability 'feels'. It's much more reliable here than in XCom, where they don't show you the true chances. At 75% you still have a 1 in 4 chance of messing up, which is pretty high. Anywhere from 60-79% I mentally consider a gamble -- there's a good chance of the spell being cast, but I can't count on it. 80%-90% has a very good chance of working. 90% and up is almost a sure thing, but of course once in a while it'll fail. Below 60% is a real gamble, and below 50% is a shot in the dark.
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