TRI: Of Friendship and Madness

TRI: Of Friendship and Madness

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LupisLight 16 JUN 2016 a las 15:16
Control responseivness?
I'm really enjoying the game so far, but the movement controls feel so... 'heavy', is how I would describe it. My framerate feels fine, but there is a small delay between my input (I'm using my keyboard, btw), and my character actually starting to move. It's only a split second delay, but it is still noticeable, and combined with the overall slow character movement speed, it makes the controls feel really unresponsive and sticky, especially compared to most first-person games I've played (portal, etc.). Makes it feel hard just to walk anywhere, and some of the platforming feels harder than it should be.

Is there any way to remedy this? Or is this just how the game is meant to be? Because it is really interfering with the experience, IMO.
Última edición por LupisLight; 16 JUN 2016 a las 15:18
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BlaXpirit 16 JUN 2016 a las 16:20 
Yeah there's something off about it that I couldn't quite grasp. Well, that was a long time ago, I don't remember
Última edición por BlaXpirit; 16 JUN 2016 a las 16:20
Rat King  [desarrollador] 18 JUN 2016 a las 4:20 
I cannot reproduce that. So either I am just a bit strange when it comes to controls, or it has something to do with your system. :-/ Maybe it's a performance problem. You're not the first to report this, though, so I will keep my eyes open. Hopefully I can make another update some day...

Question: do you use a keyboard with cable, or wireless?
Última edición por Rat King; 18 JUN 2016 a las 10:21
LupisLight 18 JUN 2016 a las 10:52 
Neither, actually, I'm using a laptop. It's a brand new ASUS gaming notebook, and like I said, frame-rate appears to be fine (I can't find an FPS counter anywhere, but it feels quite smooth), it's just the controls that feel little bit laggy. That original post is just my best guess as to why.

I appreciate the responsiveness of the developer though!
Última edición por LupisLight; 18 JUN 2016 a las 11:10
Rat King  [desarrollador] 18 JUN 2016 a las 11:43 
Hm, okay, laptop. I don't know if those have special keyboards, but I doubt it. You can display the FPS in-game via F10, by the way. I take it use the accelerated graphics card when playing TRI?
LupisLight 18 JUN 2016 a las 12:23 
Yes, it's using the high-performance graphics card (I double-checked). I played around in TRI some more, FPS is about 40-50 most of the time, so pretty good altogether. The control delay probably isn't quite as bad as I originally described, but it is there compared to the other first person games in my library. Portal, Quantum Conundrum, even The Talos Principle etc. all seem a bit more responsive than TRI is. I'm not sure why.

Other than that I love the game. I never imagined the concept of creating triangles would wind up working so well.
Bazzy 22 ABR 2017 a las 11:29 
Publicado originalmente por Rat King:
Hm, okay, laptop. I don't know if those have special keyboards, but I doubt it. You can display the FPS in-game via F10, by the way. I take it use the accelerated graphics card when playing TRI?

Ok, i know this thread was dead long ago, but i have literally the same problem and i'm using k&m as well. mine is wired, so that should not be happening. And like op said it makes moving feel really sluggish and not enjoyable to play for me.
Última edición por Bazzy; 22 ABR 2017 a las 11:30
Rat King  [desarrollador] 23 ABR 2017 a las 8:02 
Is it the same problem as OP, that the character doesn't start to move for "a split second"? Or is it more severe for you?

I think now know what might cause a (really small) delay, and if that's the same problem you have, I will try to solve this with an optional setting or so.
Bazzy 25 ABR 2017 a las 2:13 
It feels like it, yeah. Jumps seem also affected which makes it unplayable in this state to me.
Rat King  [desarrollador] 25 ABR 2017 a las 2:41 
Hmm, okay. When I find the time I'll try something out and hopefully can make an update.
Bazzy 25 ABR 2017 a las 2:47 
That would be great, thank you very kindly.
Rat King  [desarrollador] 3 MAY 2017 a las 2:22 
John Snow, I tried a bit around and really can't pin down the problem. Would it be okay if you'd mail me (friedrich at ratking dot de), tell me your OS and I'd send you a test build which might solve the problem with a certain setting?
Bazzy 3 MAY 2017 a las 5:42 
I will do and as i see it i can write you in german, so we both know excactly what we talking about. :D
Bazzy 3 MAY 2017 a las 12:55 
Danke dir, ich habe die test version gezogen und werde morgen ein wening mit der input file testen. Ich gebe dir dann hier rückmeldung.
AllTracTurbo 12 OCT 2020 a las 7:50 
I just posted this in another thread, but I will add it here as well for anyone that comes across this thread.

I came here looking for the same info and I think I know what you mean. There is a built in acceleration where all the movements gradually build up to max speed and then slowly come to a stop. This makes the game feel sluggish and not precise.

You can disable the sluggishness for the mouse look in the settings menu. Turn smoothness to 0%. You can also turn wobble off if you don't like the walking animation.

To remove the sluggishness of the walking movement, open the main game folder. This is where it is located for me: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\TRI

Create a text file called ratkingsrules.txt. The .txt is the extension and should be added automatically if you right click and choose new, text document.

Add the following lines:


You can play with inputaxessensitivity and inputaxesgravity. I don't know what the max value is, but 50 seems instant for me.

inputaxessensitivity is how fast the player movement accelerates up to max speed. A low value will take a while to get up to speed and feel sluggish, while a high number will instantly make you move at full speed as soon as you click the key to move.

inputaxesgravity is how fast the player comes to a stop after you release the movement key. Low will make your movement feel inaccurate and floaty, while a high number will be instant and precise.

I have not looked into a setting to change movement speed, but it feels a little slow by default. I don't want to have to hold down sprint all the time and I hate the visual effects while sprinting. There's motion blur, chromatic aberration, and some kind of visual distortion.

There is also going to be some stuttering while moving the mouse around because of how the game was made in Unity. As far as I know this is a very common problem with a lot of Unity games and is not easily fixed.

Add the following lines to the ratkingsrules.txt file mentioned above:


To try to fix the stuttering as best as possible, you can adjust the fixeddeltatime setting. I think this controls how often the physics in the game are updated. Since this setting affects physics, I don't know if changing it too far away from it's default value of 0.02 will cause issues since I have not played the game yet.

To get the smoothest result, you need to have the game output a constant frame rate and set this setting to match it. I would recommend playing with vsync enabled or cap your framerate with something like MSI afterburner if you really don't want to use vsync for some reason.

The fixeddeltatime value is how many seconds it will take between updates. So, to find what value you should set it to, divide 1 by the frame rate you will be playing at. I am playing at 85fps, so 1/85 = 0.0117647... I use fixeddeltatime:0.01176 and it is perfectly smooth.

Here are some examples of settings you can try for different frame rates:
60fps - fixeddeltatime:0.01666
75fps - fixeddeltatime:0.01333
100fps - fixeddeltatime:0.01
120fps - fixeddeltatime:0.00833
144fps - fixeddeltatime:0.00694

To Rat King or anyone else that may know: Is there a list of Unity variables that can be entered in the ratkingsrules.txt file? I would like to play around with some other settings if they exist, like movement speed, chromatic aberration, motion blur, and image quality/ post processing settings. I tried searching online, but can't find anything. Also, is there a default file where settings can be stored like this for other games made in Unity, clearly ratkingsrules.txt is only going to work for this game.

Update: I did manage to remove all the visual effects while sprinting by using "Unity Assets Bundle Extractor" and deleting the chromatic aberration shader properties, but I feel like there should be a better way to do it instead of basically breaking the shader and having the game still try to implement it while playing. If anyone knows a better way, I would appreciate any info.
Última edición por AllTracTurbo; 14 OCT 2020 a las 8:11
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