Life is Feudal: Your Own

Life is Feudal: Your Own

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Saxxon  [developer] Aug 31, 2017 @ 11:16am
New Guild Commands
Here is a list of the new Guild and Server commands available in the new patch.

Guild Commands

These commands must be run through the client console (ctrl ~).

  • /guild create <name> <tag> <charter> - create a guild

  • /guild invite <player_name> - invite a player to your guild (use player ID instead of name if player is not online)

  • /guild leave - leave your guild

  • /guild kick <player_name> - kick player out of your guild

  • /guild destroy - remove your guild

  • /guild role <player_name> <1-7> - provide player with guild role from 1 - leader to 7 - recruit

  • /guild standing <guild_name> <1-5> - change stading towards other guild, from 1 - war to 5 - ally, 3 - neutral

  • /claimrule {town, realm, yo} {char, guild, role, standing} {player_name, guild_name, <1-7>, <1-5>} {00000-11111} - set custom claim right

  • {town, realm, yo} - is a type of claim (mmo guild lands have 2 different lands - town and realm, YO guilds implementation will get only 1 land called yo)

  • {char, guild, role, standing} - is a claim subject, an entity which will receive custom right

  • {player_name, guild_name, <1-7>, <1-5>} - is a claim subject specification, for player subject it is player name, for guild subject it is guild name, for role it is a number from 1 to 7 and for standing it is a number from 1 to 5

  • {00000-11111} - claim rights, the order is: Enter, Build, Claim, Use, Destroy.
    0 means restrict access, 1 means grant access
    /claimrule town char Vasily 00010 - allow “Use” right for player Vasily on town land of your guild(MMO only)
    /claimrule yo role 7 11111 - grant recruits all claim rights on your guild land(on YO only).

    Server Commands

    These commands must be run through the server console and not the client console.

  • createGuild(U32 producerCharId, String guildName, String guildTag, String guildCharter);

  • destroyGuild(U32 producerCharId, U32 guildId);

  • invitePlayerToGuild(U32 producerCharId, U32 targetCharId, U32 guildId);

  • acceptGuildInvite(U32 producerCharId, U32 guildId);

  • declineGuildInvite(U32 producerCharId, U32 guildId);

  • cancelInvitationToGuild(U32 producerCharId, U32 targetCharId, U32 guildId);

  • leaveGuild(U32 producerCharId, U32 guildId);

  • kickPlayerFromGuild(U32 producerCharId, U32 targetCharId, U32 guildId);

  • charGuildRoleChange(U32 producerCharId, U32 guildId, U32 targetCharId, S32 role);

  • guildStandingsChange(U32 producerCharId, U32 guildId, U32 targetGuildId, S32 standing);

  • // claim ID has to be found in DB Table: Claims

  • setClaimCharRule(U32 claimId, U32 producerCharId, U32 targetCharId, String ruleStr);

  • setClaimGuildRule(U32 claimId, U32 producerCharId, U32 guildId, String ruleStr);

  • setClaimRoleRule(U32 claimId, U32 producerCharId, S32 role, String ruleStr);

  • setClaimStandingRule(U32 claimId, U32 producerCharId, S32 standing, String ruleStr);

Last edited by Saxxon; Dec 15, 2017 @ 8:51am