(XBOX Series S) Game randomly crashes with stuttering noise
First off, sorry I'm reporting on the Xbox version here. To my knowledge Xbox doesn't have the same kind of community forums that Steam does, so I'm forced to post here. I received the game for free from Xbox Games with Gold, and was enjoying it, but for whatever reason the game randomly crashes, and has its sounds lock up for a second, stuttering like the infamous "HL2.exe has stopped responding" crashes very familiar to Source Engine fans. It's unfortunate as I was enjoying the general vibe of the game and the freerunning, but the crashing really ruins it.

I've googled this problem and I don't see any reports elsewhere, so I'm curious if it's the Series S mucking with the game in a way it doesn't like; Minecraft Dungeons had the same bug for months before someone at MS actually fixed it. I'd appreciate it if you guys worked on fixing the bug so that the game is stable on console, or at least MOSTLY stable (random crashes happening once in a blue moon is fine, having them happen every 30 minutes is not :p ).
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Hey Star-X,

Unfortunately any updates for Hover have been halted for the past 3 years due to a terrible publishing company holding access away from the developers. Hover is currently being unofficially updated on the Hover Community discord, but it is only for PC or modded consoles. I would pose this question in the discord to see if anyone comes across it or even fixes it, as I am unable to test this myself.

There are also thousands of instances where the Series S is having crashing problems, if you havn't already, try looking into some of the solutions people have found for those. Other than that, I can tell you this isn't a source engine game, it runs on Unity. Hope this is helpful for you, if you gather any other information or have any other questions I'll be happy to answer as best as I can.

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