Eden Crafters

Eden Crafters

Planet Crafter with Satisfactory?
This looks like planet crafter with some satisfactory elements but with voxels?
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
Osaris Games  [developer] Feb 21 @ 7:59am 
There are some other different aspects, but yeah one of the important feature is the voxel-based world that you can totally transform: you can create or destroy mountains if you want.
Nimbasu Mar 18 @ 12:10pm 
Watched the trailer and had same thought. I really like this, as I really like Planet Crafter for the overall goal of terraforming. This was one thing about Satisfactory that I didn’t like. You’re taking a nice scenic planet/place and industrializing it for no real purpose. It was for that reason I wish listed this game as soon as, Taking two game styles and merging into one. Also fan of Techtonica, which is another foreign planet factory game. Looking forward to this release and the Prologue.
Originally posted by Osaris Games:
There are some other different aspects, but yeah one of the important feature is the voxel-based world that you can totally transform: you can create or destroy mountains if you want.

Is it always the same map or is it random? Will it have several biomes other than lakes, mountains and forests? (including desert when the planet is barren)
Originally posted by Sir Prometeus:
Originally posted by Osaris Games:
There are some other different aspects, but yeah one of the important feature is the voxel-based world that you can totally transform: you can create or destroy mountains if you want.

Is it always the same map or is it random? Will it have several biomes other than lakes, mountains and forests? (including desert when the planet is barren)
Also interested in knowing that. One of the upsides of Planet Crafter (that I loved) was that the whole terrain was handcrafted for an excellent experience. Becoming procedural would change that game to a bland, generic title, so I don't want this similar game to be procedural too.
Tyalo May 27 @ 5:45pm 
Originally posted by Patola Linux:
Originally posted by Sir Prometeus:

Is it always the same map or is it random? Will it have several biomes other than lakes, mountains and forests? (including desert when the planet is barren)
Also interested in knowing that. One of the upsides of Planet Crafter (that I loved) was that the whole terrain was handcrafted for an excellent experience. Becoming procedural would change that game to a bland, generic title, so I don't want this similar game to be procedural too.


If well done, it could give us some interesting planet. Look at no man sky, some planet are so great.
aY227 May 28 @ 6:02am 
Not even close to Satisfactory - more like simplified Empyrion.
Originally posted by aY227:
Not even close to Satisfactory - more like simplified Empyrion.
You speak of the quality of the game but we don't know that yet. It's not out.
If it's anything close to Planet Crafter, it will be well worth it. That game surprised me so much that after doing all endings I'm still playing it in coop with my wife.
aY227 May 28 @ 6:54am 
Originally posted by Patola Linux:
Originally posted by aY227:
Not even close to Satisfactory - more like simplified Empyrion.
You speak of the quality of the game but we don't know that yet. It's not out.
If it's anything close to Planet Crafter, it will be well worth it. That game surprised me so much that after doing all endings I'm still playing it in coop with my wife.

I speak after few minutes in demo, that Im glad for because I know to avoid this game.
have fun tho.
Originally posted by aY227:
Originally posted by Patola Linux:
You speak of the quality of the game but we don't know that yet. It's not out.
If it's anything close to Planet Crafter, it will be well worth it. That game surprised me so much that after doing all endings I'm still playing it in coop with my wife.

I speak after few minutes in demo, that Im glad for because I know to avoid this game.
have fun tho.

How much automation did you set up in those few minutes? Obviously none if you can't see any common ground with Satisfactory.
PHOBIE May 31 @ 4:35am 
- It's a blatant copy of planet crafter with dubious QOL and lacking originality.

- Turning blueprints, and putting modules "side by side" to connect them did not work.

- The build system is one giant dump with no QOL/EOU to tackle that.

When copy game, it at least play better, but this play worse no innovation.
Definitely reminds me A LOT of Planet Crafter, to the point where I had to double check it wasn't made by the same devs. I think this game could be something really fun, and it's a shame that so much 'just so happens' to look very similar to PC as it makes it feel cheap and nasty. A bit of originality with the designs would go a long way...
Osaris Games  [developer] Jun 1 @ 7:07am 
Originally posted by deathspiralli:
Definitely reminds me A LOT of Planet Crafter, to the point where I had to double check it wasn't made by the same devs. I think this game could be something really fun, and it's a shame that so much 'just so happens' to look very similar to PC as it makes it feel cheap and nasty. A bit of originality with the designs would go a long way...

There are a lot of very different concepts, and there will be more in the full game. To name a few:
- voxel based world that you can totally transform
- vehicles: spaceships, terraforming vehicles
- conveyors, pipes, roads...
- energy management is totally different
- multiple planets with very different conditions
- the goal will be not only to terraform the planet but to build big habitat for future inhabitants

So, no, it will definitely not be the same game, but of course if you like The Planet Crafter you might be interested in this one.

I was part of a french "Toulouse Game Dev" group of indie dev just like Miju Games who made The Planet Crafter, it's not a surprise we share some inspiration, and my first Steam game Alchemist's Awakening was already about gathering resources with the same mechanics, crafting, and already then, bringing life.

In 2017, I made a talk in front of this group, about how this game did on Steam and the Early access process. It's even possible this actually helped Miju Games motivation to start working on a project like this :)
PHOBIE Jun 1 @ 12:05pm 
Share some inspiration like the assets

Originally posted by Osaris Games:
Originally posted by deathspiralli:
Definitely reminds me A LOT of Planet Crafter, to the point where I had to double check it wasn't made by the same devs. I think this game could be something really fun, and it's a shame that so much 'just so happens' to look very similar to PC as it makes it feel cheap and nasty. A bit of originality with the designs would go a long way...

So, no, it will definitely not be the same game, but of course if you like The Planet Crafter you might be interested in this one.

But only if you want the same graphics and gameplay cycle, and repetitive grind, where Planet Creafter also doesn't have the best QOL. Definitely not the same game? They say, when it looks like fish, smells like fish, it's likely fish.

Originally posted by Osaris Games:
I was part of a french "Toulouse Game Dev" group of indie dev just like Miju Games who made The Planet Crafter, it's not a surprise we share some inspiration [...]

Yes, it's no surprise at all, in fact it's obvious. But "we share some inspiration" is a crass understatement when it's an asset flip, the same gun, the same ore, and the same gameplay, right?

Originally posted by Osaris Games:
In 2017, I made a talk in front of this group, about how this game did on Steam and the Early access process. It's even possible this actually helped Miju Games motivation to start working on a project like this :)

Yes, it's very possible because the input and output aligns, but if you want to claim this a genre, then it must be easy to play which needs innovation in design, QOL and UI/UX, otherwise you'd burn out players with bureaucracy, and make them buy less survival games in the future which hits the whole industry.

People buy games expecting original, novel and entertaining content. You can't sell the same thing twice. The thinking that people want to wrestle clunky interfaces and chop wood for the Nth time keeps the genre from innovating and makes it a janitorial chore.
There's plenty of room for dozens of these games. There's 8 billion people on the planet you know? We will never tire of new iterations of games in the genre's we play. Nor will we tire of police procedurals, or cottage pie.
Originally posted by PHOBIE:
People buy games expecting original, novel and entertaining content. You can't sell the same thing twice. The thinking that people want to wrestle clunky interfaces and chop wood for the Nth time keeps the genre from innovating and makes it a janitorial chore.
Which people? I for one love to buy games that feel like they're a sequel to I game I played, or even a reskin with a different story to give me motivation to have the experience again. I don't really need innovation or changes, I played all Far Cries and even sometimes got upset when the mechanics changed. Also, being the same gets me ready to play it, knowing the nooks and crannies of the gameplay.

In summary, I don't think originality is always needed. At least for me and I can say that for a few friends too. Not sure this anecdotal evidence applies to the world in general but I'd not be surprised if it did, in fact I don't see sales of games that are just new iterations of previous ones suffer for it, FIFA being the most extreme case here.
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