The Paradixion: Laboratory

The Paradixion: Laboratory

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Features: Demo vs. Full Game
I'm enjoying the demo, but have 1 question as I'm now stuck on the puzzle with the rotating circles in the 1st room (I'm so bad at those, regardless of the "variant"). I know what the solution needs to be, but simply cannot solve it.
So I have a couple of questions:
1) Does the full game allow manual saves (the demo doesn't save progress);
2) Does the full game have either a "hint system" or even a "Skip" feature so I can move beyond this puzzle?
This game seems harder (or maybe less "intuitive") at times than "Son's Room", but I love the graphic design and the ease of controls of both games.
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Clicking on the snail picture allows you to save as many times as you want. I had trouble with that same puzzle you are referencing, but made it. Pay attention to what dots are on each circle when you rotate them and try to put the darker circles in groups of 3. It takes a little patience. I have made it to Room 4 so far in the full game and have seen no hint or skip option. However, the dev seems to be monitoring this message board. They are most helpful, as a couple of my questions (as well as those of others) have been answered in a timely manner. Good luck!!
oxo3514  [developer] Mar 3 @ 4:19pm 
Please note that this message was written using a translation tool, so there may be some grammatical errors.

In the full game version, you can manually save by clicking on the snail picture! Also, it automatically saves when you first enter or clear a room.
Unfortunately, we don't offer a skip feature for puzzles, but if you post on this board, I can provide hints :)
In the case of the microscope puzzle, it's a 2D representation of a Rubik's cube. Thinking about it this way might be a bit helpful in solving the puzzle.
If you press the same circle four times, the circle goes around exactly once and comes back to its original place. This should help you solve it without too much difficulty.
For example, if there's "O @ O" that passes through the same path as "@ O @", after pressing "O @ O" three times and then positioning "@ O @" on the path of "O @ O" and pressing "O @ O", you can create "@ @ @".
It seems difficult to understand through text...
I don't want you to be stuck because of this puzzle, so if it's too difficult, please leave a post. I will record a video to help you.
Thank you for playing!!

Original text)
먼저 해당 글이 번역 도구를 이용하여 작성되었기 때문에 문법적으로 오류가 있을 수 있음을 알아주세요.

전체 게임 버전은 달팽이 그림을 눌러 수동 저장이 가능합니다!
또한 한 개의 방에 처음 진입하거나 클리어했을 때 자동으로 저장됩니다.
아쉽게도 퍼즐의 스킵을 제공하진 않지만 해당 게시판에 글을 남기시면 제가 힌트를 제공해 드리긴 합니다 :)
현미경 퍼즐의 경우 루빅스 큐브를 2차원으로 표현한 것입니다. 이를 생각하신다면 퍼즐을 푸는데 약간의 도움이 될 것이라 생각합니다.
같은 원을 4번 누르면 원이 정확히 한 바퀴 돌아서 제자리로 돌아오는 것을 이용하면 어렵지 않게 풀 수 있을 것입니다.
예를 들어서 "@ O @" 와 같은 경로를 지나는 "O @ O"이 있을 때
"O @ O"를 3번 누른 후 "@ O @"를 "O @ O"의 경로에 위치 "O @ O"를 눌러주면 "@ @ @"를 만들 수 있습니다.
글을 통해 설명하려고하니 이해하기 어려우실 것 같네요...
해당 퍼즐로 인해 진행이 막히는 것은 저도 원하지 않는 사항이기 때문에 혹시 너무 어렵다면 글을 남겨주세요.
영상을 녹화해 도와드리겠습니다.
플레이해주셔서 감사합니다!!
Thank you both for the detailed and prompt responses :steamhappy:
oxo3514  [developer] Mar 3 @ 7:50pm 
I'm glad my answer was helpful! If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a post anytime.
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