7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

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Valmar 2015년 10월 3일 오후 2시 32분
[MOD] Valmod Pack
Note: This Mod was built on A16

This is a relatively large mod pack I've gradually created over time. It's mainly a collaboration of all my smaller mods placed together into one larger file. Those individual mods you can find here: Valmar's Mod Collection[7daystodie.com]

The Valmod Pack comes in two different flavors. The Expansion pack and The Overhaul pack.

The Expansion pack is meant to be viewed, as the name implies, as an expansion pack for the game. What this means is that it adds a bunch of new features to the game without dramatically changing the overall vanilla gameplay experience. Great if you're happy with 7DTD but just want to have more stuff to do.

The Overhaul pack adds the same items and content to the game as the expansion with the key difference being that unlike the expansion the overhaul, as the name implies overhauls some basic aspects of the game. Mainly the recipe system is considerably locked down compared to vanilla. The overhaul is intended for those who want a new experience from the game.

Class System
Overhauled Progression Skill System (Overhaul Only)
Locked Down Vanilla Recipe System with Class Focus (Overhaul version Only)
Expanded Cooking Recipes
Survivor Notes: Recipe Perks
Working Electric Lights
Craftable Working Ovens and Sinks
New Workstations
New Plant Farming
New Storage Containers
New Weapons
New Tools
New Quests
Weapon Silencers and Shotgun Chokes
Animal Snares
Chicken Coops
New Weapons and Weapon Mods (Silencers, Shotgun Chokes, High Powered Scope)
New Ammo Types
Fire Traps
New Armors and Clothes
Expanded Vanilla Recipes
Tranquilizer Gun and Darts
Hidden Doors
Automatic Wall Building
More Dynamic Loot
Custom Icons for Modded Items/Blocks
Custom UI

UI Sample:

How to Install:
Right Click 7 Days To Die and select properties
Click the Local Files Tab
Click the Browse local files button.
Open the Valmod zip. Open the first folder inside. Inside is a Data and Mods folder. Drag and drop these folders into the game's directory, overwriting when prompted.

Example Install Photo:

Class System
When you start the game you will be given a Class Selection book and a Class Key note. With the Class Selection you able to craft/choose one of several classes. Search for “class” in the crafting menu to see the avalible options.

After you decide on a class you get a class briefcase that you then place on the ground and open either with your class key or by breaking it. This unlocks the case which then can be looted to get all the class-specific recipes along with a bundle of starting items related to the chosen class.

Note: Classes only determine your starting gear. They do not lock you out of learning anything else, you can still master everything.

Expanded Cooking Recipes

Now the bowl serves a purpose other than making decoration. All stew recipes now require a bowl of water instead of a jar of water and will return the bowl to you when you eat.
Food recipes will require bowls of water instead of bottled water.

Bowl's can be be used just like glass jars to gather water. Just like with the bottled water you'll have to boil the bowl of water to get a clean version before you can safely drink it or use it. (Bowl of Murky Water turns into Bowl of Water).

Boiled food now uses a bowl of water as the cooking tool instead of cooking pot.
Cornbread uses a bowl of water as the cooking tool instead of a cooking pot.

Empty cans now serve a purpose as you can now pour your stews into them to get canned variants that have no smell.

Pour your canned foods into bowls and warm them up for tasty wellness-providing variants.

Survivor Notes: Recipe Perks

You can find Survivor Notes on zombie loot and other various locations which can be read for skill points. You can also scrap recipe books you find in loot for survivor notes. These skill points can be used to unlock perks that unlock recipes or spent towards skills.

Corpses you find around the world can drop survivor notes or survivor combinations. This is a special item that can be used to unlock the Locked Survivor's Briefcase that is hidden in special loot containers called "Suspicious Stump". To unlock the briefcase after you have found it merely place it on the ground and "Upgrade" it with the Survivor's Combination.

New Weapons and Tools

The following weapons and tools have been added to the game:
Bolt Rifle*
Iron Bow
Iron Crossbow
Repeater Crossbow
Combat Axe
Weed Cleaver
Sniper High-Powered Scoped
Tranquilizer Gun and Darts**
Legendary Weapons

*The original hunting rifle now has a five magazine size before needing to reload. The bolt variant is a single-shot rifle but has a scope. The recipe for this is included in the vanilla hunting rifle schematic.

**You can find tranquilizer guns in loot now. You can use it to shoot Healing Darts, Infection Darts and Chemical Darts. Healing darts heal the target and infection darts give them stage 1 infection. The chemical darts act as a form of acid that burns the target.

You can craft healing darts using Healing Agent and Syringe. Infection darts require infected blood which you can get by using a syringe on one of corpse loot blocks you find scattered around. Chemical darts are crafted with a beaker in the campfire.

New Ammo Types

All the guns now have alternative ammo types that you can use. You unlock these by investing to perk level 2 in the relevant ammo perk.

New ammo includes:
9mm, 10mm, 762mm Hollow Point Rounds - The most damaging of rounds.
9mm, 10mm, 762mm Incendiary Rounds - These rounds deal a little extra damage and can set the enemy on fire.
Blunderbuss Shredder Ammo - Deals more damage and causes bleeding.
Incendiary Shell - Shotgun shells that set the enemy on fire.
Loki Shells – Shotgun shells similar to the incendiary shell.
Siege Shell - Shotgun shells that deal relatively little damage to enemies but a lot to blocks.
Crafting ammo also requires specific shell casings. Such as 9mm Casing or Shotgun Shell Casing.

Note: There is a bug where the gun will not accurately display the correct damage the gun deals when you swap ammo. Do not worry, this is just a visual bug.

There are a few new workstations added to the game.

Armory – This workstation is required for crafting armors. Each tier of armor requires a different tool in the workbench to craft. Cloth and animal hide require a sewing kit, leather requires a tanning rack and iron and steel armors require a welding torch.

Artisan Decor Station – This workbench is used for crafting various decorative recipes.

Valmod is compatible with servers however those who play on the server will have to install the mod locally to get the full experience.

For a list of servers please view here: Servers[7daystodie.com]


Games4Kickz Let's Play Series


DOWNLOAD Valmod Overhaul Pack[github.com]

DOWNLOAD Valmod Expansion Pack[github.com]

Valmod Overhaul A16 Experimental[github.com]

Keep yourself in-the-loop for future updates by joining the Valmod Steam Group

Donate to Author[paypal.me]
Valmar 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2017년 8월 13일 오전 9시 47분
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3,455개 댓글 중 2,446-2,460개 표시
HEX_Ninja05 2017년 1월 7일 오후 2시 57분 
Format should go as follows:
Valmar 2017년 1월 7일 오후 11시 05분 
Gilidis님이 먼저 게시:
Might be better to have the install instructions before the feature list if so many grow tired that quickly. I mean, I cannot see you making that part of the OP (With the image along with it.) any more obvious with the lack of neon light effects and arrows to go with it, but.. I'm a nerd that love to read patch note-things and such, so I guess it's just me. I could also translate it into swedish if you'd think multiple languages would somehow help people get the steps easier. To hopefully save you some frustration. :]

Given the nature of what my mod does I rather they have to read through at least a summary of it before being told how to download. As it is there are already too many people who blindly download and install it only to turn around and go "wtf why cant I make frames". Placing the install steps before the headlining warning about Overhaul VS Expansion pack I fear would only encourage that type of behavior.

I appreciate the offer of translation but I haven't the room to cleanly do that on steam so it would only make the post appear even more long and confusing to those who already wet themselves at the "wall of text". Plus frankly it might suggest that its "okay" for them to ask me questions or expect support in Swedish. Nothing against the language or the people, but I don't know how to speak or read any of it so I'd be of no help there.

NinjaDemon05님이 먼저 게시:
Swedish people are pretty cool.

My best friend is swedish. LOL.
4ITER_DOCTOR 2017년 1월 7일 오후 11시 08분 
мб пора добавить в этом замечастельном моде нужное ?
1. было бы не плохо сделать стаки больше.... с максимального 5 до 10....
2. было бы не плохо сделать возможность крафтить 4 и 5 вид арбалета ( арбалет соснайперским прицелом ) ( арбалет автоматический с лентой болтов до 20 штук )
3. было бы не плохо сделать железный и стальной лук с прицелом
4. было бы не плохо сделать возможность производить кактель молотова из алкоголя и тряпок
5. было бы не плохо добавить рецепт на производство нетрата
6. было бы не плохо добавить рецепт на разбод двигателя на большее разнообразие ресуров
7. было бы не плохо добавить рецепт на разбор аккамулятора на большее разнообразие
8. было бы не плохо придумать большее приминение гнилой плоти зомби
9. было бы не плохо сделать автаномные фермы чтоб можно было из размещать под землёй или в закрытом помощении.
10. было бы не плохо при вскапывании земли получать червей которые тем самым использовались для получение одного из видов удобрения.
11. было бы не плохо сделать возможность крафтить детали для бура пускай даже дико дорогой способ
12. было бы не плохо добавить выдвижные шипы
13. было бы не плохо добавить балисты которые делаются из ( арбалета , электро деталей , авккумулятора , пружины , изоленты , железа , мех делатлей и какой нить чип ) чип для авто атаки по зомбакам. ( крафт не из дешовых)
14. было бы не плохо добавить жирное стадо ( толстые зомби спавн которых происходит по 5 штук в одном месте )
15. было бы не плохо добавить смысл такого ресурса как бутерброд как это сделано в (овере)
16. было бы не плохо сделать возможность крафтить цистерну в которой будет храниться топливо по той же системе как заливаешь в бак байка , а когда нужно нажал кномпу и топливо начинает возвращаться в канистры.

спасибо за увелечения вместимости байка.
Valmar 2017년 1월 8일 오전 12시 49분 
Why would you leave a post like that in russian when its obvious this topic is in english and thus I do not speak russian? I will translate your post with google but I dont know if you will understand me since I cannot speak russian and thus my part will be in english.

mb's time to add in this fashion zamechastelnom right?
1. it would be good to do more .... stacks with a maximum of 5 to 10 ....
2. it would be good to make the opportunity to craft 4 and 5 kind of crossbow (crossbow sosnayperskim sight) (automatic crossbow bolts with tape to 20 pieces)
3. it would be good to make iron and steel bow with gun
4. it would be good to make the ability to produce kaktel molotov of alcohol and rags
5. it would be good to add the recipe to manufacture netrata
6. it would be good to add a prescription for motor razbod on a greater variety of resurov
7. it would be good to add a prescription for the analysis of a greater variety of akkamuljatora
8. it would be good to come up with more to demonstrate how rotten flesh zombies
9. would not be bad to make avtanomnye farm that it was possible to place from under the ground or in the closed houses, institutions.
10. would not be bad at digging the ground to get the worms are thus used to obtain one of the types of fertilizers.
11. would not be bad to make the opportunity to craft items for the drill even if it is wildly expensive way
12. it would be good to add a retractable spikes
13. would not be bad to add balisty are made of (crossbow, Electrical parts, avkkumulyatora, spring, tape, iron, furs delatley and a thread Chip) chip for auto attack on zombakov. (Kraft not of deshovyh)
14. it would be good to add a fat flock (thick zombies spawn which there is 5 pieces in one place)
15. it would be good to add a sense of this resource as a sandwich as in (Auvers)
16. would not be bad to make the opportunity to craft a tank in which the fuel will be stored on the same system as the fill the tank of the bike, and when you need to hit knompu and fuel begins to return to the canister.

thanks for uvelechenie capacity bike.

1. Stack sizes are already increased in my mod. At this point anything that only stacks to 5 is left that way intentionally for balance reasons.

2.I'm hestitant to add too many variations because they all will still have the same model. Plus more recipes = more lag which also deters me.

3. I don't understand what you mean. Lost in translation.

4. Not possible with XML mods currently. 7DTD will officially be adding them soon, hopefully in the A16 update. Until then its not possible to make an item that has a splash-damage buff effect.

5. I don't understand what you mean. Lost in translation.

6. You mean a recipe to craft an engine?

7. I don't understand what you mean. Lost in translation.

8. I don't understand what you mean. Lost in translation.

9. It is not possible to farm without sunlight. There is nothing I can do to change this in XML files and would require some new feature from the Pimps to make it possible.

10. Maybe. Though wouldn't worms be the last thing you want to dump on your plants?

11. I doubt I will add recipes to such complex items.

12. Not possible with XML.

13. I don't understand what you mean. Lost in translation.

14. Not possible to control in XML. The spawning system is what handles the way zombies spawn and there is no reliable way for usto control it to get that sort of effect.

15. I don't understand what you mean. Lost in translation.

16. Not possible with XML.
4ITER_DOCTOR 2017년 1월 8일 오전 1시 45분 
3. луки с прицелом
5. нитраты из других ресурсов крафтить
6. да изготовление двигателя
7. батарея двигателя при разборе даёт ресурсы
8. производство из гнилой плоти
11. чем больше сложности есть в моде... тем более долго на нём будут сидеть в попытке добиться того или иного...
13. сделать оборонительные балисты или турели
15. ShamSandwich Рецепт: Отсутствует .... в вашем моде есть корм для ловушек.... можно ведь переделывать ShamSandwich в этот корм
HEX_Ninja05 2017년 1월 8일 오전 3시 00분 

Пожалуйста, попробуйте разместить на английском языке с этого момента
4ITER_DOCTOR 2017년 1월 8일 오전 3시 43분 
не получится
4ITER_DOCTOR 2017년 1월 8일 오전 3시 43분 
3. Luke with the gun
5. nitrates from other sources to craft
6. Yes the engine manufacturer
7. battery engine parsing gives us the resources
8. production from rotten flesh
11. the more complexity there is in fashion... especially long it will sit in an attempt to achieve one or the other...
13. make defensive balisty or turrets
15. ShamSandwich Recipe: None .... your fashion is fodder for the traps.... because you can alter ShamSandwich in this food
Valmar 2017년 1월 8일 오전 7시 21분 
4ITER_DOCTOR님이 먼저 게시:
3. Luke with the gun
5. nitrates from other sources to craft
6. Yes the engine manufacturer
7. battery engine parsing gives us the resources
8. production from rotten flesh
11. the more complexity there is in fashion... especially long it will sit in an attempt to achieve one or the other...
13. make defensive balisty or turrets
15. ShamSandwich Recipe: None .... your fashion is fodder for the traps.... because you can alter ShamSandwich in this food

3. You mean bows with sights? No plans for that at this time.

5. No, you won't be able to craft natural resources like nitrate.

6. I don't wish to make it possible to craft such complicated items.

7. You mean using chainsaw or auger should give resources? It does already.

8. You want more recipes that use rotten flesh? Well, you can craft it into food if you have the unique recipe unlocked from Hotrod's quest. Other than that I dont know what other uses one can really have for rotten flesh.

11. It's not really a matter of balance, I just find it really immersion breaking to be able to craft such complicated things that have many tiny moving parts and gears. Personal preference.

13. That is not possible with xml at this time.

15. I don't understand the meaning. Lost in translation.
dragonsphotoworks 2017년 1월 8일 오후 4시 37분 
bows with sights dont work to well, i tried and well... didnt work out lol
Raxxa 2017년 1월 9일 오후 2시 13분 
tis mod is just must have.
Gilidis 2017년 1월 9일 오후 4시 37분 
Raxxa님이 먼저 게시:
tis mod is just must have.
Definitely. I literally can't play 7 days without it!
Grimfang50 2017년 1월 9일 오후 4시 49분 
Raxxa님이 먼저 게시:
tis mod is just must have.

Agreed! To me it adds being able to rub off a scratch off lottery ticket every time you loot.I would recommend those who play vanilla to try the expansion first though. I did the opposite and went overhaul, and for some odd reason I just can't give it up. Much more of a challenge.
BroDimm 2017년 1월 10일 오전 7시 25분 
Raxxa님이 먼저 게시:
tis mod is just must have.

never go vanilla again atm.
Lions_Den 2017년 1월 10일 오전 8시 27분 
I really enjoy the mod as well but every time a new patch comes out for vanilla, I play that for a while before starting on the mods. I like to play around with the new stuff before getting into the mods again.
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페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2015년 10월 3일 오후 2시 32분
게시글: 3,455