7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

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MrAngelus Jul 20, 2019 @ 10:19pm
God mode question
I bought this because my wife loves zombie games.

We decided to play with console commands and enabled God mode but we still were taking damage if enough.. one time by a bear... so How does God mode work is there a trick to it or am i just doing it wrong
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Shurenai Jul 20, 2019 @ 11:02pm 
When cheats are enabled, Godmode has a hotkey, which i believe defaults to Q; If you accidentally hit it, you'll toggle your godmode off, and since its so close to W, A 1, 2, and tab it's very real possibility that you accidentally clipped the Q key while playing.

When you enable god mode your HP is set to max, all debuffs are removed, hunger and thirst are set to 100, and nothing in the game should be able to inflict damage/debuffs on you.

Also of note is that when you enable god mode; it only enables for you, not for everyone. Every player wishing to use it will have to enable it themselves. (God mode may require enabling debug mode also; not sure if its just automatically available when setting cheats to enabled)
MrAngelus Jul 20, 2019 @ 11:26pm 
I didn't enable it using the Q key I enabled it via the debug mode pressing F1 then typing DM then turning on God mode I don't even know how to enable it with the Q Key
Shurenai Jul 20, 2019 @ 11:28pm 
Originally posted by MrAngelus:
I didn't enable it using the Q key I enabled it via the debug mode pressing F1 then typing DM then turning on God mode I don't even know how to enable it with the Q Key
You misunderstood slightly; If you enabled it with the menu, tapping Q will still disable it. So if at any time your finger slipped and hit Q, it would have taken you out of god mode.
MrAngelus Jul 20, 2019 @ 11:47pm 
i read you have to go to creative mode to enable God mode which you supposedly get to by pressing the U key so i thought i'd try it... i'm at the very start and pressed U but it does not do anything... do i need to get further in game for that to work
Shurenai Jul 21, 2019 @ 12:23am 
Originally posted by MrAngelus:
i read you have to go to creative mode to enable God mode which you supposedly get to by pressing the U key so i thought i'd try it... i'm at the very start and pressed U but it does not do anything... do i need to get further in game for that to work
type 'cm' in the console the same way you did with debug mode, to access creative mode
simon Jul 21, 2019 @ 12:38am 
Also remember if you use cheats the game will not track your play time or give achievements.
Aesir Jul 21, 2019 @ 3:33am 
Go in to your console. (f1 key)

Type the following:

Then exit the console.
This will enable both creative and debug modes. You need to be in debug mode for godmode to be able to be used.

The 'Q' button toggles godmode on/off. You'll know godmode is active because you'll see a large purple plus sign in your HUD above your health and stamina bars.
Last edited by Aesir; Jul 21, 2019 @ 3:39am
Gut Instinct Jul 21, 2019 @ 3:59am 
Have to make sure that ' No Collision ' is ticked on too =-)
FT Jul 22, 2019 @ 7:36am 
There also used to be a bug/glitch where godmode didn't always work right on earlier versions of a17, I'm not sure if that was fully fixed or not.
I remember it used to seem like large amounts of damage or frequent fast hits could sometimes get through although the overall damage would still be significantly lessened.

Pretty sure this was mentioned in some of the earlier a17 patchnotes on the official forum, but I haven't looked at them in a few months so my memory is getting kind of foggy.
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Date Posted: Jul 20, 2019 @ 10:19pm
Posts: 9