7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

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Megamix Nov 12, 2023 @ 12:56pm
help I think the Update broken my save.
Since the November up date my save for my 201 hours game has broken and i`ve had to start a new game as its unplayable from my original save, has anyone else had problems with saved games or with the update? can you revert back? I don't want to do another 200 hours and load up to find my save is broken?
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
SylenThunder Nov 12, 2023 @ 1:01pm 
There hasn't been a new stable release in a couple of months.

Maybe try to read the Pinned threads in the Correct Forum Section, and start a thread over there with the required information to get assistance.
Megamix Nov 13, 2023 @ 1:30pm 
someone has suggested it maybe this micro update Steam did no idea i do know my saved game is busted dont know.
What was the problem exactly? it might help mentioning it. Did you lose a drone and the save game bugged out? or you simply can't load the save game at all? when did you start that save game, before alpha 21? did you use mods?
Megamix Nov 13, 2023 @ 2:41pm 
I had a drone, motorcycle some really good guns all that went wrong was albeit my bike had just been repaired and 100% then first my drone went missing then my bike just blown up, after that all the graphics was fine apart from the trees was bleary, i did noticed my fans on my 3070ti had gone off, and the game started jerking then i just quit it
My test after that was testing to make sure it was not my 3070ti so played GTA-V, Doom Eternal and some other high end FPS games and the fans on my GFX card ran fine, loaded up 7Days and my fans just stopped when loading up my save, I went on a friends game with him and that ran fast as it should, so i started a new game and its working fine, I have loaded up it and it still does the same my fans stop and its jerks all over the place.
Hope this helps
Lady Ming Nov 13, 2023 @ 2:48pm 
Originally posted by Megamix:
I had a drone, motorcycle some really good guns all that went wrong was albeit my bike had just been repaired and 100% then first my drone went missing then my bike just blown up, after that all the graphics was fine apart from the trees was bleary, i did noticed my fans on my 3070ti had gone off, and the game started jerking then i just quit it
My test after that was testing to make sure it was not my 3070ti so played GTA-V, Doom Eternal and some other high end FPS games and the fans on my GFX card ran fine, loaded up 7Days and my fans just stopped when loading up my save, I went on a friends game with him and that ran fast as it should, so i started a new game and its working fine, I have loaded up it and it still does the same my fans stop and its jerks all over the place.
Hope this helps
Odd that shouldn't happen and wouldn't be the games fault. That being said, have you tried creating a manual fan profile and starting your saved game and seeing if the fans stop even when you have them manually running at a set speed?
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Date Posted: Nov 12, 2023 @ 12:56pm
Posts: 6