7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

White River Supplies stuck in inventory.
I completed a burried supplies mission, but still have the item in my inventory. Wether the quest object game me 2 items, or the item was not removed when i turned in the quest is unknown to me. At any rate, it's stuck there, cannot be dropped.

If it helps, the console openned up when i looted the quest crate.
Ultima modifica da WarShrike; 6 dic 2018, ore 5:35
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I had the same thing happen to me, I basically looted the chest, not all items, closed the chest inv and the quest did not clear the step so I opened the chest again and there was another white river supplies in there, took those and went to trader, finished the quest but was left wit hone extra quest item stuck in my inv.

I did notice a report about this on the forums too so it should be fixed sometime
Hello. I have the same thing happening to me. Does it matter that it happened with another player in the game?
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Data di pubblicazione: 6 dic 2018, ore 5:28
Messaggi: 2