7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

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Cawotte Nov 20, 2023 @ 12:03pm
What do you think of the game's graphics, honestly?
The content of this game is incredibly well thought out, very immersive, and deeply engaging in this apocalyptic world. However, there's one flaw that the developers absolutely need to address. We're in 2023, and the graphics really deserve a refresh. I understand it might be easy to say, but I genuinely believe that it would attract a huge number of players to 7 Days to Die. Just imagine the same game with graphics akin to TheFinals – it would truly be the game of the century!
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Showing 1-15 of 122 comments
SylenThunder Nov 20, 2023 @ 12:04pm 
Before you go much further with this thread, have a read...

What is the difference between a Voxel game, and all the other games I play?[community.7daystodie.com]
H8M4Ch1N3 Nov 20, 2023 @ 12:12pm 
I actually really dig the graphics, especially since it already had a visual overhaul. The textures are high-res and well-made, I don't really know what else I would ask for. Every game with "realistic" graphics just requires a computer that doesn't even exist yet and all devs patch up that flaw with upscaling techniques that make the game look worse than it would otherwise. The graphics are good, when I look at some of the generated terrain I am in awe sometimes, and that's something that Starfield never got me to do.
Serious Nov 20, 2023 @ 12:20pm 
I like the overall graphics in this game. The only thing that could use a bit of love from the developers is the appearance of zombies and the look of some used items, like food, for example. Some textures seem unchanged since the first versions of the game, and looking at them makes me want to gag, no kidding. Otherwise, everything else suits me.
Cawotte Nov 20, 2023 @ 12:20pm 
So in your opinion, if we can't switch to graphics with Unreal Engine 5, it's because our PCs simply won't run the games?
Cawotte Nov 20, 2023 @ 12:37pm 
We are still talking about a game where there are no impacts as we hit the trees with our tools??
The earth has the impression that it dates from 2013.. Well, I'll be clear that I only criticize certain details of the graphics, the content of the game itself is just incredible.. but we are in 2023 with ever more realistic games .. and it makes me sad to imagine that this game, with its crazy potential, will be forgotten because of the graphics.
streetcloud Nov 20, 2023 @ 12:40pm 
world needs some updating along with the chara the chara most of all looks horrible also some of the actions on the toons needs updating like hitting trees and rocks building is pretty good in this game don't mind the loot
...👑 JOST AMMAN 👑... (Banned) Nov 20, 2023 @ 12:48pm 
Originally posted by Cawotte:
We are still talking about a game where there are no impacts as we hit the trees with our tools??
The earth has the impression that it dates from 2013.. Well, I'll be clear that I only criticize certain details of the graphics, the content of the game itself is just incredible.. but we are in 2023 with ever more realistic games .. and it makes me sad to imagine that this game, with its crazy potential, will be forgotten because of the graphics.
They ARE improving some aspects of the graphics, but it won't improve as much as you would like, exactly because of how the game engine specifically handles the world.

To make everything destructible they had to sacrifice some other things, like NPCs/Zombie numbers, and some aspects of the overall graphics.
Demios Nov 20, 2023 @ 1:40pm 
For a game you can break literally everything, it look pretty gosndern good!
H8M4Ch1N3 Nov 20, 2023 @ 2:07pm 
Originally posted by Cawotte:
We are still talking about a game where there are no impacts as we hit the trees with our tools??
The earth has the impression that it dates from 2013.. Well, I'll be clear that I only criticize certain details of the graphics, the content of the game itself is just incredible.. but we are in 2023 with ever more realistic games .. and it makes me sad to imagine that this game, with its crazy potential, will be forgotten because of the graphics.
Name one realistic game that allows you the ability to break every single block therein and won't ruin an average PC. I know you ain't talking Minecraft. And I'm not even saying that the said game has to be voxel-based cause I know that's an impossible task.
LeftPaw Nov 20, 2023 @ 2:14pm 
They do the job and at times are even beautiful.
This is one game I would never choose graphics over game-play. I think they have done really well with the graphics seeing as the game offers you ultimate freedom..
You have to take into account it's a voxel game and a fully destructible world, 7d2d is probably the best looking voxel game or one of
GinsengSamurai Nov 20, 2023 @ 2:34pm 
Originally posted by Cawotte:
So in your opinion, if we can't switch to graphics with Unreal Engine 5, it's because our PCs simply won't run the games?

Let's put it this way... Would be awesome to see ESO, Strange Brigade, WH40k SM2 graphics for 7DTD. Imagine the immersion!

I think people that like the existing graphics for 7DTD isn't saying that better graphics wouldn't be nice. I think the people that like the existing graphics just like it because it works so far.

If only there is an A21+ mod that replaces all of the graphics with 'nicer' looking ones. The HD mod is defunct because the author passed away some time ago.
Like the Visuals so far, rly ggod for voxel-based, the only thing i find strange is how or where you find some things you pick up. Like all the Plastic in the First-Aid, Stones in the Garbage, Corn in the Micro-Wave, etc..., some things simply dont appear to be logic.
Ripflex Nov 20, 2023 @ 3:01pm 
It's better than most voxel based games IMO, but it doesn't yet implement additional features current GPUs have to offer to improve performance lighting and shadows that I would think improve the experience and set it apart from other voxel based games. Buying a $4K gaming rig and still get frame drops in cities and just saying - well it's a voxel game doesn't convince me. Maybe that's why some players just avoid the VOXEL experience and play similar games that are non-voxel; they are just not willing to pay the performance drop and realism for a fully destructible world I guess ?
Hakke Nov 20, 2023 @ 3:15pm 
honestly love the visuals and everything about it- makes me feel like home. Weirdly similar to Skyrim for me lol :)
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Date Posted: Nov 20, 2023 @ 12:03pm
Posts: 122