7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

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ICE_MEHRAB Nov 10, 2023 @ 9:59am
Why this game has no cloud save system?
As it is a paid game, Steam should have a cloud save like others. For example, if you install this game after resetting Windows, everything will be gone. LOL
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
8_Hussars Nov 10, 2023 @ 10:10am 
See link above.

Cloud storage of 7d2d saves is impractical due to the large file size(s).

Many recommend making your own backups...
Last edited by 8_Hussars; Nov 10, 2023 @ 10:11am
SuperMeatBag Nov 10, 2023 @ 11:21am 
Originally posted by ICE_MEHRAB:
As it is a paid game, Steam should have a cloud save like others. For example, if you install this game after resetting Windows, everything will be gone. LOL

So don't reinstall Windows without backing up your saves L.O.L. Your data security is your own issue to deal with.
Tahnval Nov 10, 2023 @ 11:34am 
Originally posted by ICE_MEHRAB:
As it is a paid game, Steam should have a cloud save like others. For example, if you install this game after resetting Windows, everything will be gone. LOL

USB sticks with huge capacities cost buttons nowadays. Anyone who really cares about any particular piece of data security (edit: in the context of having a backup) will be making backups on media under their control rather than (or at least in addition to) under the control of a business that stores the data on internet-facing hardware, where it will be compromised sooner or later because online security is a low priority for most businesses.

Also, it's not possible with 7DTD anyway, as explained above.

You can laugh at it all you like, but you're just making yourself look silly by doing so. Should I laugh at you for trading security for convenience?
Last edited by Tahnval; Nov 10, 2023 @ 11:53am
Blue Hasia Nov 10, 2023 @ 2:06pm 
are thumbdrives even a thing anymore? i havent used one now maybe in ten years? its been all external HDD, external SSDs, NAS, cloud back ups
Last edited by Blue Hasia; Nov 10, 2023 @ 2:06pm
SylenThunder Nov 10, 2023 @ 2:11pm 
Originally posted by Blue Hasia:
are thumbdrives even a thing anymore? i havent used one now maybe in ten years? its been all external HDD, external SSDs, NAS, cloud back ups
I still keep a few around that I use regularly in ranges from 16-64GB. Mostly use them for transferring files to computers on segregated networks or that are not network connected.

If I need anything larger than that, I've got a large SSD and an adapter.
Seftak Nov 10, 2023 @ 4:54pm 
Originally posted by Blue Hasia:
are thumbdrives even a thing anymore? i havent used one now maybe in ten years? its been all external HDD, external SSDs, NAS, cloud back ups
Well yes. How do you install your Windows otherwise?
Last edited by Seftak; Nov 10, 2023 @ 4:54pm
Blue Hasia Nov 10, 2023 @ 5:56pm 
Originally posted by Seftak:
Originally posted by Blue Hasia:
are thumbdrives even a thing anymore? i havent used one now maybe in ten years? its been all external HDD, external SSDs, NAS, cloud back ups
Well yes. How do you install your Windows otherwise?
my last two PCs installed i used an external SSD. heck even an SD card in an SD reader can work
Blue Hasia Nov 10, 2023 @ 5:59pm 
Originally posted by SylenThunder:
Originally posted by Blue Hasia:
are thumbdrives even a thing anymore? i havent used one now maybe in ten years? its been all external HDD, external SSDs, NAS, cloud back ups
I still keep a few around that I use regularly in ranges from 16-64GB. Mostly use them for transferring files to computers on segregated networks or that are not network connected.

If I need anything larger than that, I've got a large SSD and an adapter.

64 gigs is soooooo small XD i dont even buy SD cards under 256 gigs XD
SylenThunder Nov 10, 2023 @ 6:27pm 
Originally posted by Blue Hasia:
Originally posted by SylenThunder:
I still keep a few around that I use regularly in ranges from 16-64GB. Mostly use them for transferring files to computers on segregated networks or that are not network connected.

If I need anything larger than that, I've got a large SSD and an adapter.

64 gigs is soooooo small XD i dont even buy SD cards under 256 gigs XD
Oh I don't buy any of them. They come to me as "bonus" material when ordering other things, or from vendors.

If I were to actually go out and buy a thumbstick, it would be one of the 1TB models.
Last edited by SylenThunder; Nov 10, 2023 @ 6:28pm
Tahnval Nov 10, 2023 @ 11:42pm 
Originally posted by Blue Hasia:
are thumbdrives even a thing anymore? i havent used one now maybe in ten years? its been all external HDD, external SSDs, NAS, cloud back ups

Yes, they're still a thing. They're very cheap and very portable and USB is almost universally supported, so there's still a market for them. I have two I use for smaller files that I want a portable backup of that's under my control.

Just have a look on Amazon, for example. Plenty of new thumb drives for sale.

There are plenty of people who want a quick, convenient backup on physical media under their control and who don't need >1TB of space for what they want to back up. Thumb drives fit the bill well.
Σquilibrium Nov 13, 2023 @ 9:49am 
Just save youre Savegame folder manually
Niuq Apr 14 @ 5:19pm 
The size of the files alone would make me avoid cloud saves like the plague, much higher chance to get a corrupted save.
Cor. Apr 14 @ 5:39pm 
7D2D isnt the type of game to have cloud saves.

Players could abuse the feature by saving before looting a POI, or having a Horde night, and then if things go south, or bad loot or something, you would be able to just load the save and try again.
Not only is it a good idea to make your own manual backups on whatever media you choose, but steam's cloud save feature has some MASSIVE bugs. There's a bunch of well documented instances of the cloud save feature working in reverse and accidentally erasing current game saves. I turn off cloud save in a lot of games due to this.
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Date Posted: Nov 10, 2023 @ 9:59am
Posts: 19