7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

Iron Gut is the new Sexy T-rex, isn't it?
Just looking at how the game has played for me the last few times, you *need* it to prolong your food, or you end up suffering. It also helps to resist dysentery in those few times when you need to drink something or eat something, but nothing safe is at hand.

What do you guys think?
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115/20 megjegyzés mutatása
Focusing on maxing out a melee skill tree should be priority #1 since that will essentially be your Sexy T-rex the faster you can get it to level 4 or max level, but I play on harder difficulties fwiw.

As long as you can get to a trader shortly when you start & rush T1 quests you shouldn't have too much of a food or drink issue buying from the trader & vending machines.
I tried a fort build and then abandoned it pretty quickly, The benefits of Iron gut and I think, iron chef? would absolutely help early game, I ended up starting over as agility/perception though. Salvage gets me my dukes, agility lets me stab things. Perking into my preferred action skills first means they take less stamina, and burn less food.

Vitamins allow you to eat anything, making the shamwhiches useful, and buying up a few golden rod teas early game mean you can challenge that Dysentery percentile when you don't have vitamins. ((It's also great hydration for 24 dukes more than purified water))

I don't really find I have too many problems with food, I buy a bit if I think it's a good value, and eat a lot of canned stuff as I find it. I'm more likely to be dehydrated though, than hungry.
I think you're putting excessive emphasis on a single skill for no particularly good reason- And I though the same about Sexy T-rex.

It's(sexy rex) not as necessary as people were convinced it was- I almost never took sexy trex and manged quite well in A20 and earlier (and by 'almost never' I mean I only took it when I was specializing in strength, and in particular on the sledgehammer because dear god it uses SO much stamina.).

And I haven't taken iron gut in A21 either, and never had any particular issues- Even down at 50% loot.

Being below 100% food/thirst is not the end of the world. Just because you have a stam regen debuff doesn't mean you suddenly can't do anything either. Even the guy in the other thread who was down at 6 max stamina and thought he was just waiting for his death discovered it's not game over right away- The situation was salvagable without taking a death, even if it would have been a pain to do so.

IMO, You don't actually NEED any skill in the game. Not even the weapon boosts. Do they help? Sometimes they help alot even? Sure. But they aren't required for you to make it to the next day, Or the day after, or to beat your first horde night, or the second or the third.

Just my thoughts, I spose. Food and water are rougher, but I haven't felt like 'omg if I don't have iron gut I'm just going to die over and over again to hunger/thirst', or anything even close to it.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Shurenai; 2023. jún. 18., 16:43
Shurenai eredeti hozzászólása:
I think you're putting excessive emphasis on a single skill for no particularly good reason- And I though the same about Sexy T-rex.

It's(sexy rex) not as necessary as people were convinced it was- I almost never took sexy trex and manged quite well in A20 and earlier (and by 'almost never' I mean I only took it when I was specializing in strength, and in particular on the sledgehammer because dear god it uses SO much stamina.).

And I haven't taken iron gut in A21 either, and never had any particular issues- Even down at 50% loot.

Being below 100% food/thirst is not the end of the world. Just because you have a stam regen debuff doesn't mean you suddenly can't do anything either. Even the guy in the other thread who was down at 6 max stamina and thought he was just waiting for his death discovered it's not game over right away- The situation was salvagable without taking a death, even if it would have been a pain to do so.

IMO, You don't actually NEED any skill in the game. Not even the weapon boosts. Do they help? Sometimes they help alot even? Sure. But they aren't required for you to make it to the next day, Or the day after, or to beat your first horde night, or the second or the third.

Just my thoughts, I spose. Food and water are rougher, but I haven't felt like 'omg if I don't have iron gut I'm just going to die over and over again to hunger/thirst', or anything even close to it.

You are right and even kage848 pointed out that having the ability to stun zombies sounds good, it can actually go against you when they stun towards you faster resulting in them lowering the gap between the player instead of giving the player more breathing space. So not everything is going to work flawlessly.
Food was extremely easy to come by in a20 and it's even easier in a21, so I don't see how this could possibly be the case.
Shurenai eredeti hozzászólása:
I think you're putting excessive emphasis on a single skill for no particularly good reason- And I though the same about Sexy T-rex.

It's(sexy rex) not as necessary as people were convinced it was- I almost never took sexy trex and manged quite well in A20 and earlier (and by 'almost never' I mean I only took it when I was specializing in strength, and in particular on the sledgehammer because dear god it uses SO much stamina.).

And I haven't taken iron gut in A21 either, and never had any particular issues- Even down at 50% loot.

Being below 100% food/thirst is not the end of the world. Just because you have a stam regen debuff doesn't mean you suddenly can't do anything either. Even the guy in the other thread who was down at 6 max stamina and thought he was just waiting for his death discovered it's not game over right away- The situation was salvagable without taking a death, even if it would have been a pain to do so.

IMO, You don't actually NEED any skill in the game. Not even the weapon boosts. Do they help? Sometimes they help alot even? Sure. But they aren't required for you to make it to the next day, Or the day after, or to beat your first horde night, or the second or the third.

Just my thoughts, I spose. Food and water are rougher, but I haven't felt like 'omg if I don't have iron gut I'm just going to die over and over again to hunger/thirst', or anything even close to it.

Let me clarify a bit. This was more of a question than a statement. Iron Gut helps with hunger issues and sickness; my thought was having it was almost mandatory, as having it would greatly cut into having to worry about those things. I'm not *SAYING* it's needed, I'm *ASKING* if people feel the same way. One thing that's come from this is that I found out vitamins completely counter disentery, which I didn't know, so that's helpful. I thought they only prevented infections from zombies.

I know being below 100% isn't a problem. I don't actually use food until it asks for it, and then only enough to get me 'over the top' and remove the debuff. I don't think there *should* be a case where you're always full in a game like this, or why bother with the debuffs or the entire mechanic? But when you're *constantly* eating and drinking and having that debuff come and go, it's kind of frustrating, especially when you're in combat or doing mining or some such thing. And again... if having the debuff doesn't really matter, why make it a thing in the first place? I can't agree that it doesn't matter, because when you're in combat, or trying to run from it, no stamina means no escape. When you're digging or building, no stamina means work slows WAY down. Trying to play in a situation like that, where your time is getting wasted waiting for stamina to regen slower than usual is frustrating. ...no?

As for 'that guy over in the other thread'? I think that was ME. xD Or at least I found myself in the same situation. Except in my case, I actually had to die to do anything because at that point, all I could do was crawl along slowly, and the RNG wasn't playing nice (no water was available except the water I drank that got me sick).

As for not needing any skills or abilities? ...remind me never to play on your servers, ok?
If you honestly believe that playing this game without using skill points is not just possible but maybe even easy, then I understand why these changes were put in place. Some people are just built different as to what they think of as fun, and have a different way of thinking and playing that is beyond my comprehension. When I just think of trying to play this game as it currently is without using any skill points, I can *feel* my face taking on a sour expression. Can't imagine what it would actually be like. You should maybe consider streaming it on Twitch or something, so people can see how fun and easy it is. Let me know where to watch, because that's something I would want to see.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Gargoyle Girl; 2023. jún. 18., 17:43
No irongut isn't really "needed" it falls more into the "well its nice to have" level of perks imo. Honestly unless you are putting in 4-5 points in it the difference is negligible at best. So no I don't think its worth it. However there is an argument that can be made for it reducing dysentery chances. That is worth more then the "main" effect imo.
Gargoyle Girl eredeti hozzászólása:
As for not needing any skills or abilities? ...remind me never to play on your servers, ok?
If you honestly believe that playing this game without using skill points is not just possible but maybe even easy, then I understand why these changes were put in place. Some people are just built different as to what they think of as fun, and have a different way of thinking and playing that is beyond my comprehension. When I just think of trying to play this game as it currently is without using any skill points, I can *feel* my face taking on a sour expression. Can't imagine what it would actually be like. You should maybe consider streaming it on Twitch or something, so people can see how fun and easy it is. Let me know where to watch, because that's something I would want to see.

I guess it comes down to how and what game settings players have been used to over the years.

For instance players playing on the hardest settings and blood moon hordes daily, that have learned to be able to overcome this compared to players who stick with adventurer and nomad, with blood moon hordes every 7 days or higher.

So now they want more challenge and the only way to do that is by not using skills and found that it hasn`t made anything harder just a longer process to get the best gear.

There is a young lad that plays some of the tougher mods with blood moon hordes set to daily that played a few times with games4kickz, unfortunately i can not remember his youtube channel, but i would imagine a fair few players will know who i am talking about. so i can see players being able to still play with no skill points and find it still without a challenge.
In my current game I'm on day 14 and I have not bothered putting a point in Iron Gut. I have considered it, but each time I felt like it would be a waste. I can get food and I can get water, so if I can get those, might as well put more of my points in something else like perception and making my spear explode some heads.

Currently I'm sitting on 30 bacon and eggs and around 20 waters, with a bunch of coffee and teas and what not. I farmed a bunch of eggs early game as a by-product of farming feathers because I wanted ammo for my bow, and then I've killed a bunch of chickens and held on to their meat long enough to make a huge batch of bacon and eggs. There always seems to be a ridiculous amount of bird nests and chickens everywhere. Also the bone knife works wonders with extracting all of those feathers and meat. Before I made the bacon and eggs I was living off of grilled meat and canned foods.

Having played A21 4 diff games, my starting routine is to gather honey, eggs, and feathers and stones while I make my way to the first trader. By the time I reach the trader I should have at least one jar of honey, around 30+ arrows, a bow, a bone knife, and a melee weapon of choice. Then I do quests... While questing I make sure to hit every mailbox I see for some free skills. Upon quest completion I buy drinks (or accept drinks as reward), by day 3 I'm swimming in food and water and I'm posted up somewhere in a POI near the trader. Then I focus on cheesing fetch quests and accepting the 1500 wood or 1500 cobblestone rewards, and getting the bike asap. then I build my horde base on around day 5. With bike I can usually do all available fetch quests before sun-down and accumulate lots of resources. I play on default difficulty, but if I die, I delete my save and start over again.

I might try iron gut in another play through, or maybe even this one if I change my mind :D
Legutóbb szerkesztette: tonechild; 2023. jún. 18., 19:04
Honestly survival has gotten easier in this Alpha. I was able to make bacon and eggs by day 2 with just the books. Water is a pain but only for a couple of days.
No, still a wasted skill point.
On par with animal tracker.
This Alpha is nice but also weird. I have more food then ever and the changes in water collecting makes it even easier then before. I got even extrem good weapons extremly early on. Sure the level 6 is still not found but AK and Tactical at 5 for day 10 is nice. Regarding Iron gut - do you play with weird mods or what because food and drinking is not an issue and i am on the skilllevel of an Avokado in this game.
Trex gave % based stamina regen.
As you gain levels your max stamina and health increases.
It allowed you at higher levels to ignore most skills that decreased stamina usage.
( wrenching/salvaging is pretty bad on stamina without investment )

Iron gut is a fairly weak perk. The time increase can be worth it for some players, to let you carry less beer, recog, etc.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Niuq; 2023. jún. 19., 10:39
the buff lasts longer is the only reason i use the iron gut. The less food need doesn´t care me. I have since day 4 food for weeks and since the infestation mission spaghetti and gumbo till death.
But i like the brawler way and i´m not good to keep an eye on my buffs :steamlaughcry:
Gargoyle Girl eredeti hozzászólása:
Just looking at how the game has played for me the last few times, you *need* it to prolong your food, or you end up suffering. It also helps to resist dysentery in those few times when you need to drink something or eat something, but nothing safe is at hand.

What do you guys think?
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115/20 megjegyzés mutatása
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Közzétéve: 2023. jún. 18., 16:21
Hozzászólások: 20