7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

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gigi Aug 2, 2023 @ 3:22am
Some can 'fly' some don't?
Just started again after long Fan: so much has changed! For instance I used "F" for fly
and in the instructions under "fly mode" it says "F" but one of my chars it works and in
another chars it does not.
So somebody took over the game and knows a lot "better" but going 'overboard" too quickly with hundreds of "new" stuff whilst the game was always the BEST of all games!
Please don't mess it up
< >
Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Shurenai Aug 2, 2023 @ 3:41am 
You have 'Cheats' enabled for one character and not the other. Cheats being enabled just auto-activates creative mode so you don't have to put in a console command; And F to fly only works when in creative mode or debug mode... Because it's not a normal survival feature.
CatPerson Aug 2, 2023 @ 4:16am 
The 'start new game' no longer remembers all the options settings you put on the last game.
So if you enabled cheats in your first game, then started a 2nd, new game, you have to enable cheats (and any other options, like loot abundance, zombie settings etc) in the options windows again.

...I dunno if the latest experimental changed that, but that's how it is with current A21 stable. Kind of annoying. :P
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Date Posted: Aug 2, 2023 @ 3:22am
Posts: 2