7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

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Shady Jan 24, 2023 @ 6:20am
Favorite Version
What is everyones version they like to play on?

I play on 15.2 as I played on console and enjoy that version and i get to enjoy it with more frames and fov on pc.

I was wondering what everyone think on their favorite version of the game to play on.
(I would play on 20.9 but it just has a bit of poor optimization)
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
MoistGamer Jan 24, 2023 @ 6:54am 
16.4 but not because of LBD (I promise). I did coincidentally enjoy LBD, but that's not why.

That's when I met someone I later married, and we still play the game together. Didn't meet her on 7D, but it was the first game we sunk serious time into aside from casual garbage like pubg for example.

I still remember the first dumb base we made together it looked like some obstacle course in Wild & Crazy Kids. The zombies didnt even go through it, I just thought I was a master show off architect and she liked it.

I still remember finally getting a basket for her minibike so we could finish the build and ride off into the desert together. It was awesome. A pixelated mess... but it was awesome haha.
Last edited by MoistGamer; Jan 24, 2023 @ 6:57am
Shurenai Jan 24, 2023 @ 6:59am 
A21 for me. :D Not out yet, but it's looking like I'm really going to enjoy it. Generally speaking I strongly favor whatever the latest version is- I've had some nitpicks with each version, but overall I've loved the game more and more with each version despite those nitpicks. So, A21 would be my favorite- Or A20.x(6?) if you don't want to accept an unreleased version as an answer.
Shady Jan 24, 2023 @ 7:53am 
Originally posted by MoistGamer:
16.4 but not because of LBD (I promise). I did coincidentally enjoy LBD, but that's not why.

That's when I met someone I later married, and we still play the game together. Didn't meet her on 7D, but it was the first game we sunk serious time into aside from casual garbage like pubg for example.

I still remember the first dumb base we made together it looked like some obstacle course in Wild & Crazy Kids. The zombies didnt even go through it, I just thought I was a master show off architect and she liked it.

I still remember finally getting a basket for her minibike so we could finish the build and ride off into the desert together. It was awesome. A pixelated mess... but it was awesome haha.

Everytime i try to even run 16.4 it just stops loading up the game after the loading screen when i click play on steam
DthBlayde Jan 24, 2023 @ 8:04am 
Some of my most extensive and longest runs were small group multiplayer, modded 16.4.

So in a sense, that version is my all time fav, but like Shurenai , I adapt to each and every new version without going back to previous ones,
Ashkorne Jan 25, 2023 @ 5:16am 
Unpopular opinion here but I don't like the new building generation feature.
Reason: It's too busy. There are way too many buildings close together.

It was ok for the single major "hub city" in the centre of the old version maps, but having them everywhere is overwhelming.

I like the buildings themselves but I much preferred the older alphas where the buildings were always few and far between. It made having to search them all mandatory as you never really knew where your next bit of good loot was coming from.

Now you just go from the tool shop to the weapons shop to the electronics store to the...
Seftak Jan 25, 2023 @ 7:45am 
Originally posted by Ashkorne:
Unpopular opinion here but I don't like the new building generation feature.
Reason: It's too busy. There are way too many buildings close together.

It was ok for the single major "hub city" in the centre of the old version maps, but having them everywhere is overwhelming.

I like the buildings themselves but I much preferred the older alphas where the buildings were always few and far between. It made having to search them all mandatory as you never really knew where your next bit of good loot was coming from.

Now you just go from the tool shop to the weapons shop to the electronics store to the...
With more options to the map generation you could just have 1 city and the rest would be wilderness, so you would get exactly what you want.
Mardoin69 Jan 25, 2023 @ 11:16am 
Just an FYI....for those wanting to play older versions....if you want to install an older version, your going to need to clear out Windows Registry keys for 7d2d......if you've installed these newer versions. Since A17 (I believe) the 7d2d settings have been saved into the Windows Registry as opposed to in config files like it used to be. So, trying to load up an old version maybe problematic if there's a bunch of data for new versions in the Registry instead. Since pre-A17 didn't have the cleaning tools in it's launcher (if I'm remembering right) you may need to use a registry cleaner....something like free version of CCleaner for example...to clear Windows Registry of 7d2d data. After that, you should be able to opt into your fav version, install, and be good to go. Just mentioning this since someone mentions they can't get an old version to work.
Ashkorne Jan 25, 2023 @ 11:20am 
Originally posted by Seftak:
With more options to the map generation you could just have 1 city and the rest would be wilderness, so you would get exactly what you want.

I only play random gen and used to do just that with either KingGen or the other one. Sadly it doesn't work with A20.

Apparently A21 is coming with some extra map generation options so here's hoping.
Mithrandir Jan 25, 2023 @ 12:38pm 
It may sounds weird but I've never had any wish to go back to a previous update.

The last one is, so far, always the one I prefer to play because I wouldn't want to play without some of the latest features (graphics, traders, missions, more POI, tougher zeds, vehicles, world gen, and so many more).
Blue Hasia Jan 25, 2023 @ 1:17pm 
i can say my least favorite was 17
Shady Jan 25, 2023 @ 4:22pm 
Originally posted by Mithrandir:
It may sounds weird but I've never had any wish to go back to a previous update.

The last one is, so far, always the one I prefer to play because I wouldn't want to play without some of the latest features (graphics, traders, missions, more POI, tougher zeds, vehicles, world gen, and so many more).
I just prefer 15.2 cuse i came from console and i enjoy it on better performance. also the newer versions just seem so different from what it use to be
T-Baggins Jan 25, 2023 @ 5:41pm 
Originally posted by Mithrandir:
It may sounds weird but I've never had any wish to go back to a previous update.

The last one is, so far, always the one I prefer to play because I wouldn't want to play without some of the latest features (graphics, traders, missions, more POI, tougher zeds, vehicles, world gen, and so many more).

Same, the only older feature I really miss is when gun parts were actually parts with different item levels and you could keep upgrading something to get to that purple
SGT. D Jan 25, 2023 @ 6:53pm 
I started back when A16 went stable. I really liked A16.4, it's still my favorite, but I play the latest stable release and I have no major complaints. i knew when I bought it that it was EA and could go through some significant changes. Who knew it would evolve into an almost entirely different game? Can't wait to see what comes next.
Azure Jan 25, 2023 @ 7:03pm 
Whatever the current one is when i play, aspects of past ones were nice but not enough to go back to.
CatPerson Jan 25, 2023 @ 10:34pm 
There are still things I greatly miss from A10 (forge molds, 0,0 City, infinite rwg maps, other small things), but I do not have a desire anymore to put up with not having features/options from more current versions. Not interested in mega overhaul mods either, where I might get a few things similar to what I liked back again but also a zillion things I don't personally want/care for.

Outside of missing those certain features of A10, I don't particularly miss anything else from other versions - and I've reached a point where whatever the current version, *if* I decide I enjoy it enough to play it for more than a day or two, that becomes my "favorite" version. Then whichever future version does the same thing, and so on.
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Date Posted: Jan 24, 2023 @ 6:20am
Posts: 20