7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

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1200 hrs, finally got Gyrocopter!
Was pumped as I finally got it, how to handle it , well what a waste of time, real bad controls, who designed this? They need to be thrown to the dogs.
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Showing 1-15 of 21 comments
seven May 24, 2021 @ 9:07am 
The zombie dogs?

Nah, just spawn one in a creative game and practice. It gets a lot easier. And it is rather forgiving too. You can crash pretty hard and not take too much damage.
FPStewy May 24, 2021 @ 9:08am 
Originally posted by The Phantom Raspberry Blower:
Was pumped as I finally got it, how to handle it , well what a waste of time, real bad controls, who designed this? They need to be thrown to the dogs.

Sounds like the gyrocopter from Max Max :)
Amanoob105 May 24, 2021 @ 9:33am 
The biggest problem with the gyrocopter, is no one really knows what a gyrocopter is.
I had this same problem.

You look at it and think "helicopter". But then you get in it and it works as a plane. You try to land like a helicopter and it still works as a plane.
Yeah, that's because a gyrcopter has more in common with a plane than it does a helicopter. Those rotors above your head are not powered by any engine. It's powered by the act of going forward.

The dev's clearly put some thought into this thing and did their research. Namely, what air vehicle they would put into the game and how it would work. The downside of this is that I can't think of a single other game out there (never played mad max) with a vehicle like this one so learning to fly it will feel very uphill when you first do.

Taking off and flying is that of a plane, except you don't need a very long runway. In fact if you have a short ramp made of wedges this will get you into the air very quickly.
In flight, it's a plane. Simple.
Landing is where it can feel more like a helicopter, if done (more or less) right but still starts out like a plane.
You need to come in low to the target you want to land on. A bit before you are over it you want to pull up sharp to bring yourself to a stop, but right after than pull down just as sharp to level out and this will, more often than not, let you float the last few meters to the ground.
Do this too high up and you float at first, and then plummet the rest.

If you want it to stop moving when on the ground, just get out.
I don't know why, but the brakes on this thing only work when you're not in the drivers seat.
Last edited by Amanoob105; May 24, 2021 @ 9:34am
Seftak May 24, 2021 @ 9:49am 
Originally posted by The Phantom Raspberry Blower:
Was pumped as I finally got it, how to handle it , well what a waste of time, real bad controls, who designed this? They need to be thrown to the dogs.
I know right! It almost feels like you are not driving an HELIcopter...
NoMan May 24, 2021 @ 10:11am 
Originally posted by Amanoob105:
The biggest problem with the gyrocopter is ...

They should have just called it an autogyro, which it is, and left the word "copter" out of the mix. Confusion avoided.

It is possibly my favorite vehicle in all of my decades of gaming. I love flying it.

I think it fits the mood of the game perfectly. Like the minibike, it looks and feels like something we would be able to craft.

The 4x4 and motorcycle look and sound like Mad Max. They have always seemed out of place to me and I don't use them. :7days:
JimmyIowa May 24, 2021 @ 10:26am 
The gyrocopter flies fine for me. Maybe practice a little before throwing people to the dogs. :D
Odetta May 24, 2021 @ 10:49am 
Once you learn to fly, it becomes the best vehicle in the game. Especially for hitting all the traders in the map. Takes time but is very rewarding.
SpottedPineapple May 24, 2021 @ 11:27am 
I confess I've never gotten that far before getting pretty bored. Disappointed to see that the focus is on 'twitch integration' as the whole environment still feels like a skeleton placeholder devoid of actual content.
Shurenai May 24, 2021 @ 11:36am 
Originally posted by Royerrulz:
I confess I've never gotten that far before getting pretty bored. Disappointed to see that the focus is on 'twitch integration' as the whole environment still feels like a skeleton placeholder devoid of actual content.
The 'Focus' is on other features, like the new block shape system and other things. The twitch integration was developed by dev Lathan on his own time, because he himself is a streamer and thought it would be a cool feature to have.
Last edited by Shurenai; May 24, 2021 @ 11:37am
hallow, dmitri! May 24, 2021 @ 12:39pm 
The flight controls are fine once you get used to them even though there's not any motionless hovering. Would like to see pitch controls on controller though. Taxi controls around slopes and bumps are another thing entirely. I really don't understand why the vehicle pulls you opposite of where you are trying to turn on slopes and such.
Amanoob105 May 24, 2021 @ 1:26pm 
Originally posted by NoMan:
Originally posted by Amanoob105:
The biggest problem with the gyrocopter is ...

They should have just called it an autogyro, which it is, and left the word "copter" out of the mix. Confusion avoided.

It is possibly my favorite vehicle in all of my decades of gaming. I love flying it.

I think it fits the mood of the game perfectly. Like the minibike, it looks and feels like something we would be able to craft.

The 4x4 and motorcycle look and sound like Mad Max. They have always seemed out of place to me and I don't use them. :7days:
Or they could keep calling it a gyrocopter and trust people that don't know what that is how how it might work will loot it up and go "oh, so that's how they're meant to work".
At which point if they're anything like me they will feel even less safe in it than they did before. Don't stop me using it though.

The motorbike and 4x4 fits just find because it looks like it's out of mad max. You know? A post apocalypse setting. Like this very game is also set in.
I don't use the 4x4 because it's just because I don't find it very useful overall.
NoMan May 24, 2021 @ 1:49pm 
Originally posted by Amanoob105:
....The motorbike and 4x4 fits just find because it looks like it's out of mad max. You know? A post apocalypse setting. Like this very game is also set in....

To me this game feels much more like The Walking Dead than Mad Max. The gyro and minibike look like I built them. The 4x4 and motorcycle look like they were made by Hollywood set designer. Opinions. Whatever. :diplomacy:
Amanoob105 May 24, 2021 @ 2:53pm 
Originally posted by NoMan:
Originally posted by Amanoob105:
....The motorbike and 4x4 fits just find because it looks like it's out of mad max. You know? A post apocalypse setting. Like this very game is also set in....

To me this game feels much more like The Walking Dead than Mad Max. The gyro and minibike look like I built them. The 4x4 and motorcycle look like they were made by Hollywood set designer. Opinions. Whatever. :diplomacy:
Just wanted to say I can't remember the last time I saw someone else take the "agree to disagree" option.

I never got past the first season of the walking dead so it doesn't come to mind much and as such I just lump all post apocalypse settings in together.
One just happened because zombies and the other from whatever the hell took place between the first and second mad max films.
CoinSpin May 24, 2021 @ 3:24pm 
Don't give up on the gyro, a little practice and you can tame the beast. Once I build one, all of my other rigs end up parked and neglected. I usually build a small landing pad on the roof of my base, and I can easily drop that gyro right onto the landing slab with ease. Hours of flying (and crashing) have taught me the intricacies of how that beast handles.

The "problem" with the gyrocopter (for most people) is that it controls very much like a real gyrocopter. You need forward speed to spin the unpowered top prop fast enough to generate lift, and must maintain forward speed (generally speaking) to keep it in the air. Fly it more like an airplane than a helicopter, and you'll get the hang of it fairly quickly. Then you can start getting fancy and master things like vertical landings.
Last edited by CoinSpin; May 24, 2021 @ 3:26pm
Blue Hasia May 24, 2021 @ 4:20pm 
my big problem with it is we can not change the keybindings yet for the game and i hate the rise and descend buttons , or tilt nose up and down
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Date Posted: May 24, 2021 @ 9:05am
Posts: 21