7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

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A19 (B173) WTH???
I have no idea what you did for this update but it is horribly unstable, everybody keeps getting disconnected and our frame rates are all over the map, frames keep dropping BAD.
Optimize, OPTIMIZE, OpTiMiZe, please!!!!!!
Game is almost unplayable as is on new update.
< >
Zobrazeno 115 z 135 komentářů
No. Continue to work on putting in features and getting them working. Optimization can wait until beta.
are you attempting to continue a save from b169?

173 runs beautifully for me
Yeah day 126. Everything was working good for all of us, and this update everything went to spit. We all have different pc's, internet, etc.etc. but the issues are happening to all of us on the server, and the issues are BAD.
They did advise that everyone restart worlds for this update. Did you read the patch notes? This is experimental and when you chose to play in experimental, you agreed that you understood the need for restarts with each new build. Not every build will of necessity need a restart, but they do tell you to be prepared for instability and even crashes if you don't restart. Just saying...
Continuing a save between multiple experimental versions always carries with it the possibility for issues to arise. Verify the server files and create a fresh save and verify if the issues persist.
Michu 25. čvc. 2020 v 22.45 
Wait for stable release.

Experimental unstable builds are not for long gameplays.

Is recommended to wipe settings ,saves and start over every time experimental branch is updated. Especially if you plan to report bugs.
Naposledy upravil Michu; 25. čvc. 2020 v 22.46
Well seven years or so in alpha is a bit nuts, but whatever....so if we wanna play the long game, what A18?
Shurenai původně napsal:
Continuing a save between multiple experimental versions always carries with it the possibility for issues to arise. Verify the server files and create a fresh save and verify if the issues persist.

Already did before my post...
Incunabulum původně napsal:
No. Continue to work on putting in features and getting them working. Optimization can wait until beta.

Content does no damn good if you lose players due to instability *facepalm*
Bonesteel původně napsal:
Incunabulum původně napsal:
No. Continue to work on putting in features and getting them working. Optimization can wait until beta.

Content does no damn good if you lose players due to instability *facepalm*
Neither does magnifying the time the game is in development because you constantly optimize and bugfix; Only for all your optimization and bug fixing to go out the window when you change something in the underlying belly in the game.

Until all of the major features are in, spending too much time fixing things is just asking to spend time fixing it again and again with every with every patch.

There is some balance to be had; For sure. And they do do some minor optimizing and bug fixing to keep the game mostly playable for the majority of players. But spending too much time on it at this point is just a literal waste of time when they may need to change something under the hood between now and Beta; And every change under the hood is liable to just undo all that hard work fixing things.

Even now we still have bugs that reoccur every alpha version- Like the disappearing death backpacks. It's been fixed a dozen times and keeps coming back because they're still changing things.

So yeah....The majority of the optimization and bug fixing will wait until Beta, And rightfully so.
Morbs 25. čvc. 2020 v 23.36 
Khissi původně napsal:
They did advise that everyone restart worlds for this update. Did you read the patch notes? This is experimental and when you chose to play in experimental, you agreed that you understood the need for restarts with each new build. Not every build will of necessity need a restart, but they do tell you to be prepared for instability and even crashes if you don't restart. Just saying...
i feal ya. a173 i cant even play a privet server game hangs up at load screen naver to actualy load into game. was fine in 169 but now nope.
Bonesteel původně napsal:
Well seven years or so in alpha is a bit nuts, but whatever....so if we wanna play the long game, what A18?

The 7 years thing, there has been so much written about this.

The long game thing. A18 may not be the stable build for too much longer. You want to think more in terms of 'each day is a bonus atm'.
Bonesteel původně napsal:
Incunabulum původně napsal:
No. Continue to work on putting in features and getting them working. Optimization can wait until beta.

Content does no damn good if you lose players due to instability *facepalm*

Opted into the build labeled "unstable". Complains about instability. *facepalm*

Naposledy upravil JimmyIowa; 26. čvc. 2020 v 0.33
JimmyIowa původně napsal:
Bonesteel původně napsal:

Content does no damn good if you lose players due to instability *facepalm*

Opted into the build labeled "unstable". Complains about instability. *facepalm*

Pretty much.

People feel so entitled now days its not even funny.
< >
Zobrazeno 115 z 135 komentářů
Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 25. čvc. 2020 v 22.11
Počet příspěvků: 135