7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

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Gofastmike Apr 29, 2017 @ 12:49pm
How to save sections of map
I have a house I set up in an existing house south of diersville, but the map itself is rather old, and missing things like trading posts. I'd like to be able to copy the house to a new map instead of just starting over, as the defensive wall alone is quite complex.

Assuming it uses a chunk-based system like Minecraft, Is there a way I can simply copy the chunk(s) the house is on, then replace the new one with the old one? That way all I need to do is find the damn thing and pick up where I left off (assuming the minibike isn't lost).

Side note: I might delete the stuff in the "surplus" crates once I get there since that stuff was obtained from loot crates around the map instead of spawned in.
Last edited by Gofastmike; May 1, 2017 @ 12:01pm
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Samothec Apr 29, 2017 @ 12:53pm 
I don't think it would be possible to save a section of the map per se. However ...

I know some people have designed prefab buildings to add to the game. I think your best bet would be finding out how they save the prefabs to see if you could save your current house as one. If you can save it as a prefab house, you could just use the creative menu to add it to other maps.
Patouski Apr 29, 2017 @ 12:58pm 
It is possible to copy and save regional data from a saved game. They are located in your AppData\Roaming\7 Days To Die\Saves\Random or Navezgane\Seed Name\Region.

Now, there might be incompatibilities issues with your region if the version is fairly older than A15, so expect a few glitches... or outright crashes. But it is doable.
Gofastmike Apr 29, 2017 @ 1:21pm 
I think I might go with Patch's idea. So I guess all I need to do is find the chunk in-game and copy the chunk data to the new map?

If it doesn't work that well by doing it manually, I could post the in game co-ords here and have Wave use his calculator to help out.
Last edited by Gofastmike; May 1, 2017 @ 12:04pm
Wave Apr 29, 2017 @ 1:23pm 
It's not my tool but yepp sounds like a solid plan.
Gofastmike Apr 29, 2017 @ 1:39pm 
Well, I couldn't find out how to display my chunk, but, I found the in-game co-ords: 163 N / 1085 E puts me at the SW corner of the house's porch. It's the one south of Diersville in the burnt forest, can't miss it.
Last edited by Gofastmike; Apr 29, 2017 @ 1:40pm
Wave Apr 29, 2017 @ 1:44pm 
Should be in the file r.2.0.7rg according to my calculation and to the map:

(1085 / 512) = 2.12 -> round this value down because it's east -> x = 2
(163 / 512) = 0.32 -> round this value down -> y = 0
Last edited by Wave; Apr 29, 2017 @ 1:46pm
Gofastmike Apr 29, 2017 @ 1:55pm 
According to that map it's in coordinate 1,-1, along the road.
Wave Apr 29, 2017 @ 2:02pm 
I don't know. Imho everything >1024 means "2" because the size of a region file is 512 blocks but shouldn't be difficult to test.
Last edited by Wave; Apr 29, 2017 @ 2:03pm
Gofastmike Apr 29, 2017 @ 2:06pm 
Ok, I'll try that. I think I'm going to put it into a test map first, since I plan on deleting my old map to use the name for the new one. Btw, will it save the minibike too, or will I have to rebuild that?

Also, how do I save map waypoints besides just writing them down on paper and making new ones in the new map?
Last edited by Gofastmike; Apr 29, 2017 @ 2:10pm
Wave Apr 29, 2017 @ 2:14pm 
Originally posted by Gofastmike:
According to that map it's in coordinate 1,-1, along the road.
Mhh the map was outdated sorry:
should be r.2.0.7rg.

Originally posted by Gofastmike:
Also, how do I save map waypoints besides just writing them down on paper and making new ones?
Afaik this info is stored somewhere in the 'players' folder (same directory as the region folder).
Last edited by Wave; Apr 29, 2017 @ 2:16pm
Gofastmike Apr 29, 2017 @ 2:30pm 
Ok, it worked, my house is where it belongs. now I just need to find the other markers and...

*Ponders alternate solution*

Actually, instead of going through all this mumbo-jumbo of making a new map, could I just delete all the chunk files except for the ones my base and waypoints are in and keep the old save? And if so, would it be reflected in the in-game map or would I have to delete some of it's data as well. If so, I can give you the co-ords of the other WPs as well.
Wave Apr 29, 2017 @ 2:53pm 
Originally posted by Gofastmike:
Actually, instead of going through all this mumbo-jumbo of making a new map, could I just delete all the chunk files except for the ones my base and waypoints are in and keep the old save?
The waypoints are not stored in the 7rg files. So you could delete every region file but keep r.2.0.7rg.

If you don't want to delete the waypoints, just don't touch the player folder. So you cannot reset your character to level 1 without deleting the waypoints.

Originally posted by Gofastmike:
? And if so, would it be reflected in the in-game map or would I have to delete some of it's data as well. If so, I can give you the co-ords of the other WPs as well.
Afaik you have to delete the .map file in the folder 'player' to reset the in-game map. Btw. Not sure what you are trying to achieve.^^
Last edited by Wave; Apr 29, 2017 @ 2:57pm
Gofastmike Apr 29, 2017 @ 3:00pm 
What I meant is that in one of them, I refurbished a house that was there, and in another, I added a wood fence around the trader that was there to mark where his land claim was. With both areas not being loaded before the update that gave Navezgane it's new map, there are two others, but one just marks the map center and the other is a settlement that I can re-raid.

What I meant about it reflecting in the in-game map was that if I deleted a chunk, would the corresponding area in the map turn blank, or would it still be filled in?
Last edited by Gofastmike; May 6, 2017 @ 11:53am
Wave Apr 29, 2017 @ 9:41pm 
Originally posted by Gofastmike:
What I meant is that in one of them, I refurbished a house that was there, and in another, I added a wood fence around the trader that was there to mark where his land claim was. With both areas not being loaded before the update that gave Navezgane it's new map, there are two others, but one just marks the map center and the other is a settlement that i can re-raid.
Yes of course, you have to save the other areas too (trader and house).

Originally posted by Gofastmike:
What I meant about it reflecting in the in-game map waas that if I deleted a chunk, would the corresponding area in the map turn blank, or would it still be filled in?
It would be still filled in but would show the old state of the map until you visit the area again. If you made significant changes (so things that are visble at the map), you will not see them.
Last edited by Wave; Apr 29, 2017 @ 9:42pm
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Date Posted: Apr 29, 2017 @ 12:49pm
Posts: 15