Space Engineers

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[UESC] "Shorter" Build Contest 22: Defence Stations
"In stellis ortum certa evadat. Percutient, dignissim cursum."
(Finally got around to setting this up)

Welcome to the Twenty Second (that's 22nd not 22s :P)Monthly Construction Contest hosted by the UESC! My name is Chucky Dickens and I shall be your host for the month. This Contest's topic is;
"Point Defence Stations"
*Please note, that we are asking two builds per participant here.*
We're also giving another opportunity for those who can't run planets to take part.

Keen Sponsorship
*This contest is organized by the UESC community in collaboration with and sponsored by Keen Software House*

The UESC is offering prizes for 1st to 3rd place in our monthly contests.
This months topic is Defence stations.

The contest will end on January 31st 23:59 (UTC). We will not accept any submissions afterwards.
UTC Clock[]

Faction Links

UESC Website[]
UESC Forum[]
UESC Steam Page
Voting Room
Contest group

What is this contest about?

The UESC wants to reach out into the community, providing a whole new way to enjoy Space Engineers. So to provide amusement and joy for the Space Engineers community as a whole, we decided to host a competition on a monthly basis with prizes in the form of games.

Every month, with every new contest, there will be a new topic, defining the type of your creation. If you were able to build anything your imagination can offer, then the judges would have a really tough time!

What are the prizes I can win?

The UESC is able to offer prizes in the form of video games, or, in exceptional cases, honorary positions or actions. These video games, which are the main prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, will be sent to the winners in the form Steam keys or download links.
All the games will come from HumbleBundle[], which means that the winners will get their free games, the money goes to charity and everyone lives happily ever after!

This months prizes are sponsored by the UESC and Keen Software House!

*Keen is graciously giving the three winners their choice of either Space Engineers or Medieval Engineers in the form of Steam Keys. If you don't have M.E. yet, now's your chance to win a copy. Alternatively, you can win some S.E. Game Codes to give to your friends*

Construction Requirements
For this contest, we are trying something a little different. I am asking you all to design and build stations with various weapons systems to act as defence platforms for an area, or even siege weapons for assaulting an enemy position. These builds will not be anchored to asteroids, and as such, shall require their own thrusters, but they are not supposed to be highly mobile. Built in areas of high strategic importance, such as mining bases or manufacturing facilities, they would provide a millitary presence to ensure security of their local area.
Another Idea, is a hangar defence. this would house squadrons of small ship, strike craft and be able to refit them in the field. keep in mind, that this is a staging area, not a carrier.
(puzzles with self as to whether hangars should be larger, and/or anchored to asteroids)

If you feel the station is too small, remember, you will likely have several defending an area.

The Stations must have at least these Specs:
  • No more than 750 blocks (Per Station)
  • Large Ship Grid.
  • Must be armed.
  • Must Have Heavy Armour
  • 2-3LCCs or equivalent of storage
  • Thrusters and Gyroscopes to allow stability and aiming of weapon systems
  • Crew capacity of at least 3 engineers (can have remote control capability though)
  • Should meet dependant requirements:

Required Rooms
  • Bridge/Fire Control Center
  • Power Plant
  • Airlock
  • Oxygen production/life support
  • Medbay

Dependant Requirements:
  • Hangar Defence should be able to house at least 5 strike craft. (you may build your own fighter, use one of keen's or the UESC's Fighter which will be linked below)
  • Hangar Defence should have facilities to rebuild/scrap damaged fighters. An assembler or two is highly advisable.
  • Hangar Defence should have a Preperation area for pilots.

  • Defence platform should have at least one control seat per two turrets on the station.
  • Must have at least 6 turreted weapons.
  • Bonus points for player made weapons (Turrets, torpedoes etc.)

Example UESC Fighter (link not comming sorry)
How will I be rated?

You will be rated on an average of four different aspects, for this contest those are: Combat Ability, Features, Aesthetics and Manouverability. It is always a good idea to make your ship visually appealing, however it is not as big a factor in this contest. Overkill can diminish your points, this way you will have to make different design choices. It also gives players who are not experienced in aethstetics a chance.

Can I use mods?

Only a small amount of modifications are selected each month, highly depending on the topic. If you have suggestions for future mods, feel free to share your ideas in the comments. For this contest I will be allowing ANY weapons mod on the workshop to be used.
(Also, I'm being serious about small mod list this time Unlimited weapon choice, and then a maximum of 6 other mods)

*Remember that using mods is not mandatory. You can build in vanilla as well*
Looking for Mod suggestions!

You may also use all skyboxes, LCD mods, sound mods and scripts available on the workshop without undergoing sanctions.

How can I enter this contest?

Everyone can enter the contest, you do not need to be nor become a member of the UESC, even though new members are highly appreciated and always welcome. Simply post your creation as a world file in the comment section with the following submission form:

Distributor: Creation's Name: Short Description: (Insert World File Link Here)

Submissions may not be eligible in the following cases which will result in disqualification:
- Posting more than two submissions per player
- Not using the submission form given above
- Posting the submission as blueprint
- Using mods that are not listed above (with the exception of skyboxes, LCD mods and scripts)

For now, All Judging will be done in DX11, so please account for that if anything in your build is based around extra DX9 functionality. We are sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.

Voting Polls
No Current Polls

I wish you all good luck and I look forward to see what awesome creations you guys come up with! If you've any questions or concerns, feel free to ask.

"You know where to find me" ~ Chucky Dickens :rebellion:
Terakhir diedit oleh Chucky Dickens; 19 Jan 2016 @ 7:24am
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Menampilkan 1-15 dari 171 komentar
SnowCrash 11 Jan 2016 @ 12:53am 
WOOT! Lets roll em out boys ;)
Hmm, 750 block limit with all that is a bit stiff. Does it apply to the fighters on the station? Does it apply to torpedoes? Does it apply to small-grid equipment that I have to attach to the station to get the assembly setup to work right?

Diposting pertama kali oleh UESCChucky Dickens=FILTH=:
Keen Sponsorship
*This contest is organized by the UESC community in collaboration with and sponsored by Keen Software House*

The UESC is offering prizes for 1st to 3rd place in our monthly contests.
This months topic is Trade Ships.
Is that part correct? I'm assuming that's a typo.
XD yes, that is a "typo" (remains of last contest, and a clear sign we use a template...) Fixed. thank you.

@Spets, No actually, as that is waaaay over the block count. Sorry.
Terakhir diedit oleh Chucky Dickens; 11 Jan 2016 @ 4:43am
SpetS 11 Jan 2016 @ 5:11am 
I know

It's very hard keeping this within the block limit with those requirements. Already at around 680 blocks, and I've yet to design the hangar bay. I may have to literally cut some corners, and possibly leave a section(possibly the hangar itself) outside in cold vacuum. The "main cannon", an adv. rotor supporting half a dozen rocket launchers pointing at the same direction, may have to go in favor of a standard missile turret.

As it is, I had to cram the "crew quarters"(just cryotubes) into the main fire control room.
I agree 750 is a very small number do you think it might be possible to raise that limit to 1000 or 1200 because even at that number the defense platform would be very small because at this point since gyros and thrusters are required for a stable orbital structure that would eat away at limit for the required rooms
Well, I managed to get it done in 741 blocks without scrapping the big missile cannon, but I have not installed any interior lights which *might* put it over the limit, and the only thing I have that serves as a "pilot ready area" is a big sign telling them to put on their helmets and close the airlock door behind them.

My question about whether the blocks comrpising fighters or torpedoes count against the block limit, since that most certainly would put it over the limit. My block count of 741 also includes an attached small grid projector for building new fighters.
Diposting pertama kali oleh ;458605613408931841:
It's very hard keeping this within the block limit with those requirements. Already at around 680 blocks, and I've yet to design the hangar bay. I may have to literally cut some corners, and possibly leave a section(possibly the hangar itself) outside in cold vacuum. The "main cannon", an adv. rotor supporting half a dozen rocket launchers pointing at the same direction, may have to go in favor of a standard missile turret.

As it is, I had to cram the "crew quarters"(just cryotubes) into the main fire control room.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you're trying to fit the hangar and main weapons systems on one station? We are asking for two stations in this contest. one of each kind :)

@Death'sCompanion There is no restriction on weapons mods. the pack you linked is perfectly alright to use.

also guys, I was going to have a block limit of 500, and ask for 3 stations, but a little bird told me that It'd be better to have two builds at 750 blocks.

Oh, and Fighters and torpedoes do not count to the block limit.
Terakhir diedit oleh Chucky Dickens; 11 Jan 2016 @ 9:05am
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you're trying to fit the hangar and main weapons systems on one station? We are asking for two stations in this contest. one of each kind :)

Ahh i got the wrong idea from OP, i thought that you coud do just a hanger defence or a point defence, or do 2 if you wished haha

So to qualify we need to make one of each?

Also can the required rooms be split between the two stations? so life support, cargo and assemblers in the hanger platform, then a small remote weapons platform contrlled from within the hanger station?
Terakhir diedit oleh Karmaterrorᵁᴷ; 11 Jan 2016 @ 9:37am
SpetS 11 Jan 2016 @ 9:38am 
to be honest, Im not here for the prizes, but for the fun of the competition and to see other people creativity of the same theme. Maybe I will enter this one.
Terakhir diedit oleh SpetS; 11 Jan 2016 @ 9:38am
The last contest was my first and was certainly fun ton have a challenge. Im going to try again on this one.
do the required rooms need to be separate from each other or could we combine rooms together to fulfill multiple roles

these were a lot of fun to work with and could give the designs some unique shapes.
< >
Menampilkan 1-15 dari 171 komentar
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Tanggal Diposting: 10 Jan 2016 @ 8:11pm
Postingan: 171