A similar game...
Hello. First — I am NOT spamming every discussion board, just 4 of my favorites that I feel have some similarities to my humble efforts presently on Greenlight. Hoping that fans of 140 (and the other 3) might enjoy it.

The game is Metareal.

Why a 140 fan might like Metareal:
  • Bright colors, completely non-representational world.
  • Sound & synthesis plays a key role in the workings of the Metareal world.
  • Just hard enough, enjoyable and doable by most people.
  • Some interesting moving objects on repeating patterns.

Differences from 140:
  • Metareal is not an arcade game! It’s a puzzle world. (And yet… and yet I feel there is connection.)
  • About thinking & doing, not rhythms and moves.

Thanks for reading. Metareal is a ways out, but I hope you’ll consider up voting to help move it along, and help its development get plugged-in to the Steam community.

I hope this bit of self-promotion has not caused offense. (PS The other three are Fract OSC, Kairo, and Antichamber.)

Warmly — David Van Brink, Santa Cruz, California
Metareal Greenlight Page
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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
No Linux? Well now I'm offended :steammocking:
BlaXpirit eredeti hozzászólása:
No Linux? Well now I'm offended :steammocking:
:-) Honestly, I'll add it to the list. It is worth doing.
Looks cool. I added it to my follow list.
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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
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