War Thunder

War Thunder

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Being force to purchase multiple vehicle to progress to a new tier
Gaijin, please change this farce. Stop forcing us to urchase multiple vehicles across one tier. Vehicles which we don't like and won't use, yet we have top purchase them to move on to the next vehicle. This rule is ridiculous and a few years back it was non-existent. Change this fiasco please!
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Kogoro Nov 16, 2023 @ 10:16pm 
Am I the only one who spades all vehicles as they progress through a tree, seems weird to skips stuff to me, also yeah it's to stop people from just rushing up one line to the end with little vehicles, which is a little weird as you can do that with your wallet.
Last edited by Kogoro; Nov 16, 2023 @ 10:17pm
CyberStonka  [developer] Nov 17, 2023 @ 12:33am 
Originally posted by Militant_Stalin:
Gaijin, please change this farce. Stop forcing us to urchase multiple vehicles across one tier. Vehicles which we don't like and won't use, yet we have top purchase them to move on to the next vehicle. This rule is ridiculous and a few years back it was non-existent. Change this fiasco please!

One of the functions of this restriction is to "force" players to play more than 1 vehicle. Without it, you would have more and more battle with players who simply "run" through tech tree. They will have 1 vehicle at high BR and nothing to put in line with it. We do not have plans to change that rule. We adjust number of vehicles if there are changes in tech tree, but I do not see that we will remove this rule.

Originally posted by Kogoro:
Am I the only one who spades all vehicles as they progress through a tree, seems weird to skips stuff to me

Same here, I spade everything one by one in every tech tree. So if something new pop-up, I get back to it before I proceed with more advance vehicles. Thanks to this my line up are always full of vehicles and I can spawn numerous times in battle.
xCrossFaith Nov 17, 2023 @ 1:45am 
I think a good improvement to the system would be to change the way the progression works, instead of being in vertical do it in horizontal while keeping the forced purchases

For instance think about Sweden or Italy, when the Finnish and Hungarian subtrees got added if a player is alrady at a high rank with those it makes no sense for them to go again throug a WWII plane or tank that won't be of any use for them

Or at least do something like they did for the RP in the foldered vehicles, if you already have a tech tree vehicle of a higher rank than the one you are researching, it's SL cost gets reduced
For instance a rank III or IV vehicle that costs 100k SL could cost 75-50k instead if you already have some rank V or VI vehicle

This would make both the grind more bearable and incentivise players to actually try other nations

Originally posted by CyberStonka:
Originally posted by Militant_Stalin:

One of the functions of this restriction is to "force" players to play more than 1 vehicle. Without it, you would have more and more battle with players who simply "run" through tech tree. They will have 1 vehicle at high BR and nothing to put in line with it. We do not have plans to change that rule. We adjust number of vehicles if there are changes in tech tree, but I do not see that we will remove this rule.

Originally posted by Kogoro:
This sounds as a good idea on paper but I'm sure you are aware that it really does close to nothing to prevent one death leaving, specially at those higher br's
Last edited by xCrossFaith; Nov 17, 2023 @ 1:50am
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Date Posted: Nov 16, 2023 @ 10:06pm
Posts: 3