War Thunder

War Thunder

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Wrench gaming Dec 11, 2024 @ 11:22am
To Scharnhorst players that actual die in game, how has someone killed you?
I play a lot of U.S. naval and I've just decided to ignore Scharnhorsts and pray they don't notice me. My main ship, the USS Mississippi, just cannot match them in any aspect and I've basically given up trying to damage them. The only times I've ever even gotten a Scharnhorst to sink is if the entire team helps pitch in, and even then it mostly doesn't work. I have followed every tip and trick I could find, like aiming at the certain dashed line (/) on the cammo, shooting the rear turrets ammo and it never works, and at most I get 10% of their crew killed.

So, I ask those who sail this ship what has killed you?
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
Eftwyrd (Banned) Dec 11, 2024 @ 12:42pm 
I kill them plenty with type93 torpedoes, nothing is safe from those monsters
Wrench gaming Dec 11, 2024 @ 12:51pm 
Originally posted by Eftwyrd:
I kill them plenty with type93 torpedoes, nothing is safe from those monsters

That's kinda funny, I remember a match where this Shimikaze said they hit 3 of their long lances on a Scharnhorst and said "well that did less than jack sh*t." I can't remember if he J'd out after that lol
Last edited by Wrench gaming; Dec 11, 2024 @ 12:51pm
BadStain Dec 11, 2024 @ 1:04pm 
The Mississippi would be my last pick to deal with Sharns let alone most anything else being how Gaiijin nerfed it to the point of being an almost one-shot with its ammo rack vulnerability.

The Sharns are not good staying afloat when taking flooding damage combined with crew loss (water pumps forward of turret 1 I believe), ammo-rack detonations are less common than most BBs for sure, but concentrated fire will drown them eventually outside of the aforementioned type 93 or two. In the not to distant past the HE rounds from the Iron Duke/Marlborough with 88kg of explosive would do a number on their crews which would really hurt repair times.
Last edited by BadStain; Dec 11, 2024 @ 1:05pm
Eftwyrd (Banned) Dec 11, 2024 @ 1:28pm 
Originally posted by Wrench gaming:
Originally posted by Eftwyrd:
I kill them plenty with type93 torpedoes, nothing is safe from those monsters

That's kinda funny, I remember a match where this Shimikaze said they hit 3 of their long lances on a Scharnhorst and said "well that did less than jack sh*t." I can't remember if he J'd out after that lol
possibly had them set too shallow, if you don’t change it the default is 1m but I definitely had that no sell against larger ships a couple of times, so I have mine set to 4m. Not always but I have definitely one shot scharnhorst with them a few times. Usually it does some pretty heavy damage
FryingTiger Dec 11, 2024 @ 3:44pm 
Personally, I've had good luck alternating APCBC with HE, The goal being kill as many crew members as I can, set fires, and break stuff. You want to try to obtain a good high firing arc so you hit the decks and superstructure vs the hull, barbettes, or turrets head on.
French Cat (Banned) Dec 11, 2024 @ 4:06pm 
I target their guns and then DDOS their network, Hack into their power grid, and cancel their internet service. Even then it's still a 10% chance you sink them.
jacko2111 Dec 11, 2024 @ 5:22pm 
as a US and German naval player i understand your pain while enjoying it.my tenn. gets one shotted from a dam bayern yesterday, the Alaska is a good fight for the sharn im my experience. but still ive walked throw enemy lines with my sharn
RogueSoldier Dec 12, 2024 @ 6:00am 
Originally posted by Wrench gaming:
Originally posted by Eftwyrd:
I kill them plenty with type93 torpedoes, nothing is safe from those monsters

That's kinda funny, I remember a match where this Shimikaze said they hit 3 of their long lances on a Scharnhorst and said "well that did less than jack sh*t." I can't remember if he J'd out after that lol

I've been here before as well; once landed a few hits at range with long lances only to just do jack all and barely damage the thing.

If I'm lucky i might be able to do damage to the Scharnhorst with Amagi or Mutsu but that's a tall order. I still get flashbacks to the days of 5-6 IJN 14" BB's, like Fuso/Ise, being the minimum mandatory for even trying to engage a single Scharn.

The Scharnhorst is the most over-performing vehicle in this game am I'm convinced Gaijin will just make the Bismarck perform just like it, but scaled up, so they can give Germany something to stand next to Iowa and Yamato; even though the entire ship design was obsolete from the start.
Hotschi48 Dec 12, 2024 @ 10:39am 
Since I keep records, I can list all vessels with which I managed to sink a Scharnhorst,

Battleships and Battlecruisers - Wyoming, Imperatritsa Mariya, Haruna, Ostfriesland, Renown
Heavy Cruisers - Dupleix
Light Cruisers - Brooklyn, Shcherbakov, Myoko
Destroyers - Shimakaze, Kiyoshimo
Coastals - PT-565, Pr.206

With battleships, Dupleix and the two US and Russian light cruisers it was definitely done by gunfire. with Myoko it was most likely torpedos, with destroyers and coastals it was definitely by torpedos, all with torpedo depth set to 1 m (I switched to 4 m just 2 days ago).

I list this not to brag about it - there is nothing to brag about - it is just to show that sinking a Scharnhorst is not a mission impossible. But bearing in mind that it appears that in naval, whoever lands the last hit gets the kill, I'd say that my sinkings by cruisers gunfire were most likely just the last hit which scored.

In shorter words, use battleships' gunfire and torpedos when using anything else.

The Scharnhorst in the game is vulnerable to flooding, it only has 2 pumps, one forward, one aft and the forward one is located in front of the armor belt between the turret's front and the breakwater structure, and this one is the weak spot - just try to remember how often you have seen a Scharnhorst in the game with the bow down low.... With gunfire, try to hit the target close to the waterline on the front where the pump is located, also use HE to burn down crew numbers, as others already have said.

The Scharnhorst is a formidable opponent, which might have a too high rate of fire at long distance in the game but that's debatable, but other than that it is by no means a unsinkable ship.

Forgot to mention, I own the Scharnhorst but played it only once, and back then I was sunk by a Wyoming with long distance gunshots.
Last edited by Hotschi48; Dec 12, 2024 @ 10:41am
BitchyBitchLover69 (Banned) Dec 12, 2024 @ 2:47pm 
In Order of most dangerous to least dangerous:
1: Scharnhorst
2: Kronshtadt
3: Alaska
4: Any Japaness Battleship/cruiser above 6.0 (besides that premium yamashiro, that thing is just sad)
5: Every Battleship/cruiser with a caliber beyond 400mm.
6: Torpedos (mostly japaness).
7: Big Plane Bombs.
BitchyBitchLover69 (Banned) Dec 12, 2024 @ 3:01pm 
Originally posted by RogueSoldier:
Originally posted by Wrench gaming:

That's kinda funny, I remember a match where this Shimikaze said they hit 3 of their long lances on a Scharnhorst and said "well that did less than jack sh*t." I can't remember if he J'd out after that lol

I've been here before as well; once landed a few hits at range with long lances only to just do jack all and barely damage the thing.

If I'm lucky i might be able to do damage to the Scharnhorst with Amagi or Mutsu but that's a tall order. I still get flashbacks to the days of 5-6 IJN 14" BB's, like Fuso/Ise, being the minimum mandatory for even trying to engage a single Scharn.

The Scharnhorst is the most over-performing vehicle in this game am I'm convinced Gaijin will just make the Bismarck perform just like it, but scaled up, so they can give Germany something to stand next to Iowa and Yamato; even though the entire ship design was obsolete from the start.

Oh please, gimmi a break, the 7.0 german battleships/cruisers have only become powerfull after gaijin buffed Naval Shells, makeing those german APHE Shells usefull.
Before it was russian and japaness battleships/cruisers, who nuked everything with there OP HE shells out of the water, since the very release of battlehips.
mogami_99 Dec 12, 2024 @ 3:21pm 
I kill plenty of Scharnhorst using the supposedly bad ships. They have 2 major advantages. a large crew and rapid firing main guns.although the rate of fire they use at all ranges really only existed at around 8km. Those torpedoes also are a plus.
The best way to win circle jerk battles is kill the enemy Scharnhorst since they are always the most forward enemy ship. Kill them and the cap changes to your color.
Last edited by mogami_99; Dec 12, 2024 @ 3:39pm
mogami_99 Dec 12, 2024 @ 4:09pm 
every ship on this list has been sunk by a Scharnhorst
every ship on this list has killed a Scharnhorst
(some more then other both ways) I think the IJN has the advantage
Last edited by mogami_99; Dec 12, 2024 @ 4:11pm
mogami_99 Dec 12, 2024 @ 4:50pm 
Originally posted by jacko2111:
as a US and German naval player i understand your pain while enjoying it.my tenn. gets one shotted from a dam bayern yesterday, the Alaska is a good fight for the sharn im my experience. but still ive walked throw enemy lines with my sharn

The IJN Amagi has a slightly lower rate of fire but it has 10x 16 inch guns. More torpedoes with a longer range. Just as good armor and a larger crew. My issue with Amagi (and I am a Japanese main) is it never existed. But in War Thunder Amagi kills Scharnhorsts
Col. Cornbread Dec 12, 2024 @ 5:00pm 
I've killed serveral with RNG BS with 5 inch guns... it shouldn't happen but it does.
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Date Posted: Dec 11, 2024 @ 11:22am
Posts: 18